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Author Topic: Arrogance Abounds -- PERIOD  (Read 12424 times)

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« on: June 03, 2011, 13:22 »
iStock doesn't have an exclusive on this character flaw.  Big Business is arrogant.  Greed is Good.

I saw the subject line and didn't really follow the lengthy thread.  It just made me wonder about the fickle nature of contributors (especially myself).  

Shutter Stock will seldom respond to anything in a forum. They are above explanation.   Dreamstime will chastise any criticism of the community; heck, Serban is the king of "spin."  And, Fotolia.  My Lord; could any agency be more arrogant ... even obnoxious?

I'm sure iStock deserves the ire of our group.  But surely we don't let that influence our opinions of the rest, do we?  Is there really one that is any better than the other?  Do you "trust" any of them?

Yep;  Arrogance Abounds.  Maybe even a few of us (contributors) are a bit arrogant, Eh?   8) :P

« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 13:58 »
I think it's the nature of doing business over the internet where everyone is basically anonymous, reduced to a handle or an email address.  It's all too easy to be rude, evasive or unresponsive when you don't have to deal with people in person.


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« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 14:15 »
Imho crowdsourcing will almost always become crowd shafting, simply because everyone is so expandable it's beyond belief...

greatest example: the state

« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 14:15 »
iStock doesn't have an exclusive on this character flaw.  Big Business is arrogant.  Greed is Good.

I saw the subject line and didn't really follow the lengthy thread.  It just made me wonder about the fickle nature of contributors (especially myself).  

Shutter Stock will seldom respond to anything in a forum. They are above explanation.   Dreamstime will chastise any criticism of the community; heck, Serban is the king of "spin."  And, Fotolia.  My Lord; could any agency be more arrogant ... even obnoxious?

I'm sure iStock deserves the ire of our group.  But surely we don't let that influence our opinions of the rest, do we?  Is there really one that is any better than the other?  Do you "trust" any of them?

Yep;  Arrogance Abounds.  Maybe even a few of us (contributors) are a bit arrogant, Eh?   8) :P

So true!


« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 15:08 »
I think it's the nature of doing business over the internet where everyone is basically anonymous, reduced to a handle or an email address.  It's all too easy to be rude, evasive or unresponsive when you don't have to deal with people in person.

Not true, I've had great experience with pokerstars. Ultra responsive (always within 20 min), helpful and friendly support. And everything was always working anyway, no trouble with payouts, no raising the rake (equivalent to royalty share).


« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 15:10 »
Yes, and it is the lack of community and intelligence of the community which brings us into this situation.


« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2011, 15:32 »
Yes, and it is the lack of community and intelligence of the community which brings us into this situation.

Oh yes!  Too right! 

It is surely the fault of us arrogant and unintelligent contributors that we are being shafted.  It is our lack of community spirit.  It is NOT corporate greed, poor economy, dilution, or any of the other excuses endlessly floated in these forums. 

Certainly we contributors deserve what we have gotten and have basically asked for it. 

Thanks so much for sorting that out so we can all see the error of our ways. 

« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 15:35 »
I'll have to disagree, Warren.
I'm sorry :)
Let's make this point clear - no agency is perfect. Period.
Some show a lot of arrogance, some less than that and some none at all.  
When it comes to arrogance, (and not only), IStock is the worst.
What makes IStock's arrogance even more irrititating is that is based on past achievements. They're a bunch of 'have beens' living in the past.
They're not the best agency anymore, but they still think and act as if they were.

And when it comes to Dreamstime, I'm sorry to say, but you're blinded by personal matters. There's something going on between you and Achilles (and has been for some time), and you can't seem to be able to let it go.
What stops you from moving on? Is it arrogance? Pride?
Let it go Warren, free yourself.
Dreamstime is not a bad agency and thery're certainly not half as arrogant as IStock.
Can you honestly tell me how many times have you seen KKThompson or Jon Oringer engaging in conversations with contributors? Any contributor - exclusive or not.
Not many.
Achilles does that all the time.
Now whether you like the man or not is another matter. I personally have never spoken to him, or to anyone at Dreamstime, but I like the fact that he's there, approachable to all of us.
It's not arrogance, it's a good thing and makes Dreamstime a bit more special.  
Let personal matters go, whatever he told you, at least he took the time to reply.
Try that with KK Thompson at IStock.
See how far you get.

Keep smiling Warren, makes you a pleasure to read and be around :)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 15:37 by Eireann »

« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2011, 16:00 »
iStock doesn't have an exclusive on this character flaw.  Big Business is arrogant.  Greed is Good.

I saw the subject line and didn't really follow the lengthy thread.  It just made me wonder about the fickle nature of contributors (especially myself).  

Shutter Stock will seldom respond to anything in a forum. They are above explanation.   Dreamstime will chastise any criticism of the community; heck, Serban is the king of "spin."  And, Fotolia.  My Lord; could any agency be more arrogant ... even obnoxious?

I'm sure iStock deserves the ire of our group.  But surely we don't let that influence our opinions of the rest, do we?  Is there really one that is any better than the other?  Do you "trust" any of them?

Yep;  Arrogance Abounds.  Maybe even a few of us (contributors) are a bit arrogant, Eh?   8) :P
d.a.m.m you are so right :)

« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2011, 16:02 »
Yes, and it is the lack of community and intelligence of the community which brings us into this situation.

Oh yes!  Too right!  

It is surely the fault of us arrogant and unintelligent contributors that we are being shafted.  It is our lack of community spirit.  It is NOT corporate greed, poor economy, dilution, or any of the other excuses endlessly floated in these forums.  

