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Author Topic: A list of partner programs  (Read 318061 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2011, 17:30 »
Just saw in this thread that 123RF now allows you to opt out.   

« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2011, 02:33 »
Zoonar now also offers "Mauritius Images - Best Price Stock" as partner option...

« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2011, 11:54 »
Zoonar now also offers "Mauritius Images - Best Price Stock" as partner option...

Talk about a niche business!  Thanks for the input.  I've added them to the list.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 20:31 by Sadstock »

« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2011, 10:34 »
Not to call shenanigans, but this Pixmac thing is still a mystery to me. Everyone says they canceled their partnership, but my images there have increased since January.

Well I know. Current status:

Pixmac is currently reselling: DepositPhotos, YayMicro and one agency that requested not to be mentioned (termination notice was published, but we're re-negotiation the contract now). FT was terminated on Dec 31st 2010. BigStock was at Pixmac for about 14 days after which contributors found out it is a BigStock content (we've not been told by the supplier).

« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2011, 09:08 »
Here's one to add under Dreamstime:

http://www.publicdomainpictures dot net

« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2011, 15:02 »
Here's one to add under Dreamstime:

http://www.publicdomainpictures dot net

That site is just providing links to Dreamstime though,.. they aren't selling from the site directly.  They aren't really selling Dreamstime's images any more than I am selling them in this thread with the image below.

« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2011, 15:06 »
Here's one to add under Dreamstime:

http://www.publicdomainpictures dot net

That site is just providing links to Dreamstime though,.. they aren't selling from the site directly.  They aren't really selling Dreamstime's images any more than I am selling them in this thread with the image below.

Ok, it doesn't need to be added then. Though Dreamstime refers to them as a Partner. Just an FYI...if you recall, this is exactly how pixmac started... :D

« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2011, 15:15 »
Here's one to add under Dreamstime:

http://www.publicdomainpictures dot net

That site is just providing links to Dreamstime though,.. they aren't selling from the site directly.  They aren't really selling Dreamstime's images any more than I am selling them in this thread with the image below.

Ok, it doesn't need to be added then. Though Dreamstime refers to them as a Partner. Just an FYI...if you recall, this is exactly how pixmac started... :D

Really?  Where did you find it?  Perhaps they are more 'serious' than meets the eye.

« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2011, 15:21 »
In my email correspondence back and forth to DT regarding the removal of my images, this site was referred to as a partner. Maybe they aren't. Maybe they are. Maybe they aren't now but will be? Not sure.

« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2011, 16:22 »
This same thing is true of many of the sites here listed as partners with Dreamstime. - ,, etc.. They are referral sites that use the referral API and they drive traffic to the main site. That's all they do. But it is apparently possible to opt out of this.

« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2011, 20:32 »
Thanks cclapper and zager, I've updated the list.

« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2011, 00:16 »
Talking about partner programs....

What bothered me most is that some "partners" would use my real name instead of my "member name" which is my pseudonym in microstock.

Some of the sites corrected that, but others I have no idea how they put the credit. In any case, I always opt out of partner programs...but sometimes I wonder if I should join istock Partner program.

« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2011, 22:16 »
Who . are these guys? WebStockPro

« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2011, 22:48 »
Who . are these guys? WebStockPro

Looks like its from Bigstock to me as WebStockPro's images of mine match best to what I've uploaded on Bigstock, but the file numbers are different.  I'm also not attributed as the photographer, instead it lists "Value Stock Images" as the "Publisher". 

« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2011, 22:57 »
Who . are these guys? WebStockPro

Looks like its from Bigstock to me as WebStockPro's images of mine match best to what I've uploaded on Bigstock, but the file numbers are different.  I'm also not attributed as the photographer, instead it lists "Value Stock Images" as the "Publisher". 

Funny, "Value Stock Images" is the same credit line for Reflexstock.

This is getting weird now...

« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2011, 21:48 »
What about ?

Fotolia affiliate? They have all kinds of other domains like
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 21:50 by click_click »

« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2011, 17:54 »
I didn't see Stocklib by Epictura on the list. Whose partner are they?

