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Author Topic: Does MicroStock lower design standards?  (Read 29538 times)

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« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2010, 14:55 »
ahhhhhh but without competition there is no need to advance. Style will never change and we will be forced to stare at people in business attire frolicking with cheesy grins in front of washed out pastel backgrounds and isolations forever .. couples giggling on a neutral couch in front of a laptop and taking little baby sips of coffee in a kitchen that reminds you of the store displays in Home Depot. It will be like living in an endless issue of better housekeeping.  ;D

So, you aren't able to better yourself without the threat of someone banging on your door?

ok so it's probably safe to guess that 99.9% of stock photos available on the market were not taken by you .. or any of us for that matter. Even the largest portfolio only amounts to a single grain of sand when you look at the big picture. How does posting some tips here and there constitute a global threat of newbies charging in and taking all our money away?

I personally can't wait for somebody or a small group of fresh blood to come in and start mixing up the mainstream, introducing new trends and making the current ones outdated. Right now we are looking at popular trends and styles that were common place well over a decade ago. Change is only a threat to those who are not capable of expanding on their own abilities.


« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2010, 15:05 »
Hi RT,

 I guess it is just seems odd to me to here from people that won't reveal their own idendity to question that of others. What walk would you like, a hop on one foot, a silly walk a la John Cleese :) I still don't get what you were trying to say.
 Also are you explaining that the post you wrote directly to me and said a comment about egos was not directed at me, that seems a bit odd. I must have misunderstood maybe you could help explain who you were referring to? Once again I think a person can make a claim here without having to prove it to you or anyone else. I think I have shown proof for what I have added to this blog as much as the next guy.

Good luck,

Jonathan, Chumley, Avava

Sending me a PM and then blocking my reply is a bit juvenille, of course if Jonathan is your real name I've lost count of the number of identity changes you've had here.

It's also a shame that you still don't get that phrase, so I'll try and give you a siiimmmpppllleee example:

RT - Hey Jonathan I've just bought a brand new Rolls Royce

JR - Wow that's great can I see it

RT - Nope

JR - Can I have a ride in it

RT - Nope

JR - Have you got a photo of it

RT - Nope but here's a photo of my push bike

JR - That's good enough for me

You see RT made a substantial claim but can't actually back it up, or another common interpretation is that RT bullsh***ed, my way of looking at the above scenario is that RT has not in actual fact bought a new Rolls Royce but he is just trying to impress you hoping you are stupid enough to believe his story despite the complete lack of any tangible evidence, the way I see your attitude to people making statements is that we should all accept that RT bought the car because after all he did show JR a photo of his bike. And that is in short what the phrase is referring to, saying something but not being able to back it up.

Is that clear enough for you or anyone else who isn't aware of that phrase?

« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 15:38 by RT »

« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2010, 15:29 »
I personally can't wait for somebody or a small group of fresh blood to come in and start mixing up the mainstream, introducing new trends and making the current ones outdated. Right now we are looking at popular trends and styles that were common place well over a decade ago. Change is only a threat to those who are not capable of expanding on their own abilities.

Why don't you be the fresh blood then?  Why do you have to wait for someone else to challenge you?

« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2010, 15:30 »
ok so it's probably safe to guess that 99.9% of stock photos available on the market were not taken by you .. or any of us for that matter. Even the largest portfolio only amounts to a single grain of sand when you look at the big picture. How does posting some tips here and there constitute a global threat of newbies charging in and taking all our money away?

This is what everyone says about their "make money from microstock blog".  Yet people are constantly acquiring cameras and then stepping in here to see how they can make money like what they read about.

« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2010, 15:52 »
ok so it's probably safe to guess that 99.9% of stock photos available on the market were not taken by you .. or any of us for that matter. Even the largest portfolio only amounts to a single grain of sand when you look at the big picture. How does posting some tips here and there constitute a global threat of newbies charging in and taking all our money away?

