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Author Topic: Giving away photos for free?  (Read 25931 times)

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  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« on: February 03, 2010, 19:02 »

I've got a question to all you really professional photographers. Sometimes I get asked by people on Flickr if they may use my photos in some place. Until recently I was just nice and gave it to them. But... should I ask for money?
I got this flickr message that they want to use my picture in a book about a German psychotherapist...it's a (nice) picture of Chinese Rice fields...only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality.
What would you do? Not sure they'd pay? Maybe they'd just use another photo, and in some way I'd be however proud to have my mediocre picture in a book, as I am not really professional?


« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 20:12 »
"only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality."

If they want it, it's quality enough, so they should pay.

« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 20:23 »
Ask them what they have to give to you for free.


  • My Bologna has a first name...
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2010, 20:38 »
If you dont care to much about getting paid then at least push for a free copy of the book and credit you in it.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2010, 20:54 »

I've got a question to all you really professional photographers. Sometimes I get asked by people on Flickr if they may use my photos in some place. Until recently I was just nice and gave it to them. But... should I ask for money?
I got this flickr message that they want to use my picture in a book about a German psychotherapist...it's a (nice) picture of Chinese Rice fields...only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality.
What would you do? Not sure they'd pay? Maybe they'd just use another photo, and in some way I'd be however proud to have my mediocre picture in a book, as I am not really professional?

They should be paying you for the use of your photos. The magazines I've been in paid 400.00 for a two page spread, 425.00 for cover, 200.00 for full page and 80.00 for 1/4 page usage. The text books paid 90.00 for 1/4 page. If your afraid they will say no if you ask...look at it this way...you wouldn't be out any more money than if you offered it for free. More than likey they wouldn't give you a free copy and they wouldn't credit you as the photographer either.

« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2010, 21:03 »
imo the questions to ask are...

are they giving there book away for free? if not you should be paid...
are they an entirely volunteer organisation? if they get paid so should you...

re quality, it is good enough quality for them to publish it :)


  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2010, 21:35 »
hm thanks for all your opinions. :-)
For me this is actually also an ethical issue towards the world of photography...
I mean with all this internet stuff people get the feeling they can just google things and come up with images or steal them from flickr or so...
it shouldn't be for free, many many good photographers make a living out of this kind of activity, and it should be honored!

so how should i formulate a proposal of payment or how do you usually do that? sorry if i ask too much.  ::)

they asked me for my real name (haven't given it on flickr) for the credit line, so it seems to be at least that kind of fairness. well i can ask at least if they're going to pay me.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2010, 21:46 »
here's a good link to stock pricing and the various uses.
Have you already given them permission to use the image? it sounds like you may have already since they said they would give you credit

« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 21:51 »
Ask them what they have to give to you for free.



  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2010, 21:53 »
Have you already given them permission to use the image? it sounds like you may have already since they said they would give you credit

no, i haven't replied at all yet. they just asked for my real name for the purpose of the credit line.

thanks for the pricing list.


  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2010, 21:54 »
Ask them what they have to give to you for free.


hmm...i don't understand exactly what you mean....  ::)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 22:10 »
1st you need to ask what the usage will be rather it is advertising or editorial...which I assume it would be editorial..and if it is 1/4 page usage or larger. You can refer to that web page to determine the different prices. You can word it like this.....I am responding to your inquiry of the image on Flickr. I will need to know the usage of this image to quote you a price for usage and explain what your conditions would be, payment ect ect. You could also ask them what their budget is for the use of this image. You need to get them to sign a contract with those conditions and also send them an invoice. It really a pain working with the customers directly for me...that's why I use agencies.
Here's a story to tell...I was  aproched by Valspar paint company to use a photo of a tractor on their spray paint cans...the license was going to be for three years. I thought "I'll charge them about 400 bucks for it" but instead I ask them what they usually pay for that and what their budget was...he said 1900...needless to say I was glad I didn't tell them before hand what I would charge them because I didn't have a clue what it was worth and that link I gave you doesn't address extended licenses. I ended up selling it for 1800.

« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 23:10 »
nothing in this world is free,unless it's for charity


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 23:42 »
Simsi..its rather funny that right after I shot out the reply to you about the buying of that photo..I went to check my e-mail and there is an e-mail in there from a customer who had bought one of my business card designs..asking to use the same photo for a magnet on their truck. They ask if they could use it....not purchase it for use. I haven't contacted them back yet. Hopefully they don't think they have the rights to use the image for nothing just because they had purchased the card.
I haven't a clue what to charge them because it's basically for one time use. Again thats why I would rather use agencies. Well back to figuring this one out. Good luck on your end.

« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2010, 00:13 »
I have images on Flickr, all watermarked to encourage people to visit my website and hopefully follow links through to an agency to buy photos.  About once every few days, someone will ask me for a photo and I send a form letter response suggesting they consider one of the agencies, with links of course.

But about half the time, these requests turn out to be students, churches or non-profit groups and I end up giving them the photos they want at no cost.  Call me a sucker for a good cause.

« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2010, 15:43 »
Personally, unless it's for some charity or research cause you may want to help, or unless it's something that will potentially be benefitial for future sales, I don't think you should give him the authorization.

Remember however that nothing impedes him from linking an image on his blog.  It is not correct, but you just may never know about.

Question: I often show other people's image in my page, but it's not a mere illustration, but a citation.  Like here:

Is this incorrect?  :-\


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2010, 15:48 »
From what Simsi said..

