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Author Topic: Editorial Image sale - % of total sale, worth the time/energy?  (Read 10090 times)

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« on: July 13, 2011, 12:46 »
Hi All,

Has anyone has good success with editorial image sales? If you could share your thoughts on sales/download/time spent site(s) you  are seeing success with them?

thanks  :)

« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 13:11 »
No. I don't think micros are the right place for them at all unless they are very generalised.


« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 13:13 »
I've done okay at SS and really well at Cutcaster... mostly action sports.


« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 13:56 »
No. I don't think micros are the right place for them at all unless they are very generalised.

« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 13:58 »
last week I decided to give them a try with Editorial, so I have upload a few.. all of them were rejected because of caption, I wasted like 10 slots.. that was a crappy move, I should have sent only 2 or 3.. now I have one waiting for like 20 days.. really dont understand why it takes so long..


« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2011, 14:04 »
No. I don't think micros are the right place for them at all unless they are very generalised.

x3 - in addition to that, it's been my experience the micros really don't understand what is and isn't "editorial".  One minute they insist the image must be "newsworthy" and the next they're asking for snapshots of logos from "major brands".

If you're going to sell in quantity - stick with micros/royalty free.  If you're going to market an image or series of images that's going to get licensed once or twice, then market that image in a rights managed format.

Back in 2007 I shot images at the Frozen Dead Guy Festival in Nederland, Colorado.  I have a couple of those images set as royalty free images (without identifiable people and without logos) and they've earned me about $8 in total RF royalties.  I've licensed three images from that day as rights managed - one in 2007, and two of them were licensed for the last week in June on a website (the city of Nederland is selling the rights to the festival to a promoter).  The first image was used in Russia in a business magazine for editorial purposes, and the other two were used on a website for editorial reasons.  Those three sales have earned me $245 in editorial royalties.  The micros aren't going to give you that much of a return.

« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2011, 14:20 »
thanks everyone (so far) for yr thoughts  :)
I have 20+ images on Alamy (RM)/editorial for 2+ years (not enough to make a dent anyway), never had a single download :( so I stopped uploading there.
I just started adding editorial to 123rf, mostly popular landmark/landscape/generic people/sports type shots, will see how that works.  I have had good downloads on 123rf for the RF images, so thought I give it a try there. Right now I am just recycling old worthy photos shot last few years with no property/model release, not doing anything new for editorial specifically. Having said that if I see some sales, I probably will keep editorial in mind when I shoot for stock next time around.

« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2011, 18:31 »
i use both alamy MS for editorials - in MS, editorials sell about twice the rate of my RF.  most of my editorials are travel, people in public, skiing, etc

which RM sites have people had success in other than alamy?


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