This is what everyone says about their "make money from microstock blog".  Yet people are constantly acquiring cameras and then stepping in here to see how they can make money like what they read about.

Good point .. and who knows where that could lead .. the next thing you know they'll start writing books on the subject ... then people are going to start going to college and majoring in photography. I even heard a rumor they were trying to get high school kids interested in photography early on. We'll really be screwed then.

Ok I think I got it. The source of the problem is that these people are constantly acquiring cameras. That's where we need to nip things in the bud. My neighbor has a couple old vans for sale. You get me 50 bags of fertiziler and I'll hire some homeless guys to park them in front of the Nikon & Canon distribution centers. Presto Blamo .. the camera stockpiles will dissipate in no time leaving us holding the last known devices to mankind. Threat annihilated and we become microstock gods. Ok who's with me?  ;D

« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2010, 16:05 »
Hi RT,

 I had no idea that I have blocked your PM. I do not have anyone else blocked on my PM's, I will unblock it immediately so you can reply. That is the idea when you send a PM is so the other person can reply without having to bother the entire group. Even SJ isn't blocked from my PM's. It is some unfortunate error and I will fix it immediately. I welcome your response.
 Question, why does it matter if someone proves something to you on a blog or not. Why not just take it at face value, I hope you do drive a Rolls but I wouldn't question you on it because the result doesn't matter as long as you are happy.
 Like I said you have kept your identity hidden and you offer a lot of your opinion here as well as critique of others. I think that is a bit backwards that is all. If you are such a proponent of people proving what they say is true then please share your identity with the group?
 Again I ask, If you make a post to me that proclaims something about peoples inflated egos and walking the walk who were you pointing those remarks to? Simple question to answer I would think. Would you please answer it.

By the way I have a pristine 65' mustang fastback, here is a picture of it.  ::) I only drive it on sunny days. I drive my 2006 Range Rover the rest of the time, now that is bragging and ego based ;D


« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2010, 17:18 »
10 years ago nobody would touch cheap Chinese junk. Now there is only cheap Chinese junk :-) Microstock will eliminate all other competitors and then standards will not matter if there is no choice.

« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2010, 17:25 »
10 years ago nobody would touch cheap Chinese junk. Now there is only cheap Chinese junk :-) Microstock will eliminate all other competitors and then standards will not matter if there is no choice.

very profound,mela. congrats.
much like if you were born listening to madonna and rum dmc or whatnot, and never heard of charlie parker, monk, trane, or even jerome kern, gershwin,etc...
or instead of tolstoy and herman hesse, you were weaned on your local tabloids,etc... you wouldn't even know what you're missing out .
or like from day one you've been fed fast food with pop, you would not like cordon bleu culinary served with a glass of  chardonnay or shiraz, even if you hit your head walking into the restaurant  ;)

fine points,mela.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 17:35 by PERSEUS »


« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2010, 17:34 »
Hi RT,

 I had no idea that I have blocked your PM. I do not have anyone else blocked on my PM's, I will unblock it immediately so you can reply. That is the idea when you send a PM is so the other person can reply without having to bother the entire group. Even SJ isn't blocked from my PM's. It is some unfortunate error and I will fix it immediately. I welcome your response.

Great I'll reply as soon as you unblock it, you did the same thing once before, and you've done it to SJ as well, clearly a clumsy error.
Question, why does it matter if someone proves something to you on a blog or not. Why not just take it at face value, I hope you do drive a Rolls but I wouldn't question you on it because the result doesn't matter as long as you are happy.

Because some of the things people post on threads here are worded in a way that may influence others less knowledgable sometimes unintentionally, and I feel it my duty to point out any errors so that the less fortunate are not mislead, I don't ask for any thanks doing this but judging by the PM's I receive it's a welcome service for some.

Like I said you have kept your identity hidden and you offer a lot of your opinion here as well as critique of others. I think that is a bit backwards that is all. If you are such a proponent of people proving what they say is true then please share your identity with the group?

