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Author Topic: starting the new year by dropping a couple of losers  (Read 14509 times)

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« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2017, 17:06 »
This thread was so dull I wasn't going to look in it again but now its much more interesting :)

« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2017, 17:13 »
probably lisafx, part of a regular experienced gang here, gostwyck, dj, baldrick, lots of experience left the forum at some point, theyre all greatly missed, although i see baldrick still posting every now and then
Looks like gostwyck was lurking here today.  I was having a year off this forum when several regulars left or stopped posting.  Some of them may well still be here under different names.  I cracked after a year and came back.


« Reply #52 on: January 05, 2017, 18:13 »
probably lisafx, part of a regular experienced gang here, gostwyck, dj, baldrick, lots of experience left the forum at some point, theyre all greatly missed, although i see baldrick still posting every now and then
Looks like gostwyck was lurking here today.  I was having a year off this forum when several regulars left or stopped posting.  Some of them may well still be here under different names.  I cracked after a year and came back.

I'd be willing to bet you $100 that some are still here from the regular experienced group. Some with two accounts. Some come and go every few months, with a new ID.

I doubt that SS, FT or IS want to waste time going after MSG but some of these recent financial manipulation claims and how artists are being conned or cheated could test the limits of the law. Experts in libel and slander assert that defamation does not have to be widely published, merely said by one party to another and understood by the second party to be fact, when it is not a true fact.

« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2017, 18:51 »
The sites can always put the record straight here if they think people are being mislead.  I really don't see how it would benefit them to take legal action against a microstock forum or their own contributors.  I also don't think they would have much of a case, as people are expressing their opinions and the internet is full of them.  That's just my opinion :)

« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2017, 19:56 »
probably lisafx, part of a regular experienced gang here, gostwyck, dj, baldrick, lots of experience left the forum at some point, theyre all greatly missed, although i see baldrick still posting every now and then
Looks like gostwyck was lurking here today.  I was having a year off this forum when several regulars left or stopped posting.  Some of them may well still be here under different names.  I cracked after a year and came back.

I'd be willing to bet you $100 that some are still here from the regular experienced group. Some with two accounts. Some come and go every few months, with a new ID.

I doubt that SS, FT or IS want to waste time going after MSG but some of these recent financial manipulation claims and how artists are being conned or cheated could test the limits of the law. Experts in libel and slander assert that defamation does not have to be widely published, merely said by one party to another and understood by the second party to be fact, when it is not a true fact.

and you are here to save us from ourselves, how gallant, or did someone touch a nerve?


« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2017, 03:56 »
probably lisafx, part of a regular experienced gang here, gostwyck, dj, baldrick, lots of experience left the forum at some point, theyre all greatly missed, although i see baldrick still posting every now and then
Looks like gostwyck was lurking here today.  I was having a year off this forum when several regulars left or stopped posting.  Some of them may well still be here under different names.  I cracked after a year and came back.

I'd be willing to bet you $100 that some are still here from the regular experienced group. Some with two accounts. Some come and go every few months, with a new ID.

I doubt that SS, FT or IS want to waste time going after MSG but some of these recent financial manipulation claims and how artists are being conned or cheated could test the limits of the law. Experts in libel and slander assert that defamation does not have to be widely published, merely said by one party to another and understood by the second party to be fact, when it is not a true fact.

I really don't think Leaf is at risk. Safe harbor protects this website. He doesn't write these things and is the provider of the forum, not the user content.

The individual writing the message can be held accountable for their writing. https://www.eff.org/issues/bloggers/legal/liability/defamation


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