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Author Topic: EL licence and publications  (Read 5005 times)

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« on: April 11, 2010, 02:05 »
I recently came across some images of mine on products, magazines and books....
Simple question before i start searching were the image was sold ...

- Does publication in a book requires an EL license ?
- Does publication in a magazine (Top Gear) requires an EL license ?
- Does the use of an image on a product requires an EL license ?

In case of publication, does the name of the photographer needs to be mentioned... or site image purchased.?.

What I do know is that none of the images were sold with an EL license.

Patrick H.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 02:44 by patrick1958 »


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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 05:58 »
I recently came across some images of mine on products, magazines and books....
Simple question before i start searching were the image was sold ...

- Does publication in a book requires an EL license ?
- Does publication in a magazine (Top Gear) requires an EL license ?
- Does the use of an image on a product requires an EL license ?

In case of publication, does the name of the photographer needs to be mentioned... or site image purchased.?.

What I do know is that none of the images were sold with an EL license.

Patrick H.

The first question is from which agency was an image bought.
Then you have to read the t&c for that agency.

For example, at iStock, publication in a book or magazine doesn't require an EL if the print number is under 500,000, which is a large print run in the UK, but presumably not in the US.
At iStock, image on a product, not necessarily (I questioned this when I discovered that photos of mine and other iStockers were being used on cards in an educational game) (up to 499,999 impressions). However if the actual photo is the product, e.g. postcards, greetings cards, posters, mouse mats etc, then yes.
Other agencies will have their own t&c.
FYI, iStocks EL requirements are at http://www.istockphoto.com/license_comparison.php
Hopefully someone else will be able to tell you about the other agencies, though presumably they're easy enough to find on each site.


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