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Author Topic: DeepSeek  (Read 1911 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2025, 16:58 »
Now of course, Nixon and Kissinger were the devils that did this to the world.  :o
I heard that Kissinger is largely to blame. He is responsible for a lot.

« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2025, 17:27 »
in 1972 Taiwan was controlled by Chiang Kai Shek' authoritarian Nationalists (over objections from indigenous Taiwanese) & had claimed the UN seat of China after being defeated & ejected from mainland China the late 40's.  returning the UN seat to the control of actual 'China' was an example of Kissinger's 'realpolitik'
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 17:37 by cascoly »

« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2025, 17:48 »
Don't get me wrongI have been to China on multiple occasions, so I understand that its largely about data control. But in the end, it's a battle of giants. What matters most to me is that ordinary people will have the opportunity to use this technology and create something meaningful.
These are not ordinary people, these are communists. China has a totalitarian regime. Moreover, china finances all the world's terrorists and supports genocide. Covid 19 is a weapon of mass destruction made in china. Fentanyl-based drugs that china supplies to the EU and the US are also weapons and kill millions of people of mobilization age.
There is a war going on, World War III, and china is not a friend, but an enemy.

no, china did not "make" convid-19. convid was pure psychological manipulation, read the govt simulations like event201, spars pandemic scenario, etc.
There never was, and still is not - a "contagious virus". It is/always has been a 3d computer model. People "got sick" from poisons deliberately sprayed on masks, the "tests" (including self lobotomizing if they rammed it up their head to touch their brain), and ultimately the deathjabs/clotshots with the misleading name of "vaccines".
The china "lab leak theory" is simply a red herring to get people to dismiss the obvious fact that there never was a 'virus'.

"China" does not finance it - individuals related to families like the rockefellers/rothchilds (and the families above them that control them) however do. They find it funny, enjoy inflicting pain/suffering - plus want to keep a slave class as slaves.

It's interesting too that people use the term 'communist' - but do not really seem to understand what it really means. What do you think the difference there was - and during convid being told that if you did not obey/comply by wearing a demondiaper (and subsequent poisonous injections) - that you could/would be fired/threatened/attacked, etc - in addition to having travel/eating out/basically any kind of socializing restricted? Any "democratic" country that did that was certain not what people believe a "democracy" to be - because in fact those types of actions are "communist" (also known as "socialist").

With respect to "AI" - it is a lazy algorithm. It is based on theft. MASSIVE theft. Without stealing - "it" couldn't "figure" anything out.

Yes, it is certainly strange times - but one needs to really understand what is really going on in order to take effective action.


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« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2025, 14:17 »
Always refreshing to read a different type of crazy every once in a while. A well earned respite from the stoker2014 show!

« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2025, 03:14 »
A well earned respite from the stoker2014 show!
Press the ignore button and you won't read me. It's that simple.
 ;D ;D ;D



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