I found some images I recognized there - Lisa Young, Paul Cowan, Sandra Cunningham - so I assume it's one of the micros.

« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2011, 18:19 »
I didn't see Stocklib by Epictura on the list. Whose partner are they?

I found some images I recognized there - Lisa Young, Paul Cowan, Sandra Cunningham - so I assume it's one of the micros.

My images have the same file ID like at 123RF so I think it's their affiliate.

« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2011, 09:28 »
Does the term in-breeding occur to anyone?

« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2011, 16:50 »
Who . are these guys? WebStockPro

Looks like its from Bigstock to me as WebStockPro's images of mine match best to what I've uploaded on Bigstock, but the file numbers are different.  I'm also not attributed as the photographer, instead it lists "Value Stock Images" as the "Publisher".  

Funny, "Value Stock Images" is the same credit line for Reflexstock.

This is getting weird now...

When I did a search on Value Stock Images I got the following NOTE: We found no results in the valuestockphoto database so here are a few matches from our partners at you might find useful. Fotolia have more than 6 Million images available for download from just a few dollars  I then found images with the Fotolia watermark.  I've updated the list adding Value Stock Images to Fotolia.

« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2011, 16:52 »
What about ?

Fotolia affiliate? They have all kinds of other domains like

Found images that have the Fotolia watermark, so I've added it to the list.

« Reply #46 on: June 17, 2011, 17:02 »
I didn't see Stocklib by Epictura on the list. Whose partner are they?

I found some images I recognized there - Lisa Young, Paul Cowan, Sandra Cunningham - so I assume it's one of the micros.

My images have the same file ID like at 123RF so I think it's their affiliate.

If you look at the individual image pages, line at bottom left of the image page says Copyright 2003-2011 EPICTURA/123RF/STOCKLIB - Royalty Free Stock Photos.  I've updated the list
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 17:44 by Sadstock »

« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2011, 17:05 »
Sent to me by site mail
Oligopix has Fotolia watermarked images
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 18:07 by Sadstock »

« Reply #48 on: June 17, 2011, 17:43 »
Who . are these guys? WebStockPro

Looks like its from Bigstock to me as WebStockPro's images of mine match best to what I've uploaded on Bigstock, but the file numbers are different.  I'm also not attributed as the photographer, instead it lists "Value Stock Images" as the "Publisher".  

Funny, "Value Stock Images" is the same credit line for Reflexstock.

This is getting weird now...

Webstockpro is nutty and pretty scary they have a list of sources for their files here but it does not contain any micros.  

If you try and license a micro file from them, the licensing agreement indicates This is a legal agreement (Agreement) between Licensee (as defined below) and Unlisted Images, Inc. (Licensor). It also notes that Any dispute, controversy, or claim between the parties arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be settled before the Circuit Court of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

If you go to it is a stock company but seems to be no longer in operation.  The page is copyrighted in 2008 and I could not find a way to actually see any content.  Their phone number is 408-215-1530 which is a Sunnyvale, California number.  I could not find a street address.  

Bizarrely Reflexstock has the same license agreement as Webstockpro does if you try to license a micro image from them, indicating that you are licensing from Unlisted Images, Inc. and any disputes must be resolved in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.  

Reflexstock however is part of Ingram as its mailing address is Ingram Publishing, 26 - 28 Hammersmith Grove, London, W6 7BA, UK.

My content on both Webstockpro and Reflexstock appear to be identical and the image numbers are the same, but don't match the bigstock numbers for those files.  

YIKES!!!- Anyone want to email or call them both to find out who provides them with micro content?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 17:47 by Sadstock »

« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2011, 08:47 »
If you look at the individual image pages, line at bottom left of the image page says Copyright 2003-2011 EPICTURA/123RF/STOCKLIB - Royalty Free Stock Photos.  I've updated the list

It doesn't bother any of you that these partner programs are replacing YOUR copyright info with THEIR own names?


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