My identity is irrelevant, many people do know who I am and I'll share it via PM with anybody that I feel really needs to know, however like many others I choose not to share portfolio links because I'm not a fan of people copying my work, and any comments I make here would come up in a google search under my business name which I don't think is relevant, something like that wouldn't apply to you because you have so many different identities.
I'll happily prove to anyone any claims that I make here, by PM if need be for confidentiality, but I've never been one for boasting.
Luckily Leaf the guy that runs this forum introduced those little meters under everyone's name for this very reason, and as you can see it indicates I do quite well on iS, it's a good indication as to whether someone knows what they're talking about or not. I wish he'd introduce a BS meter then I (and the few people you mentioned ) wouldn't have to interject.

Just as a reminder the last time we had a discussion via PM I did tell you who I was to which you replied I should share more of my experiences, you've obviously forgotten - old age gets to us all!
Again I ask, If you make a post to me that proclaims something about peoples inflated egos and walking the walk who were you pointing those remarks to? Simple question to answer I would think. Would you please answer it.

Well if it makes you happy then yes I do think you've got an over inflated ego, but the line wasn't intended just for you on this occasion.
By the way I have a pristine 65' mustang fastback, here is a picture of it.  ::) I only drive it on sunny days. I drive my 2006 Range Rover the rest of the time, now that is bragging and ego based ;D


I'm not a car person myself and know nothing about American cars, so I'm guessing that's a good one?

Maybe one day this thread could turn back to the original subject.

« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2010, 18:00 »
Okay RT,

 Thanks for helping everyone here and supporting those that are here. That is a great energy you bring with it. I do not have you blocked anymore it was a mistake and I did not have SJ blocked, on the contrary he has me blocked, I just started blocking his  "posts " because I didn't find them helpful, but not his PM's.
 It sounds like you do not believe I am Jonathan Ross I can't imagine more than offering my e-mail and sharing my business experience that can be tracked being owner in two stock agencies you can check it out here in the States or out of Jolly old England just as I am, Bristol actually. Or just google andersen ross you will see a story there on me and my wife from years back when we built a studio in Seattle as well as our web site, I think our actual site is the first link when you type it in.
  I have my web site and direct e-mail attached as well as my real name to this site. If you are going to ask for people to prove themselves then I ask you. Please prove yourself to me as a person of credibility by sharing who are in a PM or quit being a hypocrite.
 I have made every effort I can to prove who I am to you, send me a PM and share please. If I choose to market myself under different names but put my real name jonathan ross behind each of those other names then I don't think I am hiding anything, just marketing.
  I also just noticed you are pretty computer savvy aren't you. You see I think you are someone else on this board and that is why you don't want to share it with me. I have asked before and you never PM me with it. How about it. Walk the Walk sir.


« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2010, 18:19 »
Hey guys thank you all for the information. Personally Im glad you are all here and I really do think that most of us can spot misinformation.


« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2010, 18:40 »

I have PM'd you but you are missing the point, I don't care who you are, and I'm not asking you to prove who you are I was just making the point that even you have many identities, and neither I or anybody else is asking anybody to prove who they are only that if they come here and makes some claim of their achievement that they are able to back that statement up, that has nothing to do with identity.
I remember you once accusing someone here of copying your work and you wonder why some of us don't like to advertise our portfolios.

Tell me what have I said that you would like me to prove and I gladly will, if I told everyone I had just shot the latest ad campaign for Adidas I would expect people to ask to see the results, and I would be able to produce an image to satisfy their needs. ( I haven't by the way it was just an example) But for someone to say they've done something and then go onto the complete offensive when asked to give some proof is just ridiculous.

As for being computer savvy or being somebody else, I'm afraid you're not going to win this years Sherlock Holmes award, I'm useless with most things computer related and I'm certainly not anybody else but would love to know who you think I am please PM the details.
This is a bit petty so apologies in advance, but if you don't know who I am in the first place it would be an incorrect statement to suggest I'm someone else.

