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Author Topic: Can't say anything negitive here - they are watching  (Read 13216 times)

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« on: April 19, 2007, 08:13 »
Wow just had an email from a stock site taking me to task over a comment I made here, they have invited me to remove my portfolio, scary stuff. Has anyone else had this experience?

« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 08:45 »

« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 09:00 »
This is the second report in less than a week (or so) that stated that a microstock site has retaliated against comments made on this forum.  These are extremely important accusations.  If true, they show that sites monitor these boards and will retaliate if they see a comment that doesn't follow their mantra.

People have questioned my anonymity here.  Now you all know what can happen.

Dreamstime employees asked for my portfolio ID twice during two threads on  a similar topic:


Does DT Treat All Submitters Alike? You Decide...:
I respectfully denied their request because I understand human nature all too well.

What everyone needs to realize is that your freedom of speech is being threatened by these microsites with these actions.  They should have absolutely NO say over what is stated on this or other boards.  They have their own boards which they can control. This board (and others like it) were created so that artists could get together and discuss things without feeling like the thread would be closed or their account dropped.

And not only are the members of these forums at risk, but so are the owners of these boards.  The microstocks could just as easily threaten the owners of these forums with deleting their portfolio unless they monitor the posts according to their wishes.

I can't stress this enough:  Your freedoms are at risk by actions like this.

We need to band together and fight this sort of threat with all of the powers that we have.

« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 09:26 »
It might be a good idea to allow alters on this forum.

« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2007, 09:39 »

[Removed my comments - sorry about that]
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 09:58 by sharply_done »

« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 09:49 »
With respect sharply done you've not been around this block long enough to know what can happen and why some people stick to anonimity.

« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2007, 10:03 »
That's why I removed my comments.

My apologies to the people who saw what I wrote. I didn't think about things as much as I should have, and erased what I wrote after reflecting further with the first few sips of my morning coffee.

« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2007, 14:49 »
even when i disagree with a site's policies etc. i still believe the proper behavior is to treat them with respect and not to just go around bad mouthing them.

« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2007, 14:56 »
I wasn't really badmouthing, just not agreeing with an announcement that was made which I didn't think was a good business decision, had I made an announcement like that to my guys all hell would have broken loose and caused all sorts of problems.

« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2007, 15:40 »
yes i think it is unfortunate that people feel threatened to share their feelings here.  I am not sure what to do about it. 

I think it is important that we share our opinions, but also that we share them in a 'non attacking', or non insulting manner.

I don't think the essence of any of your comments are really out of line kiwirob, but they do have a little bit of a harsh tone. (calling someone a twit)  I hadn't seen that post before now but probably would have responded to it if I had seen it when it was written.

If the micro site is reacting towards name calling, I don't blame them for that, although I think they could have contacted the admin here to remove the post.  If the micro site is reacting to a negative comment about how they operate, I think it is out of line.

« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2007, 15:58 »

I'm far less 'serious' about microstock than many, but this even makes me a little nervous.

I belong to a 'closed' forum for similar reasons, where a group of freelancers to a large media company want the ability to talk about the company policies etc away from their prying eyes.  It shouldn't be necessary though, and companies should be paying attention to, not avoiding, comentary on their policies and actions from suppliers..  Without happy suppliers they don't exist.

I'm not sure how a stock site thinks comments made on here will negatively effect them either?  Other members on this site can say all they like in a negative sense about any given site and it wont stop me, or most other people, submitting if their making money from them.  What makes that difference is ease of submission, rejection rates and payout rates, or am I unique in that?

On the flip side, I can't imagine many stock site customers read these forums before selecting which stock site to visit?

I've never seen any real bad-mouthing of any of the sites on here though.  Not that I've read all the messages of course, but I try to keep up.  I'd have thought that the level of 'back chat' directed at the sites here was healthy, rather than negative.

Given that rep's from most of the sites are probably reading this, any one of them want to chime in with a responce to this thread?  What is the perceived threat to your microstock business model of conversations being held in a public forum?

So, KiwiRob, did you wind you taking down your portfolio from the site in question?

Oh, and Leaf, can you change all our visible names to be random 8 digit numbers. :).

