This might not be much for many contributors but it means a lot for me. Even with working full-time I would never of been able to upgrade on my old 2005 Mazda 6 Classic (with 376,000 kms | 233,000 miles) with this 12/2013 Mazda 6 GT 2.5L (with 146,000 kms | 90,000 miles) - at least not without a car loan - which I did this years ago and don't want to do again.
I bought this well-maintained car on the weekend and is fully paid with my microstock earnings - less a small trade in on the old Mazda. The GT is 8 years ahead of my old Classic but seriously feels like 20 years ahead. A grand leap in mod cons and features. Very impressive for a 10 year old vehicle and really nice car to drive.