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Author Topic: Choosing an agency to link on your own site  (Read 7304 times)

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« on: June 02, 2008, 09:18 »
We are starting a new website with the goal of having another portral for people to find our images and hopefully buy pictures from us.  One feature of the site is going to be links to our images for buyers to click the image & buy the photo.

My question - or dilemma - is which site to link them to.  IOFoto and others have similar sites and have decided to link to Dreamstime (sometimes Fotolia), perhaps because they are able to set higher prices per image than we currently are.  So here's the first bit of my research and we'll see where this goes.  One thought - FeaturePics lets us set our own pricing so we can sell that way.   I know IOFoto also used to link to LuckyOliver until they closed...

If you had to promote your own images on just one site, which site would you choose & why?

« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 09:48 »
Mostphotos because all your portafolio will be online

« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2008, 11:45 »
I use Featurepics for that, since

1. They accept most of what I upload
2. I can set my own prices
3. I get 70%
4. I can have my micro as well as my macro portfolio there

« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2008, 15:39 »
i would link to a site where you get a commision for sending the buyer there.  I know that dreamstime can do this as well as crestock.. probably fotolia as well.

crestock is currently giving away 50% referal comissions on buyers, add in the 30% you get for selling your image (if you have over 100 sales, otherwise 20%) and it is a total of 80% of the sale price!!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 15:41 by leaf »

« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2008, 15:47 »
i would link to a site where you get a commision for sending the buyer there.  I know that dreamstime can do this as well as crestock.. probably fotolia as well.

I'll check that out on Dreamstime.  I won't be using Crestock for it. lol  Another option I suppose would be to turn the site into a Fotolia Reseller API and just sell FT images and my images linked through - at a raised cost - selling then my images + other images.... Not sure I can figure the API out though or even if that one's available yet.

Buyer comission is definitely a good point - thanks for the help all - if anyone else has insight, I'm definitely listening.

« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2008, 15:53 »
dreamstime also provides you the html to hot link the images (including your referral link) which could be nice - save you time and bandwidth.

« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2008, 18:39 »
I use Featurepics for that, since

1. They accept most of what I upload
2. I can set my own prices
3. I get 70%
4. I can have my micro as well as my macro portfolio there

I second that.  Another reason is their tools to display your images (with referrals), like your whole portfolio or separate collections.



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