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Author Topic: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?  (Read 103925 times)

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« Reply #1275 on: January 06, 2025, 06:15 »
today is a holiday in Italy,Spain,France,Germany,Russia,Iceland,Hungary and Romania.

Epiphany or "Befana" in Italian language.

I see a lot of juicy royalties,but the number of sales is very low.

interesting to note that from the beginning of the year until now I have only sold real photos.

« Reply #1276 on: January 07, 2025, 06:44 »
pos 1990, 7500 files

down, down, down

« Reply #1277 on: January 07, 2025, 16:49 »
bad start to the year for me too,but not much different from last year.

up to now I have sold less than last year,but it doesn't make any difference,because at the end of the month I will most likely have a 20-50% more number of sales.

I don't know the earnings,because the earnings may vary more and mostly depend on how many videos I sell.

I started working on the new AI people content,I've already been working on it for a few days,on average 2-3 per day,but it's particular content that takes time,then we already know that the more you look at AI content the more you find things to correct.

that's enough for today,tomorrow I will review the first batch,I will make the last corrections and then indexing,I couldn't even continue tonight,I'm too tired and I wouldn't be able to notice everything I could notice tomorrow morning,when my brain is fresher!  :D

I'm putting in the effort,but it's also time I started seeing better results,or as a last resort,I will change strategy,focusing more on quantity than quality.

honestly I am quite convinced that it doesn't make much difference,and that I will always continue to make 20-70% more in terms of sales number compared to the previous year,with one negative month and perhaps one extremely positive one per year.

which is better than hell,but if it continues like this,the journey to get to an income,at least a decent one,will take too long.

these first 3 months of the year will be very,very important,to understand how,if and when!  :)

« Reply #1278 on: January 07, 2025, 18:31 »
first time inside the top 10k.  little over 4k files.

« Reply #1279 on: January 08, 2025, 00:22 »
Congrats on getting inside 10k.

I hope when things pick up next week your journey up continues.

@Injustice  I look forward to your new people content. It is much better than mine.

I am also working on new people content every day. I am also slowly selling more people. Early days, i have around 1300 people. I guess the fun will start with 10 000.

« Reply #1280 on: January 08, 2025, 05:44 »
@yuriy thanks for posting this,you can clearly see that no one is selling yet,it's not good,because under 10,000 with 14 sales is really little.

but congratulations on your first time under 10,000!  :)

@Cobalt thanks,but you also did an extraordinary job last year,and I know that you also always try to create the highest quality and marketability possible,and continuing to do it for a long time as you are doing is not easy.

yes,I think we need at least 5000+ AI people contents with high quality and marketability,contents that stand out,useful,different,interesting....it's not easy.

and then it also takes a long time before they start selling regularly,then it depends,this also takes a bit of luck I think,but also the ability to create them at the right time.

I still believe that dedicating time to creating better and sellable content is always the best choice.

last month I uploaded 617 contents,but I don't know how many of these 617 I will sell.

what I'm doing now is different,I'm pretty sure that this are contents that will sell,but at most I will be able to produce 120 of these contents in a month,because clearly require much more time.

« Reply #1281 on: January 08, 2025, 06:10 »
With 50k you already have a very large port. So making 2025 the year of more specialised but very high quality content sounds like the right way forward.

Currently, I am mostly processing real videos and planning my first little home video shoot for next week. Something simple with food.

I am trying to find a good place at home to work with natural light. I have a tiny little triangle french balcony, less than 1 sqm. But protected from the rain and with white brick walls. Maybe I can turn that into a little outdoor studio space.

Once it is set up it will be much faster to do little shootings. There is so much you can do with food preparation that is missing.

« Reply #1282 on: January 08, 2025, 07:33 »
now pos 2840

but somebody is still in the top 500...

« Reply #1283 on: January 08, 2025, 08:00 »
Fell below 7000 this week  :(. But at least the RPD is currently pretty nice  :D

« Reply #1284 on: January 08, 2025, 08:50 »
now pos 2840

but somebody is still in the top 500...

yes but right now,in general we are all selling less than usual,here's another example,your position 2,840 with only 61 sales.

probably at this moment if you only make 50 sales in less than 24 you will already reach below position 1000,probably even less than position 500!

From what I see,it seems clear to me that we are all selling less than usual,except perhaps those who have recently started and are in favor of the algorithm at the moment.

« Reply #1285 on: January 10, 2025, 06:24 »
a really terrible start to the year for me on AS,at the moment my weekly rank is worse than my full rank.

