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Author Topic: End of travel commercial photography in Europe?  (Read 20819 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2015, 03:09 »
Smug UKers. It's not good for anybody when they leave.

actually it would make sense for the UK to join the USA rather than the EU.

as for Greece their Plan B is to be saved by Russia in exchange for lucrative oil/gas and military long-term deals, which also applies to Turkey, which is why Erdogan is now under fire.

« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2015, 03:13 »
Pierre, if you write a book, then create a movie - i wish you to become a millionaire, you can. No sarcasme, but if?


« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2015, 06:00 »
The EU brings many good things, but does so much harm as well. They destroy step by step any business friendly environment, kill off startups with tons of useless bureaucracy and regulations, suck out freedom and independency of local governments and identities....I hope they continue pushing BS like this until it all collapses.

To you Brits (and Greeks :-) ): Get out of the EU. Independence and freedom is worth way more than a couple of trade agreements bundled with a truckload of unnecessary regulations. And no, the EU does not create wealth. Only amongst some already wealthy and "too big too fail" Institutions.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 06:04 by Tror »

Semmick Photo

« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2015, 06:07 »
This a moment I wish the disagree button was back. Couldnt disagree more. You need to educate yourself on what Europe has enabled.

Free travel, one currency, freedom of movement, freedom of work, reduced loads of price fixing such as the mobile providers, constantly fining big US conglomerates trying to push their illegalities on the good people of the union. etc etc Europe is a better place for it. Not all is good, I dont like Europe messing with local laws, but its not all as bad as you make it out to be.

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.

« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2015, 06:24 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit.Michigan.

« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2015, 06:25 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit,Michigan.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2015, 06:25 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit.
I didnt say they were

« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2015, 06:32 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit.
I didnt say they were

So ultimately we are arguing whether Europe as a constitution despite it's achievements (and MAJOR screwups) can impose laws as an authority to it's counterparts or whether we would like this to happen more often?
Do we want a truly united Europe with a central head making decisions?(hence the Detroit example). Well thats what the Brussels beaureocrats are fantacising day and night.
We can debate this but the truth is that pretty soon the European structure will crumble (it already has thanks to the stupidity of its leaders) .
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 06:38 by gcrook »

« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2015, 06:54 »
Pierre, if you write a book, then create a movie - i wish you to become a millionaire, you can. No sarcasme, but if?

actually the oil/gas deal with russia and turkey are already under way :

and Putin openly talked today about bailing out greece, he's meeting Tsipras in this very moment :

« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2015, 07:04 »
The EU brings many good things, but does so much harm as well. They destroy step by step any business friendly environment, kill off startups with tons of useless bureaucracy and regulations, suck out freedom and independency of local governments and identities....I hope they continue pushing BS like this until it all collapses.

To you Brits (and Greeks :-) ): Get out of the EU. Independence and freedom is worth way more than a couple of trade agreements bundled with a truckload of unnecessary regulations. And no, the EU does not create wealth. Only amongst some already wealthy and "too big too fail" Institutions.

just like in china and the US, the core issues affecting the EU are systemic and they're also the result of 70 yrs of american involvement in the colonization of the continent.

while the medias are busy screaming about the latest immigration scandals and emergencies very few are discussing about the root issues that led to the actual scenario.

strictly speaking, we're witnessing the final stage of the moribund social experiment called "euro-style social democracy" .. negative population growth, high unemployment, millions of illegals crossing our borders in total impunity, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2015, 07:05 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit.
I didnt say they were

So ultimately we are arguing whether Europe as a constitution despite it's achievements (and MAJOR screwups) can impose laws as an authority to it's counterparts or whether we would like this to happen more often?
Do we want a truly united Europe with a central head making decisions?(hence the Detroit example). Well thats what the Brussels beaureocrats are fantacising day and night.
We can debate this but the truth is that pretty soon the European structure will crumble (it already has thanks to the stupidity of its leaders) .
Thats not what I am saying. We have some misunderstandings here. Anyhoo, I am not up for a political dicussion today

« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2015, 07:09 »
Free travel, one currency, freedom of movement, freedom of work, reduced loads of price fixing such as the mobile providers, constantly fining big US conglomerates trying to push their illegalities on the good people of the union. etc etc Europe is a better place for it. Not all is good, I dont like Europe messing with local laws, but its not all as bad as you make it out to be.

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.

i'm from europe and i fully agree we're having it a lot better than in the 80s, traveling in particular is a breeze now but also working in EU countries is no longer a burocratic mess like in the past, you ca get all the red tape sorted out in days or weeks.

said that, i remain of the opinion nobody needs this kind of monolithic centralized non-elected government elite, the original vision has always been about a federation of states.

the way it's going now reminds me a lot of the USSR instead and will follow the same steps.
for starters it's already a police state.

« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2015, 07:16 »

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.
In paper the states aren't.
Oh,except Detroit.
I didnt say they were

So ultimately we are arguing whether Europe as a constitution despite it's achievements (and MAJOR screwups) can impose laws as an authority to it's counterparts or whether we would like this to happen more often?
Do we want a truly united Europe with a central head making decisions?(hence the Detroit example). Well thats what the Brussels beaureocrats are fantacising day and night.
We can debate this but the truth is that pretty soon the European structure will crumble (it already has thanks to the stupidity of its leaders) .
Thats not what I am saying. We have some misunderstandings here. Anyhoo, I am not up for a political dicussion today

Strange i thought that we were on the same path here,where each one of us was deviating slightly at some point.Anyway, good discussion.
I will just comment on your last remark though,unfortunately this thread is the epitome of politics.You can get much more political than that.
Off to shoot a non political timelapse (its an abandoned factory although politics shut it down-ok now im confused) :)


« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2015, 07:31 »
No major forum is imune to Putin's troll army. With all this bashing against EU, US, capitalism, etc, I would not be surprised if this one is also infected or influenced

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« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 07:33 by ultimagaina »

« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2015, 08:40 »
positions are inherited from their family members from the past that have started the project in the first place.

same for US presidents ... Bill Clinton and now  Hillary Clinton, the Bush Sr and Junior and now Jeb Bush, the Kennedy dinasty, etc etc

Even if they are related, the positions aren't inherited. They still have to get elected. And it's nothing new. Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of William Henry Harrison, both presidents, and FDR was a nephew of Theodore Roosevelt, with lots of different presidents in-between. They all still have to get elected on their own merits.

