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Author Topic: Anybody working with "elite" video agencies?  (Read 9698 times)

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  • Founder of Xpiks
« on: October 25, 2022, 05:01 »
Hey folks

I was wondering if anybody is working with lesser known video agencies, as described here:

Here are just a few:
  • Dissolve
  • KEYCUTstock
  • Gallerist
  • Artgrid
  • Motion Array
  • Raw Film
  • Film Supply
  • mediaCastpro

Of course, people are commenting on Shutterstock, Adobe etc. But do you have any experience with those? If so, how did it go?


« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2022, 07:25 »
I was on Dissolve for 5 years.  Sales were decent, but they really didn't like that a portion of my portfolio was on subscription sites, so they forcibly reduced all my pricing to ridiculously low amounts, despite the fact that many of my Dissolve clips were NOT on other subscription sites.  So when my contract was up (they make you sign a 5-year contract), I didn't renew.  But they did give out the best quality t-shirts at NAB, which I still wear to this day.  Before the price reduction on my clips, I was doing about $500-$1000/mo there.

I'm also on Keycut.  They approached me and offered to keyword my clips for me, so I sent them a hard drive.  I think I've only had 2 sales so far and no payment yet.  Not holding my breath, and I don't actively submit new material there.

I also have a small portfolio on MotionArray, about 1000 clips.  That generates about $600/mo for me, so I feel the work I put in to uploading was worth it.  I really don't submit new material there regularly--their submission process is painful and the contributor side of their site is sluggish.  They're a subscription site, and commissions are based on performance, which I'm OK with and don't mind too much if other agencies migrate to similar business models.

I don't have experience with the others you mentioned.

« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 07:52 »
  • Artgrid
  • Motion Array
You definitely need to load these two. But Artgrid is very hard to get into.

« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2022, 07:53 »
I also recommend storyblocks, but it's not easy to get there either.

« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2022, 21:32 »
I also recommend storyblocks, but it's not easy to get there either.
I actually left storyblocks when the entire subscription thing happened. For some time it was giving me decent sales but it had started plummeting so it was an easy choice

« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2022, 10:15 »
I also recommend storyblocks, but it's not easy to get there either.
I actually left storyblocks when the entire subscription thing happened. For some time it was giving me decent sales but it had started plummeting so it was an easy choice
On Artgrid and Motion Array, prices are no higher. So the author of the topic is satisfied with this sales scheme.
For everyone I know, storyblocks income is only growing.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2022, 12:58 »
I also recommend storyblocks, but it's not easy to get there either.
I actually left storyblocks when the entire subscription thing happened. For some time it was giving me decent sales but it had started plummeting so it was an easy choice

My average month with their marketplace sales was about $350, and while it dropped considerably near the end, and slightly with the introduction of the subscriptions, it gradually increased after that and now it's up to about $700 a month.

« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2022, 21:52 »
I was on Dissolve for 5 years.  Sales were decent, but they really didn't like that a portion of my portfolio was on subscription sites, so they forcibly reduced all my pricing to ridiculously low amounts, despite the fact that many of my Dissolve clips were NOT on other subscription sites.  So when my contract was up (they make you sign a 5-year contract), I didn't renew.  But they did give out the best quality t-shirts at NAB, which I still wear to this day.  Before the price reduction on my clips, I was doing about $500-$1000/mo there.

Just to clarify, if you don't renew do they automatically remove all of your assets and delete your account? And this 5-year contract, does that mean the clips there are exclusive with them?


« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2022, 02:13 »
My average month with their marketplace sales was about $350, and while it dropped considerably near the end, and slightly with the introduction of the subscriptions, it gradually increased after that and now it's up to about $700 a month.
storyblocks is your number one in terms of income?


« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2022, 06:12 »
Just to clarify, if you don't renew do they automatically remove all of your assets and delete your account? And this 5-year contract, does that mean the clips there are exclusive with them?

Sorry, I guess I should have been more clear. 

No, they don't remove your clips if you don't renew.  From what I recall, I would have gone into a year-by-year contract if I didn't specifically end my account in writing BEFORE my end-date.

But, this was years ago.  Not sure what their policies are now.

Odd thing is, I still get weekly sales emails, but with 0 clips, I get 0 sales.

And they didn't "require" exclusivity from me, but I really think they preferred it, which is why they lowered my pricing.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 06:14 by J_Stock »

« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2022, 00:00 »

Understood. Thank you.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2022, 05:27 »
My average month with their marketplace sales was about $350, and while it dropped considerably near the end, and slightly with the introduction of the subscriptions, it gradually increased after that and now it's up to about $700 a month.
storyblocks is your number one in terms of income?

Storyblocks second... Elements first.

« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2023, 19:27 »
Was just watching the youtube video linked below where for his total earnings in 2022 made $5114.90.

But what  piqued my curiosity was not his total earnings but the breakdown on different agencies:

- Pond5: $72.54
- Adobe Stock: $97.30
- Livestock: $403.11 (First I've heard of this agency)
- Artgrid: $4541.95   

Has me thinking if Artgrid might be a place worth applying for and opening a new contributor account.

Anyone have experience with Artgrid? Do they only provide earnings statements and payout once a year? Or can you see what you're selling and earning throughout the year?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 19:30 by Pacesetter »

« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2023, 10:49 »
i don't think there are many customers on artgrid. i wouldn't buy anything there.
When I search for important keywords, I only get bad videos and all the results look like they are from the same provider.
similar colors, similar composition. the same people.
no display of page numbers, there is only endless scrolling.
i totally dislike endless scrolling.

« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2023, 04:06 »
I found this forum by searching for opinions about mediaCastpro, to understand the earning prospects, but it seems there are still none to be found.
I registered a few days ago, after seeing an advertisement on LinkedIn, and uploaded some videos. The company seems serious and attentive to me (I had a problem in enabling the profile to sell and, by contacting them, in less than two hours they had already solved the problem for me), but they opened very recently and so they still have very few clips for sale.
In any case, I really appreciate their different business model than usual, i.e., letting the sellers choose the prices: I always found it annoying that the agencies chose the prices for me. This is why I hope they grow (and also because of the very low commissions they charge).
In a few months I will tell you how the earnings have been, hopefully. They don't require exclusivity anyway, so I don't have much to lose even if I don't sell anything.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2023, 22:52 »
You can tell people you work for them, it's ok... it's actually encouraged.

« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2023, 06:30 »
Ahah, that's right, maybe I showed a little too much enthusiasm!

However, if it's enough to say that I like their business model (letting sellers choose the prices) to be mistaken for one of their employees, then maybe it means that few people think like me and their platform won't grow much... Enthusiasm downsized :)

I just created a new topic to ask which agencies allow choice of video pricing, to have some "bigger" alternatives on which to go.

« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2023, 02:57 »
Well  - went in to look at MediacastPro
and got this message -

"At present, the platform accepts registrations only from the
European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Leave your email to be notified when we open registrations for your country"

What .??
Why would they block all other countries?

« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2023, 13:14 »
Took a quick scan thru medicCastpro's Terms of Use.

Noticed this:
5.5. Each Seller can use 100 GB of free space for uploading files. Any additional space can be purchased from the "Optional" page.

100gb won't go very far when uploading video footage.

« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2023, 03:00 »
Well  - went in to look at MediacastPro
and got this message -

"At present, the platform accepts registrations only from the
European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Leave your email to be notified when we open registrations for your country"

What .??
Why would they block all other countries?

This is strange. I'm from Spain and I had no problems. You could ask them directly.

Took a quick scan thru medicCastpro's Terms of Use.

Noticed this:
5.5. Each Seller can use 100 GB of free space for uploading files. Any additional space can be purchased from the "Optional" page.

100gb won't go very far when uploading video footage.

I had read something about this fact on LinkedIn, which is also stated in the FAQs: "We are not an agency but a marketplace. Unlike agencies, we do not submit uploaded content for approval and have much lower sales commissions. This exposes us to the risk of getting dozens of TB of videos that are unsaleable due to their low quality. To limit this risk, we give each seller 100 GB of space, charging for any additional space. However, if a seller uploads very good quality material that is being sold, they can contact us and we will be happy to provide them with additional space for free. As of today, an additional 1 TB is already automatically given away for free for 12 months to all users who sign up. Paying for the additional space is only a deterrent to prevent too many low-quality videos from being uploaded. Our business is to make money on sales commissions and not on space rental."

I can confirm that I have 1 TB of space in my mediaCastpro account.


  • mediaCastpro footage marketplace
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2023, 07:45 »
Hi, I'm Alessandro Brencich from mediaCastpro and I try to respond to some of the issues that have been raised:

Took a quick scan thru medicCastpro's Terms of Use.

Noticed this:
5.5. Each Seller can use 100 GB of free space for uploading files. Any additional space can be purchased from the "Optional" page.

100gb won't go very far when uploading video footage.

You are right, after some complaints we realized that 100 GB was not enough and extended the initial space to 1 TB. If a seller uploads videos with good salability, we extend this space without any problems. To date there are sellers who are using even more than 6 TB. We cannot give everyone infinite space because, unlike other agencies, we do not submit uploaded content for prior approval (we want a fast platform that is also usable for news), and thus we would risk filling the site with poor-quality, unsaleable videos.

Well  - went in to look at MediacastPro
and got this message -

"At present, the platform accepts registrations only from the
European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Leave your email to be notified when we open registrations for your country"

What .??
Why would they block all other countries?

Unfortunately, each country has different legislation both in terms of copyright and in terms of taxation. Often opening in a country implies opening a branch in that country and/or a tax position, and this requires staff and costs. Considering that we are new and our budget is inevitably limited, we prefer to spend it on promoting ourselves in the countries where we are most successful.
However, it is obviously our intention to open worldwide. In fact, the platform was initially opened only for Italy, later it was extended to Europe, and later it was extended to the United States. Certainly in the future we will continue this expansion and open elsewhere as well. In order to decide which countries to prioritize, we see how many requests we get from each country (i.e., how many people leave their e-mail from that country).

« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2023, 11:06 »
Hi, I'm Alessandro Brencich from mediaCastpro
Is this an exclusive agency or is it possible to sell videos uploaded to other agencies?

« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2023, 11:09 »
Welcome here Alessandro.

Please write to the owner/moderator of the site to get yourself a verified badge for your account. Then everyone knows you are a confirmed member of your agency.

« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2023, 12:02 »
Hi, I'm Alessandro Brencich from mediaCastpro
Is this an exclusive agency or is it possible to sell videos uploaded to other agencies?
It was up to You


  • mediaCastpro footage marketplace
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2023, 01:38 »
Is this an exclusive agency or is it possible to sell videos uploaded to other agencies?

It is possible to sell videos already uploaded to other agencies.

Welcome here Alessandro.

Please write to the owner/moderator of the site to get yourself a verified badge for your account. Then everyone knows you are a confirmed member of your agency.

Thanks for the welcome and the advice - I'll do it right away.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 02:58 by mediaCastpro. »


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