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Author Topic: 5th Annual Independent Microstock Survey Now Live - For The 2012 Microstock Year  (Read 31799 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2013, 12:08 »
I just did the survey - thanks for doing this Tyler

I was thinking about the results I reported and realized that my surprise at seeing that for me, IS outearned SS this year was in part because IS has been tanking in the second half of the year where SS was largely flat for me in the first half and doing really well in the second. So I answered the survey with accurate data, but I don't think it really reflected what's happening.

My answers were that IS was the biggest earner - but that included the PP and without that, it would not have been (SS was). I said IS had the biggest drop, SS had the most growth. I hope that captures the way it appears to me - IS is heading down and SS up although the PP is helping to obscure the drops. The reason that matters (versus just total $$) is that the PP income doesn't count towards next year's royalty calculation.

If I look at IS (no PP) first half vs. second half of 2012, IS dropped 6% in the second half whereas SS increased 63%. The PP started small (because they didn't have much of my portfolio over there at first) but its second half was 226% greater than the first (i.e. nearly 2.5 times the money in the second half).

I don't know if capturing any big shifts of this sort is relevant, but thought I'd just mention what I was seeing.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2013, 12:53 »
How do iS existing exclusives answer the question as to whether we intend to become exclusive at iStock next year?
The answer is presumably 'no', but that may skew certain result angles.

« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2013, 14:59 »
How do iS existing exclusives answer the question as to whether we intend to become exclusive at iStock next year?
The answer is presumably 'no', but that may skew certain result angles.

That question doesn't show if the person answered Yes to istock exclusivity higher up in the survey. (or at least shouldn't)

« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2013, 15:00 »
when will you publish the results?

I'll publish the first results in February

« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2013, 17:48 »
The survey is also now available in German, thanks to Amos from


« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2013, 23:22 »
Thanks everyone who has filled out the survey so far.  We are up to 89 respondents already!

Make that 90?  :)

« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2013, 08:06 »
Thanks everyone who has filled out the survey so far.  We are up to 89 respondents already!

Hi Leaf,

What is the average number of respondents from, say, the last 5 five years? I am curious if the sample size continues to go up year over year.

« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2013, 08:48 »
Thanks everyone who has filled out the survey so far.  We are up to 89 respondents already!

Hi Leaf,

What is the average number of respondents from, say, the last 5 five years? I am curious if the sample size continues to go up year over year.

don't know why but the quoting option is not showing up but that was leaf answer for 2011 survey

a total of 709 responses (so far) ... thanks everyone!

« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2013, 09:57 »
Thanks everyone who has filled out the survey so far.  We are up to 89 respondents already!

Hi Leaf,

What is the average number of respondents from, say, the last 5 five years? I am curious if the sample size continues to go up year over year.

don't know why but the quoting option is not showing up but that was leaf answer for 2011 survey

a total of 709 responses (so far) ... thanks everyone!

From inception? how does that break down by year? What was 2011's count, 2010, 2009, etc. Maybe it's irrelevant...just curious.

« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2013, 17:35 »
Here's the break down

2011: 709 responses
2010: 628 responses
2009: 413 responses
2008: 244 responses

This year so far.. 359 and counting.  I think we are ahead of last year's numbers at this time.

Thanks everyone who has shared the survey link and taken the time to fill it out themselves!

« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2013, 04:48 »
487 responses and counting...

thanks everyone!

« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2013, 06:03 »
I've always liked filling in your survey, it never felt als a "job you had to do".


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