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Why are sales disappearing ?

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I am not talking about sales in general, but specifically about recorded sales.
Recently I had one case on 123RF and one on SS: a sale was listed for an image - and couple of hours later it disappeared from the list, with the sales total figure going back.  Anyone can shed some light on this ? Some server/cache refreshing issues with my comp (at least with SS, where the numbers went back up) ?

But on 123RF the sale just disappeared, which I can't explain.

Funny you mention this because on Tuesday morning I woke up to one $1 sale on StockXpert and an hour later it was gone.  An hour after that I had one $.50 sale.

Not that I'm obsessed with checking stats or anything ;)

I've noticed this, too.

On SS - I think it may have something to do with time zones. When I move into the next day - SS site is still "yesterday". So "Today" and "Yesterday" may get mixed up when I click on a "Sold by Month" button. At least this is my conclusion - observing which image sold last on the previous day and which disappeared from "Today" listing.

It happened to me twice already at 123RF, the customer changed his mind and canceled  the download >:(


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