Certainly we contributors deserve what we have gotten and have basically asked for it.  

Thanks so much for sorting that out so we can all see the error of our ways.  

we deserve? I dont for sure :)

curious this topic today, where are the new RCs??

« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2011, 16:20 »
Early on, I had an experience with "Achilles" that leads me to agree with Warren - the guy is edgy, and will retaliate in weird ways for forum posts that displease him.  After that experience I never looked at the DT forum again.


« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2011, 16:44 »
oh sure, we are just a herd of cows now, being pushed this way and that way. 4 legs good 2 legs bad, but prepare yourself for the slaughter house.

« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2011, 16:45 »
"gosh I'm just so happy to have one of images used for a real life advertising that getting paid doesn't matter to me".

« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2011, 16:46 »
Pokerstars? Is it a photo agency? RM or RF?

I think it's the nature of doing business over the internet where everyone is basically anonymous, reduced to a handle or an email address.  It's all too easy to be rude, evasive or unresponsive when you don't have to deal with people in person.

Not true, I've had great experience with pokerstars. Ultra responsive (always within 20 min), helpful and friendly support. And everything was always working anyway, no trouble with payouts, no raising the rake (equivalent to royalty share).

« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2011, 16:50 »
Pokerstars? Is it a photo agency? RM or RF?

It's an online gambling operation.

« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2011, 16:54 »
you and Warren are not the only 2 contributors to have had some problems with Achilles in the past. There are a few more.
I don't know what the story is, but I've got over 80 posts on Dreamstime forums myself and spent some time over there. Never saw him acting weird. I wouldn't like it either.
And I'm happy he's there. Approachable. It gives me confidence in the agency, it's reasuring.
And it's a lot better than being completely ignored. In my view that's arrogance.

But you never know, perhaps it would be better if Achilles would start ignoring the forums altogether? Possibly...


« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 16:57 »
Sorry guys.  This wasn't meant to be about Serban.  I actually admire his gift for the use of words.  And, he is the only CEO with whom I have dealt directly (I think).
My harshest criticism seemed pointed toward Fotolia, didn't it?  
In any case, there doesn't seem to be a dimes worth of difference in any of them.  It's a business ... THEIR business.  THEY are arrogant; just as any Bernie Madoff or the High Flying CEO in banking and financial (govern yourself) businesses.  If we want to play, we follow their rules.

There is always event photography.   :o :P

Eiranne, your angst toward me seemed much more vindictive than anything in my post.  Do WE have a problem?  Maybe you should "Let it go?"   ;D

« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 17:11 »
angry? vindictive?
Not at all ...
Is this how I came out?
I apologise, I never intended to upset you.
I actually like you very much Warren. Lovely sense of humour and beautiful port :) 
And now I'm just going to leave it at that :)

« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2011, 17:20 »
you and Warren are not the only 2 contributors to have had some problems with Achilles in the past. There are a few more.
I don't know what the story is, but I've got over 80 posts on Dreamstime forums myself and spent some time over there. Never saw him acting weird. I wouldn't like it either.
And I'm happy he's there. Approachable. It gives me confidence in the agency, it's reasuring.
And it's a lot better than being completely ignored. In my view that's arrogance.

But you never know, perhaps it would be better if Achilles would start ignoring the forums altogether? Possibly...

I've never had a problem with him, but I thought the initial post was spot on. Like most agencies, they get a little impatient with you when you tell them that their newest "feature" is silly and ill-conceived.  ;D

« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2011, 20:09 »
Can't we all just get along?  ;D

« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 20:54 »
They are all trying to be the most profitable, best businesses they can.  If it works, they succeed. If not, they fail.  Nobody is too big to fail in this economy.  Who knows what will replace them.  Think of Circuit City...


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« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2011, 22:04 »


« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2011, 01:19 »
I couldnt give a flying fart if people are arrogant or not, let them be. Who cares? Im so used to dealing with them from photo-shop owners up to CD of advertising agencies. Goes with the territory.
As far as DT, well I have always found them very helpful actually, much more so then with most of the others! and in many respect a very fair agency.

« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2011, 10:01 »
I had some long and bitter argument with Achilles in emails when they started that stupid 'too many similars' policy. We couldn't agree so I stoped uploading to DT for a long time. I was angry and to tell you the truth I still don't like them. On the other hand, name me any other owner/CEO I could have discuss my problems in person?


« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2011, 10:52 »
I had some long and bitter argument with Achilles in emails when they started that stupid 'too many similars' policy. We couldn't agree so I stoped uploading to Dreamstime for a long time. I was angry and to tell you the truth I still don't like them. On the other hand, name me any other owner/CEO I could have discuss my problems in person?

Again mate ... and everyone:  my initial post is NOT about dreamstime nor Serban.  It is about the arrogance that goes with the territory.  Specifically pointing out that it is iStock's turn in the barrel, so to speak.  Right now, most hate and ire is aimed at iStock.  Deservedly so, I suppose.  But this has been the most vicious attack that I've seen in my short time on MSG.

It could just as easily have been Dreamstime or Fotolia or Shutterstock.  All have their irritating idiosyncrasies. 

All of us have a favorite, I suppose,  I was very disillusioned earlier in the year when I found that my favorite was just as deceitful as any.  They are in the business to make money.  Just like WalMart, arrogance (even secrecy, especially secrecy)  seems to be the key to making money.   :P

PS:  My relationship with Serban is perfectly fine.  He runs his business; I run mine.   ;D


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