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Author Topic: Anyone selling something on storyblocks ???  (Read 20338 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2018, 15:40 »
Have you checked this site out? It describes the 16 best agencies to submit to with clips. Agencies new to me and worth investigating.


« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2018, 22:01 »
Have you checked this site out? It describes the 16 best agencies to submit to with clips. Agencies new to me and worth investigating.


"16 Best Stock Video Sites Thatll Make Your Clients Happy " - It's a list of the best agencies to buy from not to submit to. Good options nonetheless.

Does SS automatically send to RocketStock?


« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2018, 02:00 »
Seems like they could just be using us to see what sells then licensing that content for the subs side of the site, leaving our portfolios to fester.

Very clever, it means they don't have to take a risk on buying stuff for the site that won't sell. We've already let them know by giving them our content. The comission they have to pay out few times is very cheap for that level of market research.

« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2018, 05:09 »
Nobody else concerned about them setting up deals with Third Party (photo) Sellers - details unknown?

« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2018, 09:27 »
I have about 800 footages there for about a year.  Average 0.5 sales a month.  Personally I don't like their site - way too many bugs.

« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2018, 09:57 »
Any photo sales at all?  I've got 350 images up there, and nary a peep.  Should I keep wasting my time?

« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2018, 13:01 »
Any photo sales at all?  I've got 350 images up there, and nary a peep.  Should I keep wasting my time?
I sold last video in October 2016 and no photo at all. Dead for me :( 

« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2018, 15:56 »
Any photo sales at all?  I've got 350 images up there, and nary a peep.  Should I keep wasting my time?

We had a photo sale in February. I uploaded 100-200 images there just to see what would happen, then found this thread and figured I'd never sell anything. But one came in. So now I am uploading more because I won't get many sales with such a small percentage of my portfolio online. I'm not going out my way to upload there, just sending new batches there when I upload to other places. The sale was for $3.99 minus a 15 cent cc transaction fee netting me $3.84. 

Wishing well

  • Photographer, 2D artist, 3D Studio Sets Creator
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2018, 22:07 »
Wow... 200+ images... I only have like 20+ on SS and already made over $270.
My ambitious goal is to get to 200.  :D  Looks like the most stock web sites are too small to bother.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2018, 08:36 »
Wow... 200+ images... I only have like 20+ on SS and already made over $270.
My ambitious goal is to get to 200.  :D  Looks like the most stock web sites are too small to bother.

How many have you got, and how much have you sold, on Storyblocks though?

« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2018, 10:54 »
I have about 1000 images and videos there since October 2017 and have exactly 2 sales.

« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2018, 11:07 »
700 photos on there, 1 sale. Good times.

« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2018, 15:57 »
I have received an email from Storyblock today, I suppose most of you have received it too.
They acknowledge that sales have been really bad and say that they are trying to get things going again.
It is nice, and unusual these day for an agency to admit that sales are bad. I must that they always had a nice communication.
I have the feeling that their re branding from Videoblock to Storyblock has been a total disaster, not surprising.
They had managed to get a decent position on the extremely difficult video market and they lost their name for the sake of running behind a media that is way overcrowded (photo)..
I never liked the membership business model and sadly Pond 5 is going heavily that way too

« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2018, 16:08 »
I have the feeling that their re branding from Videoblock to Storyblock has been a total disaster, not surprising.
They had managed to get a decent position on the extremely difficult video market and they lost their name for the sake of running behind a media that is way overcrowded (photo)..

Fully agree. That must have been one of the most idiotic moves ever. Just, why? Oh, why... Why, indeed...  :)

Not only is a name change a terrible idea after being successful - changing it to a terrible name like Storyblocks is even more terrible. I still won't call it Storyblocks. It just sounds silly. In a bad way.

« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2018, 16:45 »
Just sold a 4k video and I got $191.00  :D :D

« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2018, 16:51 »
I have received an email from Storyblock today, I suppose most of you have received it too.
They acknowledge that sales have been really bad and say that they are trying to get things going again.
It is nice, and unusual these day for an agency to admit that sales are bad. I must that they always had a nice communication.
I have the feeling that their re branding from Videoblock to Storyblock has been a total disaster, not surprising.
They had managed to get a decent position on the extremely difficult video market and they lost their name for the sake of running behind a media that is way overcrowded (photo)..
I never liked the membership business model and sadly Pond 5 is going heavily that way too

I haven't received any email from them. But nice that they admit they are struggling.  However, what does that mean for their strategy? If the model is the cause we could be in for a new "terms & conditions" agreement.

« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2018, 17:03 »
Hi Mantis, this is the content from the mail:
"Spring greetings! We wanted to touch base with you to say thanks again for helping us get the Photo Marketplace off the ground.
We also want to acknowledge that we know sales are currently low, but we are making on-site changes to our user experience that will surface and promote Marketplace content -- all to get more sales to you!
To kick-start this effort, we are having a Spring Sale on Marketplace images! You will receive full price for your content -- we will be covering the temporary price difference.
We believe that this Spring Sale, coupled with Marketplace content surfacing and user experience changes, will kick-start sales back to you.".

As usual, nice communication from them, maybe even a bit naive (I use a French word, as I cannot find an English word that fit, someone certainly will suggest a more appropriate one. I am not native speaker)

« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2018, 17:36 »
Hi Mantis, this is the content from the mail:
"Spring greetings! We wanted to touch base with you to say thanks again for helping us get the Photo Marketplace off the ground.
We also want to acknowledge that we know sales are currently low, but we are making on-site changes to our user experience that will surface and promote Marketplace content -- all to get more sales to you!
To kick-start this effort, we are having a Spring Sale on Marketplace images! You will receive full price for your content -- we will be covering the temporary price difference.
We believe that this Spring Sale, coupled with Marketplace content surfacing and user experience changes, will kick-start sales back to you.".

As usual, nice communication from them, maybe even a bit naive (I use a French word, as I cannot find an English word that fit, someone certainly will suggest a more appropriate one. I am not native speaker)

Thank you, sir. It's possible I got it but I have been traveling a ton for work.  Right now I am on a different time zone so maybe I'l have a martini and call it a night...even though it's the afternoon:)

« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2018, 15:59 »
Just sold a 4k video and I got $191.00  :D :D

Excellent and by broadcasting this 1000 more videographers will begin uploading like crazy

« Reply #44 on: April 22, 2018, 01:58 »
Over 7000 pix. 2$ "earnings". Useless.

« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2018, 05:37 »
I have the feeling that their re branding from Videoblock to Storyblock has been a total disaster, not surprising.
They had managed to get a decent position on the extremely difficult video market and they lost their name for the sake of running behind a media that is way overcrowded (photo)..

Fully agree. That must have been one of the most idiotic moves ever. Just, why? Oh, why... Why, indeed...  :)

Not only is a name change a terrible idea after being successful - changing it to a terrible name like Storyblocks is even more terrible. I still won't call it Storyblocks. It just sounds silly. In a bad way.

The other problem was picking a name that was already in use by another company producing video content for education / learning market .... https://www.storyblocks.org

This was always going to cause some confusion and a new business name should never be close to that of another company. I did mention this to them at the time but no response.... probably hoped for the best.


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