This January so far is much worse than January 2024 and I risk ending the month at a loss compared to last year,but anything can still happen,the month is still long.

the only thing I know is that yesterday I didn't work,the desire to create is currently reduced to a minimum,given the poor results so far since the beginning of the year,I've actually earned more on SS up until now,I hope that the situation on Adobe will improve as soon as possible,and I can find my creative spirit again!  :)

« Reply #1286 on: January 10, 2025, 06:34 »
I hope things improve for you soon!

I always look at how much I earned on the same weekday, not date, last year. If I can at least make the same, it is ok. So far I am on track to make the same amount.

Of course if it does not pick up next week, I will be depressed as well. I need an increase not a standstill.

What is improving is the file mix. This was probably the first week where I sold at least one people image every day.

People are still slow sellers for me, but longterm I think they have the best value.

Trying to process my backlog of videos mostly.

my rank has stabilized a bit

pos 2700, files 7500


today I sold 6 people images, must be a record. the people files are coming into their second year, I suppose now is the time when they start to be used for projects.

I wish I had 30k people images. That would give an excellent and steady baseline for sales.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 12:40 by cobalt »

« Reply #1287 on: January 10, 2025, 15:03 »
Feel like it is picking up this week following the holiday period slowdown with this being the best week of earnings in 4 weeks on the trend line.

Position is still low but RPD is good.

Position is 15,850, total number of files is 3510.

« Reply #1288 on: January 10, 2025, 16:20 »
With video pos is less important. sold a small video today. I wonder how many videos I need for daily video sales.

« Reply #1289 on: January 11, 2025, 13:43 »
rank is stable at pos 2710, files 7500

if there was a non ai glitch my sales were unaffected on Friday. It was actually a good day and most of the sales from the us time zone

« Reply #1290 on: January 11, 2025, 13:55 »
rank is stable at pos 2710, files 7500

if there was a non ai glitch my sales were unaffected on Friday. It was actually a good day and most of the sales from the us time zone

Well, we'll see.

I hope it picks up for me.

Granted - end of Dec/beginning Jan tends (at least from experience) seems to be a bit slower, so I hope next week improves significantly.

At the moment, my weekly income from Adobe was about 1/2 of what I was expecting it to be.

« Reply #1291 on: January 11, 2025, 17:59 »
My rank has improved a fair bit since my post above with just 3 additional sales. It must be slow for everyone generally. I hope it picks up next week too but as it is Adobe seems to be the agency that is shining a bit brighter than the others for me so far this year.

« Reply #1292 on: January 12, 2025, 15:09 »
slight move down, but in the same range.

this sunday last year I had 7 sales, today I had 6 so far, 3 ai, 3 camera images.

too early to tell if there is any influence by hiding ai.

Monday 15th Jan 2024 I had 15 sales on Adobe, 8 were camera images, 7 were ai.

We will see what happens tomorrow but it is still a very slow time of the year.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 15:15 by cobalt »

« Reply #1293 on: January 12, 2025, 16:12 »
My week ended up pretty well with another 5 video sales. Position still the same so maybe it hasn't updated yet or everyone else is beginning to see an increase in sales as we move more into the new year....

« Reply #1294 on: January 12, 2025, 16:33 »
That is a great result, especially for a slow sales time.


« Reply #1295 on: January 13, 2025, 15:28 »
rank is stable, slightly up

pos 2770

today so far 22 sales, 12 camera/video, 10 ai,


so Monday was 26 sales on adobe, 14 camera, 12 AI.

which is a normal sales mix for me this time of year.

I also have days with more ai sales than camera, but I now also have a lot more ai, 5400 ai versus 2100 camera/video content.

But my images sell better overall, because with ai I experiment a lot and most of the test files are very slow sellers.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 05:30 by cobalt »

« Reply #1296 on: January 14, 2025, 15:39 »
the situation has stabilized here too,at the moment I have the exact same number of sales as I had last year on January 14th.

which is clearly not the best,but there will probably be an increase in the second half of the month,I hope to be able to exceed at least 50% more,but 100% would be better!  :D

« Reply #1297 on: January 16, 2025, 02:51 »
pos 2870, 7600 files

fwiw yesterday I had 29 sales on Adobe

13 ai, 16 camera photo/video

« Reply #1298 on: January 16, 2025, 08:48 »
I'm more in "stand by" mode!  :D

it just hasn't taken off yet,for now I'm stuck at the same number of sales as last year.

I'm continuing to produce,but I've only created 22 new content in the last 9-10 days.

« Reply #1299 on: January 16, 2025, 09:42 »
Well, if these are all high quality people shots, why not?

I am trying to upload more people but I can rarely do more than 2-4 a day.

Next week sales should start to pick up.


maybe picking up today?

so far 25 sales

7 camera, 15 ai

« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 10:20 by cobalt »


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