Now seriously it's getting boring, get off your high horse about identities and accept that sometimes people might actually not believe some of the things others say and strangely they might even ask for examples, another thing you need to accept is that anonymity is allowed here.

PM me with any other messages I'm sure everyone is bored by now, don't forget to unblock me first.

« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2010, 18:50 »
I agree Rum Rock.


« Reply #63 on: January 18, 2010, 18:57 »
I did not have SJ blocked, on the contrary he has me blocked, I just started blocking his  "posts " because I didn't find them helpful, but not his PM's.

How can you not find SJL's posts helpful? There's only 3 other people in the world that might reasonably claim to know as much as Sean about microstock __ and nobody anywhere near his league offers so much help and advice to others on this and the IS forums. I for one, and I know many others too, really appreciate the input he has here. How f*cking dare you, a puffed-up egocentric microstock nonentity, dismiss him like that?

It's when you make statements like that (as well as all the BS posts about your supposed earnings that are evidently mathematically impossible) that shatters any credibility whatsoever that you might once have had.

I'm with Richard. If it looks like bullsh1t, smells like bullsh1t and sounds like bullsh1t .. then that's most likely what it is. Most times I bite my lip and ignore such posts that obviously contain such painfully obvious inaccuracies, intended by the author to inflate their own ego, but quite frankly it is getting beyond a joke and, as RT has pointed out, is potentially damaging to those who haven't been in this business long enough to detect the difference.

« Reply #64 on: January 18, 2010, 19:07 »
I did not have SJ blocked, on the contrary he has me blocked, I just started blocking his  "posts " because I didn't find them helpful, but not his PM's.

You did, by the way, because I went to PM you something in response to your PM, and it was blocked.  So, I blocked you.  Fair's fair, after all.

« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2010, 19:11 »
I was waiting for you Gostywick,

  I am not even going there with you. Have a good day. It ain't gonna work this time guys, sorry ;D


« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2010, 19:26 »
 Hi RT,

 I would find it pretty hard to prove that you shot a job without revealing your identity. So you are asking him to identify himself. You had trouble believe me about my friend working for AT&T until I told you here name. It is not the question that is the issue it is how it is presented.
 Many people feel chased out of here when they try to help and offer advice and I think the entire site loses from that. I know that is how I felt when I first came here and with the exception of three people here I seem to be helpful to others. I would prefer we could make our own judgements rather than have you policing the site for us all.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 19:35 by Jonathan Ross »

« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2010, 19:34 »

Send me a PM anytime I do not have anyone blocked. I am sorry for upsetting anyone on this post. I told you I was no longer going to be checking your posts not your PM's I told you this through a PM and then tried 15 minutes later to send you another and you had me blocked.
 There is a mistake here, I do not have anyone blocked from Pm's. You are all free to Pm me anytime.
 Sean I think you and I realize we don't see eye to eye but what gostywk said was not my intention to attack your character, I was just sharing in truth who I have discontinued correspondence with. Until today that is. This is the last post for me guys as it seems to be spiraling out of control and just becoming a lot of name calling.



« Reply #68 on: January 18, 2010, 19:53 »
Hi RT,

 I would find it pretty hard to prove that you shot a job without revealing your identity. So you are asking him to identify himself. You had trouble believe me about my friend working for AT&T until I told you here name. It is not the question that is the issue it is how it is presented.
 Many people feel chased out of here when they try to help and offer advice and I think the entire site loses from that. I know that is how I felt when I first came here and with the exception of three people here I seem to be helpful to others. I would prefer we could make our own judgements rather than have you policing the site for us all.


If you're going to make statements about me make sure they're correct:

- I'm not asking him to identify himself, I know who he is, we all know who he is and have done from the start, you can't seriously be telling me you still think this is all about an identity, what do you want copies of peoples passports!!! IT IS ABOUT THE POSTING OF ACCURATE INFORMATION

-I never queried the story about your friend before or after you mentioned her name, in fact my reply was the exact opposite, why are you making things up?