I got this flickr message that they want to use my picture in a book about a German psychotherapist...it's a (nice) picture of Chinese Rice fields...only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality.

I really doubt it is for charity...it sounds to be like it will be for sell. I wouldn't give it to them if they are to profit from it.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2010, 16:09 »

I got this flickr message that they want to use my picture in a book about a German psychotherapist...it's a (nice) picture of Chinese Rice fields...only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality.
My top seller on IS was taken with a G9. I'm with the others, they want it, they pay for it - I think you'll be lucky to get the sort of fees mentioned above, but you never know. It may be that when you mention money, they'll run a mile (IME that usually, but not never happens).


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2010, 16:40 »

I got this flickr message that they want to use my picture in a book about a German psychotherapist...it's a (nice) picture of Chinese Rice fields...only thing is I tooik it with my P&S, so it is not THE type of quality.
My top seller on IS was taken with a G9. I'm with the others, they want it, they pay for it - I think you'll be lucky to get the sort of fees mentioned above, but you never know. It may be that when you mention money, they'll run a mile (IME that usually, but not never happens).
I agree she couldn't get the prices I did, but I do feel IMO she should ask at least $80.00 for the use.  But I really think the question of what their budget will allow should be ask first. They may not have a budget and not give you an answer, but if they are a publisher they would know what the prices are for usage


  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2010, 13:54 »
I wrote a message to them...
I found out that this is about a book _COVER_ project of an already published book. And they don't want to pay for a cover??

Let's see.



  • Think before you speak
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2010, 17:05 »
I'm glad you ask. If they are using it for the cover they should pay for it. Hopefully you can work something out with them. Dealing with the customer direct is something I don't like doing because some of them think they can get it for nothing or get it for just a penny.

Good luck and let us know what happens..rather good or bad



« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2010, 19:41 »
I wrote a message to them...
I found out that this is about a book _COVER_ project of an already published book. And they don't want to pay for a cover??

Let's see.


If they've taken an image from your flickr account that wasn't listed for commercial use and they've published it on a book cover they've breached copyright law.

Contact the publisher and inform them that you're going to seek advice from an IP lawyer, then go to a site like Getty or Alamy and see what the fee for a RM image used for a bookcover for whatever industry and other options there are that applies, times the amount by three and send the publisher an invoice, if they refuse take them to court.

Heres a quote from Alamy, I've guessed some of the details from what you said above but it should give you a rough idea:

Selected licence:
Editorial / Textbook - print only / 1 page / up to 25,000 / Front cover / Germany / 3 years / Healthcare/Medical / Alternative Medicine
Maximum file size available for this licence : 51.2 MB
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 19:48 by RT »


  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2010, 17:09 »
So this is the answer... a bit weird.

thanks for your message
I asked the Publisher and he told that he didn't have the special budget for the photo. He can pay only 100 polish zlotys its about 25 dollars
I know it's nothing....I feel really so embarrassed.... I just make third book cover for this publisher, I did't know him very well
A book is one from the set "Hellinger library": "Bringing the roots of organizations to light" Jan Jacob Stam
I attached link to materials about exactly this book
The print run of this book is ca 2.000 copies
I hope You decide to publish your photo on cover this book. For penny this time, but I make projects for others publischers too. They sometimes pay for pictures nothing, sometimes more.

sorry for my english
if you are still interest to give me permision to use your photo please send me your mail adres and I'll send you the project of the cover

best regards

should i do it?  ???


« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2010, 17:25 »
their answer seems honest to me

$25 is about what you'd get if you sold an extended lincence on most microstock sites, and that licence would certainly cover their intended use for a book cover

so in my opinion you may accept - if you feel comfortable

just be sure you are allowing them to use your picture as royalty-free, and NOT selling the rights

PS: if we decide to sell as microstock, the difference between professional and hobbyist photographers fades; prices are low, only total sales count in the end; no room left for pride; unless you sell art or macrostock, but that's another story - I guess it's not easy at all, at least for non-professionals
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 17:29 by microstockphoto.co.uk »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2010, 17:29 »
So this is the answer... a bit weird.

thanks for your message
I asked the Publisher and he told that he didn't have the special budget for the photo. He can pay only 100 polish zlotys its about 25 dollars
I know it's nothing....I feel really so embarrassed.... I just make third book cover for this publisher, I did't know him very well
A book is one from the set "Hellinger library": "Bringing the roots of organizations to light" Jan Jacob Stam
I attached link to materials about exactly this book
The print run of this book is ca 2.000 copies
I hope You decide to publish your photo on cover this book. For penny this time, but I make projects for others publischers too. They sometimes pay for pictures nothing, sometimes more.

sorry for my english
if you are still interest to give me permision to use your photo please send me your mail adres and I'll send you the project of the cover

best regards

should i do it?  ???
That's up to you if you feel comfortable with it. It may lead to future publishing with this publisher and it may not. But if you do it, you need to be sure to get payment up front through pay pal or similar because my experience after working with these type companies, they have a tendency not to want to pay after they get the product. I've always got payment after hounding them about it and it can get frustrating. I always put in my contract that the are to supply me with a copy of the finished work.....none have done it except 'Texas Highways' magazine. Anyway it's really up to you, its your photo....or if you want, make a counter offer ;D Just don't forget that payment up front..Good luck


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