Cheers, Me.  (looking over my shoulder)

« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2007, 16:18 »
That's why I wear the dark glasses and the hat. I'm not trying to look cool, I'm in disguise

« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2007, 16:38 »
I agree with Chellyar's comments.  If I ran a microstock I probably would be here checking out what people have to say and how they perceive my site - that's normal and could even be good for all of us if issues brought up here would be taken seriously and addressed.
Criticism and suggestions are good things as long as they are constructive and free of racial, gender and other slur - isn't that how humans learn?  The whole concept of "if you say something bad I am going to retaliate" sounds so last century, pre-Internet and global exchange.   The business model of the microstocks is build on the fact that people everywhere have access to computers and contribute products (pics, illustrations, footage, whatever) and to then turn around and say "don't also exchange information, ideas and criticism" is strange at best.

It would be great if criticism could be open brought up and discussed on the microstock forums but that isn't happening.  So it's wonderful to have this forum and all of you microstock employees out there: this is no threat, this is a bunch of passionate people who put a lot of time into this and have ideas, suggestions and sometimes grievances.  Why don't you just listen and take us seriously - at least once in a while?

Take care,



« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2007, 17:20 »
Why don't you just listen and take us seriously - at least once in a while?

Fortunately some of them do  :)

yes i think it is unfortunate that people feel threatened to share their ifeelings here. 

It is... and it could change the purpose and the usefulness of this great forum. 

If the micro site is reacting to a negative comment about how they operate, I think it is out of line.

Agree.  I come here, sometimes to give, but mostly to get the raw info - not negative but informative.  I hope that it stays that way.  The intimidation used towards KiwiRob reflects more about the stock site's own insecurity and the lack to handle criticism.  Which is ironic when we know that every one of our pictures receives 'constructive' critics in the submission process.

« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2007, 17:49 »
actually Leaf suggested a few months ago when i complained about this very subject to log in under another name.

Sad, but maybe i will consider this.

I don't think insulting comments have anything to do with being treated unfairly. You expect when you run a business that sometimes you upset people, and they all respond in different ways.

The measure of an organisation is its level of maturity, its ability to retain its professional image in the face of mounting opposition and criticism.

But I guess we are dealing with "new kids" in business who don't really have the nettle to handle problems in a mature and professional way.


« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2007, 18:18 »
Probably, shouldn't, but I'm going to play devil's advocated here. I hear 'freedom of speech' thrown around an awful lot.  People seem to think this means you can say anything you want about anyone you want without consequences. In the U.S. freedom of speech simply means that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. I have no idea what the law is or is not in other countries. I'm pretty sure congress didn't pass a law recently that says if you bad mouth an agency on a forum, they can kick you off.

I think, as someone else said, these agencies should monitor these forums to learn what we like and dislike as a method to improve their sites. I also beleive it would be foolish and myopic to kick someone off for posting negative comments, unless those comments so imflamatory or libelous that kicking them off would be the first step in legal proceedings.

Our freedom of speech here is only limited by what the moderators will allow (and they can place those limits wherever they please), that doesn't mean it will be without consequences. The agencies have the freedom to kick anybody off they please, and there is nothing we can do about it.

There are agencies I like better than others, but my opinion has little to do with the money I make there. Some of the sites I like the best as far as friendly and functions, I make the least money. The site I like the least is my 3rd best performer. As long as the income outweighs the aggravation, I will allow them to represent my work. Personally, I think their upload procedure is cruel and unusual punishment, but I'm not citing the 8th ammendment.

anyway, that's my soapbox.

« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2007, 18:23 »
if i am reading this correctly, calling the boss a twit and saying they suck is good grounds to get fired.
these microstocks are pretty much the bosses...we are the workers....

but hey that is just the way i think....and i really cant see the reason for such a long thread,  kinda like that one on the shutterstock raise...i mean come on now, what is there to discuss, the company will be giving us more money, we should be happy no?
who really cares how much, they know how to sell.

I personally enjoy the threads with the tips and the fun stuff like the absurd rejection notices.....

I think a good thread would be one in which we post one of our personal favorite creations. not stock stuff but real art that we create for ourselves....any one else like the idea?

well off i go to ponder which image i would post in the new thread....

be good


« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2007, 18:44 »
if i am reading this correctly, calling the boss a twit and saying they suck is good grounds to get fired.
these microstocks are pretty much the bosses...we are the workers....

Actually man ... you're wrong!

We are - according to them - the artists, and they are our agents.

Even if you don't like that, fact is, they are an agent, and we are their suppliers. They actually don't have any product of their own, it is our product, and they take a commission.

« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2007, 20:23 »
we all see things differently

« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2007, 21:18 »
Criticism and suggestions are good things as long as they are constructive and free of racial, gender and other slur - isn't that how humans learn?
I would add "as long as it's done with respect."  What we see in many places are aggressive/offensive messages.  Nobody likes to hear that, even if the critics may be correct.  It's the same within our families, friends and workmates.  We have the right to disagree, we have the right to criticise, but we don't have the right to offend.


« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2007, 23:38 »
if i am reading this correctly, calling the boss a twit and saying they suck is good grounds to get fired.
these microstocks are pretty much the bosses...we are the workers....

Actually man ... you're wrong!

We are - according to them - the artists, and they are our agents.

Even if you don't like that, fact is, they are an agent, and we are their suppliers. They actually don't have any product of their own, it is our product, and they take a commission.
Correct. they are our agent but they can still choose who they represent.  In theory, Lawyers are the only profession who cant choose not to represnt someone, and that is only if they are conflicted, everyone has a choice.

For that reason, the agencies can do as tehy please.  If you want to bad mouth, I suggest you use an alias (most people use a public alias anyway so a secret one shouldn't be an issue.

« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2007, 23:42 »
Thanks, KiwiRob, for the warning. Also to the other posters, good discussion, IMO. (Dbvirago is right, this is not a 'freedom of speech' issue.)

Is it an economic issue? If a site is selling my images for $1 and paying me .25, they would seem to be losing more than me if they kick me off. I wonder, What do they think they have to gain then?

Control over submitters? By making an example of a few, they hope to frighten the rest? Not very good public relations, in the long run, probably.

I like Lucky Oliver. Because when they accept my images, they usually add a little note complimenting one they liked the best. That makes me feel good toward them, and that is good businss, I think. Threatening to kick us around for speaking our minds may not be so smart.

« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2007, 09:58 »
Correct. they are our agent but they can still choose who they represent.  In theory, Lawyers are the only profession who cant choose not to represnt [sic] someone, and that is only if they are conflicted, everyone has a choice.

For that reason, the agencies can do as tehy please.  If you want to bad mouth, I suggest you use an alias (most people use a public alias anyway so a secret one shouldn't be an issue.
Public defenders can't choose who they represent, all other lawyers can and do reject or drop clients all the time.

« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2007, 16:04 »
This is what I wrote to Rob (kiwirob)

"Rob I take offense to your post here.

http://www.microstockgroup.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=73536a7fc44af47645ff349f819f8b40&topic=1549.msg13198;topicseen#new [nofollow]

If you truly feel as though we are ripping you off (and that I am a twit), I would like to remove your photos from Shutterstock.
Just let me know and ill be happy to end our business relationship.
It is surprising to me that if you really feel this way you continue to be a member. Give me the word I'll close your account."

I have a problem with somebody calling me a twit - and continuing to make money with me.

Not sure what the problem with *that* is.

Not monitoring every single that is said about me or Shutterstock would be bad business sense.. Do you disagree Rob?

Jon Oringer
Shutterstock, Inc.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 16:22 by ss123 »

« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2007, 16:22 »
This is what I wrote to Rob (kiwirob)

Rob I take offense to your post here.


If you truly feel as though we are ripping you off (and that I am a twit), I would like to remove your photos from Shutterstock.
Just let me know and ill be happy to end our business relationship.
It surprising to me that if you really feel this way you continue to be a member. Give me the word I'll close your account.

I have a problem with somebody calling me a twit - and continuing to make money with me.

Not sure what the problem with *that* is.

But me not monitoring every single that is said about me or Shutterstock would be bad business sense.. Do you disagree Rob?

Jon Oringer
Shutterstock, Inc.


First off, let me thank you for coming onto this forum and being honest with us.

Second, let me say that I really like your site.  I believe that it is the best microstock site out there.

While it was wrong of him to call you a "twit", it was just as bad (if not worse) threatening him with the removal of his portfolio from your site.

After all, this is a business-relationship not a love affair, which means that there is some money involved.  His calling you a "twit" didn't remove a dime from your bank account, but closing out his account would remove some of the income that he receives from this industry.

Finally, many microstock sites would've kept all of the cash that was in his account as well (as part of closing his account), which is also an unfair practice.  I'm not saying that you would have done this, but there is nothing in your email that said that you would "cash him out" if he chose to close his account.

Others have already stated that he shouldn't have made those comments, but you need to be brought to task as well.  Just because you head a company, doesn't give you the right to treat others with disdain.


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