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Author Topic: Copyright infringement  (Read 19084 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2012, 10:18 »
Thanks, Luisanto. I missed that totally.
@Fran: you must have thought my posts irrelevant, as I thought you hated the use, as I didn't see that it hadn't even been bought. Sorry.

Hey, maybe they'll get into even more trouble from Metallica, since the agencies don't tend to be too bothered.
Or maybe, if they're still following this thread, they'll get one of their own to take a photo they can legally use.
OTOH, a thieving fascist is even worse than a fascist.


« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2012, 12:15 »
fascists, communists, atheists, religious zealots ... who cares ? as long as they pay for the images.

at least in their site they don't have advertising banners and they don't sell anything, actually maybe they don't even allow comments .. hahaha fascists don't like opposing views i guess ? :)

« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2012, 18:32 »
I wouldn't expect DT to be particularly persistant in working to get a watermarked image removed.  I e-mailed them in early Nov. of 2011 about a blog that had one of my watermarked images from DT.  They promptly sent the blog owner a takedown notice but there was no response or takedown of the image.  After a few weeks I forwarded the information direct to Wordpress via their DMCA process.  Four days later, November 28th, I had a response from Wordpress that the image had been removed. 

Today, just over 8 months later, I got a form letter e-mail from DT telling me the image had either been taken down or properly licensed.  Kind of annoying that they just a catch-all form letter to say they are closing out the claim without actually noting the real outcome.


« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2012, 22:49 »
I wouldn't expect DT to be particularly persistant in working to get a watermarked image removed.  I e-mailed them in early Nov. of 2011 about a blog that had one of my watermarked images from DT.  They promptly sent the blog owner a takedown notice but there was no response or takedown of the image.  After a few weeks I forwarded the information direct to Wordpress via their DMCA process.  Four days later, November 28th, I had a response from Wordpress that the image had been removed. 

Today, just over 8 months later, I got a form letter e-mail from DT telling me the image had either been taken down or properly licensed.  Kind of annoying that they just a catch-all form letter to say they are closing out the claim without actually noting the real outcome.

and this sums pretty much why piracy is winning at all levels.
the risks are zero, and if caught they just take the images down, no money involved, no invoices to pay.

until there's a sort of "web police" and a justice system legislating on internet matters
we can forget about our rights.

« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2012, 22:57 »
Thanks, Luisanto. I missed that totally.
@Fran: you must have thought my posts irrelevant, as I thought you hated the use, as I didn't see that it hadn't even been bought. Sorry.

On the contrary, you gave me lots of info. Thanks!


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