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Author Topic: Would you consider this as too much noise?  (Read 16391 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2008, 15:37 »
BTW I've uploaded whole filtered picture: http://www.flcd.net/Photo/temp/1.jpg
I've already submit it to DT but now have doubts if I did correctly or it would be rejected right away and affect my approve ratio, if possible I'd like to heard advice whenever it's suitable for submission or not?

I would guess they'll reject it for noise. I wonder if the blurred wings will be a problem to them.


« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2008, 18:28 »
well i hope you managed to get some images online and eventually upgrade your equipment so start a serious microstock income.
Thanks, Leaf! But after this thread I reviewed images which was going to submit for second time and it's appears that only some of them which doesn't have gradients and monotone patterns doesn't show obvious noise  :-\ Even on well exposed pictures in daytime noise is still obvious.
I'm waiting for review in IS and DT but now my hopes about buying equipment through earnings on microstock doesn't look so realistic. Guess I just need to start collecting money from my salary like I've did with previous camera and in few years I'll get money new one. There is a good side as dSLR market is developing rapidly and prices are slowly going down.

I would guess they'll reject it for noise. I wonder if the blurred wings will be a problem to them.
thanks, Adelaide, now I'm also realize that my images have too much noise to which I simply get used over years... I just reviewed full size sample shots of few cameras on Steves-digicams and Dcresource and it's look like technology gone too far, as cameras produce crisp clear sky or smooth background which is out of focus right away, in time when I couldn't get as close result even with noise removing software.

Thanks everyone once again for useful tips and support! it's really value this!

« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2008, 23:26 »
You need a DSLR. Even a cheap used one from a few years ago like a D50/D40 or Rebel XT/350 would be a huge improvement.
or and old canon 10D would be good as well.  The 10D has a larger sensor than the Rebel, so it might be a better bet.
The 10D is still my favorite camera purchase I've ever made because it was the best value (biggest bang for the buck).

« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2008, 15:46 »
thanks, Adelaide, now I'm also realize that my images have too much noise to which I simply get used over years... I just reviewed full size sample shots of few cameras on Steves-digicams and Dcresource and it's look like technology gone too far, as cameras produce crisp clear sky or smooth background which is out of focus right away, in time when I couldn't get as close result even with noise removing software.

Indeed more modern cameras, especially DSLRs, guarantee an easier (and happier) workflow.  But don't give up, learn from the refusals and approvals.  I still have many images taken with my 2MPix Fuji Finepix in the websites.  One of these days I'll try to upload a couple of unpublished ones.


« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2008, 16:11 »
thanks, Adelaide! I'll give a try to all agencies to see if quality of my images would be acceptable and if some of them would accept my images I would work with them. If not will photograph for my own pleasure :)


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« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2008, 22:01 »
Denis - you're in a tough spot. You're probably going to have a hard time making money with that Mintolta. I'm not sure what it's worth but could you sell or trade it and take that money to get a used DSLR? Like the others said, a Canon 10D is about $200-$250. Not cheap but it would open the door for you to start making some money. Gotta spend it to make it.  ;)

« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2008, 22:28 »
I'm not sure what it's worth but could you sell or trade it and take that money to get a used DSLR?
I would do it if I could, and although I've bough it for 500$ about 4-5 years ago I wouldn't sell it for 100$ now, as it have few broken buttons, and some bugs appear right after taking photo(now even in burst mode it show me preview of what pictures I've did), and few other minor glitches.

Like the others said, a Canon 10D is about $200-$250.
not here, if camera is working it's most likely to be sold at same price as new one... I even sees on local auctions old cameras which cost more than newer models, which is ridiculous!(it's happen because people bought them for higher money and now prices are drop a bit, but people still wish to return their old investment...). Service centers are sucks here so if equipment get broken you'll need to send it to other city(or even country for certain brands as many companies doesn't have representation here) so it's better to take camera with warranty.
And remember that my country is much smaller than states or Europe so there are not much sellers here.
We have no such prices like 250$, the cheapest dSLR I've seen was D40 for around 600$-700$(depending if you order it on shop or internet).

Just did the search on two local internet auctions like Ebay, the only second hand camera which is sold are some pentax with broken LCD, no dSLRs or even lens)

And now about good news :)

It seems that not only troubles come together but good news also, today was very good day for me because:
1. 3 images were reviewed on DT and one was approved after three days of waiting. So there is hope that not all images have excessive noise which would be the reason for rejection.
2. IStock approved my inital application today, all 3 photos were accepted :)
3. I've got approval from PhotoShelter, they reject 3 and approved 7 photos which I've submitted, not sure why 3 was rejected as they wasn't noisy as this one, maybe they just don't need something like this in collection.(BTW does anyone work with them except me?).

That's all news for now, so there is tiny hope that if at least I wouldn't make enough bucks with stocks to buy dSLR it would be enough to buy some better compact if mine would gone dead  ::)


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