-As for making your own judgement, what's stopping you? and why am I not entitled to state my opinion, this isn't a dictatorship as far as I'm aware and I'm allowed to query things if I so choose, or do you know differently.

« Reply #69 on: January 18, 2010, 19:58 »
You are right Richard,

 You are totally allowed to say whatever you want on this site whenever you want. My mistake, apologies all around.


« Reply #70 on: January 18, 2010, 20:21 »
It sounds like you do not believe I am Jonathan Ross ...

If it can help, I have Jonathan on my Facebook and I know almost everything about his kids' football matches :)
Come on guys, no need to argue about this.

« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2010, 20:29 »
Come on guys, no need to argue about this.

having a difference of opinion is healthy. but
let's agree to disagree, but let's also allow the other person to speak up
without being clobbered on the head.

btw, it's nice to see some of the old familiar  names back out here again
, although sadly  another replay of the same unpleasant circumstance.

i thought you guys have all but gone senile and / or left this world  due to a cardiac arrest or CVA during your usual  fit of  tantrum

just kidding.
but really, chill guys, or else the CVA or cardiac arrest may in fact catch up on you.

hate to read your obituary here like..."he kicked the bucket ... screaming his frigging head off, as usual.  poor old sod won the battle but lost the war"


i'm not choosing sides, i like both Mr. Locke and Mr. Ross. and yes,
i've metaphorically thrown valuable stout in their faces every once in a while too... and survived  ;D
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 21:15 by PERSEUS »

« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2010, 21:04 »
Hi Randy,  
I'm not a photographer. I'm a designer.
Due to the nature of my images my acceptance rate is quite good, nothing to worry about. However I would love to hear more about the inspection process, especially if it comes from an insider.
It's interesting and I'm sure I have a lot to learn.
If you find the time go ahead and write the blog.
We will be reading it.

When it comes the the Fear of the Newbie, we, here, have heard the same arguments many, many times before and by now this whole thing is becoming predictable, and quite frankly boring.  
I already know who's going to say what.
It's been happening like clockwork for years, every single time with no exception. They're that repetitive, and I mean it.
(Sigh anyone?)
You just go ahead and help the newbies if you can. They're a vital part of this business and we all need them.  

@Jonathan Ross,
I'm not sure how old you are (why is age brought into this?) but it doesn't even matter, because what you've got is the joie de vivre.
In this business enthusiasm and creativity are decisive and you've got them both.
You don't need to lift heavy weights or run a marathon. You've got assistants to help you with the heavy stuff and even models to wash your car :)

Your portfolio is as good as it gets. Hands down, top class.

Your identity is well known (videos, conference speech, Jonathan Ross was there. Others were not)

Your images stand out from the crowd and speak for themselves. That is something that nobody can take away from you. No matter what, no matter who.
Isn't that great?
Untouchable, the work of a master.

Now go ahead and 'dare' do anything you want. They can't do a thing about it anyway.  
Best wishes,
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 10:04 by Eireann »


« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2010, 21:21 »

@Jonathan Ross,

Your portfolio is as good as it gets. Hands down, top class.

Your identity is well known (videos, conference speech, Jonathan Ross was there. Others were not)

Your images stand out from the crowd and speak for themselves. That is something that nobody can take away from you. No matter what, no matter who.
Isn't that great?
Untouchable, the work of a master.

Now go ahead and 'dare' do anything you want. They can't do a thing about it anyway.  
Best wishes,

yep, +1. if  i dare say, his (macro) work makes yuri's look like kindegarden work. i bet this remark will keep this thread going for another year.  ;)

« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2010, 21:30 »
 Hi Gang,

 Thanks for the support folks but please realize it takes to to fight and I was just as responsible if not more so for the disagreements that took place. I am glad that I have been of help to some here and I hope to continue as time passes. Once again thanks for the kind words and support, it means a great deal. I know I can't make everyone happy but that's life anywhere you go.



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