In fact, Jeb probably should have been the only other Bush to get elected instead of W.

« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2015, 08:52 »
This a moment I wish the disagree button was back. Couldnt disagree more. You need to educate yourself on what Europe has enabled.

Free travel, one currency, freedom of movement, freedom of work, reduced loads of price fixing such as the mobile providers, constantly fining big US conglomerates trying to push their illegalities on the good people of the union. etc etc Europe is a better place for it. Not all is good, I dont like Europe messing with local laws, but its not all as bad as you make it out to be.

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.

The U.S. states were originally intended to be like separate countries with a federal government getting certain limited powers. Then we had a large Civil War and the side that wanted to keep it that way for the wrong issue lost. I personally would rather keep things decentralized for the reasons the EU is now facing but sometimes local governments can be very wrong just as easily as big distant ones.

« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2015, 09:58 »
All I can say is that I'm British, and the sooner we are out of this silly, self serving, extra layer of unnecessary bureaucracy the happier I will be.
"Unsustainable" is a word that is often bandied around here.
That's what the EU is.
Yeh, on the other hand do not forget the primary purpose of the EU - which is peace among the member countries. What was unimanigable for hundreds of years was made possible by the establishing EU (or its predecessors). If one of the strongest EU countries leaves and the other follow, wouldn't there be a possibility of future wars again? I say lets reform and simplify this beast but keep it as tool which helps and not tries to rule us...

First of all it was never about the peace, it was about the money and trading...

You are writing about removing possibilities of future wars, man they got us at the gates of the next one deploying nuclear bases all around the place at this same time.

They are reforming all the time and the directions of their reforms are fully and clearly visible, they are kicking more and more people out of their homes , using their money to save the banks that created this situation anyway and the middle class is disappearing as the rich are getting richer.



« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2015, 12:07 »
sometimes local governments can be very wrong just as easily as big distant ones.

Without the pressure from strict EU standards, a lot of local governments would continue or multiply their corrupt wrongdoings
For some countries, the EU membership and the rules that came along, is the best thing that happened in their recent history.

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« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2015, 12:29 »
Without the pressure from strict EU standards, a lot of local governments would continue or multiply their corrupt wrongdoings
For some countries, the EU membership and the rules that came along, is the best thing that happened in their recent history.

On the other hand, the EU and some of the most powerful parties of the most powerful countries kept funding corrupt parties and corrupt governments to keep them in power since it's allways useful to have lackeys at hand.

Many of these parties ended up creating and assigning tv licenses to former leaders, or companies directed by former leaders of those parties as a way to guarantee that any political opposition would get destroyed.

This way, the EU assured that they were able to continue their wrongdoings, even if it was common knowledge that the EU funds were being distributed by friends to buy countless Ferraris, and not applied to the development of the economy which was great since there would be less competition to some economies.

Long story short, in the case o Portugal all ended in:
- a possible future default,
- an extremely impoverished population that has lost the few rights they conquered in the revolution,
- hundreds of thousands of our youth (the most qualified generation in 900 years of history) seeking work in other countries flushing all the effort the country put into their education and supplying rich countries with a highly educated workforce on which they haven't spent a dime.

So, in Portugal's case there could have been some advantages to be part of the EU, but the result was a support and finance of the corrupt parties that change places in government so they may divide the loot.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 14:16 by StockPhotosArt »

Semmick Photo

« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2015, 13:10 »
This a moment I wish the disagree button was back. Couldnt disagree more. You need to educate yourself on what Europe has enabled.

Free travel, one currency, freedom of movement, freedom of work, reduced loads of price fixing such as the mobile providers, constantly fining big US conglomerates trying to push their illegalities on the good people of the union. etc etc Europe is a better place for it. Not all is good, I dont like Europe messing with local laws, but its not all as bad as you make it out to be.

In your theory, all US states need to be separate countries too.

The U.S. states were originally intended to be like separate countries with a federal government getting certain limited powers. Then we had a large Civil War and the side that wanted to keep it that way for the wrong issue lost. I personally would rather keep things decentralized for the reasons the EU is now facing but sometimes local governments can be very wrong just as easily as big distant ones.
Well said Rob.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2015, 13:13 »
Without the pressure from strict EU standards, a lot of local governments would continue or multiply their corrupt wrongdoings
For some countries, the EU membership and the rules that came along, is the best thing that happened in their recent history.

On the other hand, the EU and some of the most powerful parties of the most powerful countries kept funding corrupt parties and corrupt governments to keep them in power since it's allways useful to have lackeys at hand.

How does that work when the people choose the people in power? The EU is not a separate being. The people running the EU are voted into office by the people of the countries. The EU doesnt put local governments in power either. Dont blame the EU then, blame the people who voted.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 13:16 by Semmick Photo »


« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2015, 14:02 »
Maybe not everybody realizes that mr Putin loves to divide and conquer.

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« Reply #47 on: June 19, 2015, 14:14 »
How does that work when the people choose the people in power? The EU is not a separate being. The people running the EU are voted into office by the people of the countries. The EU doesnt put local governments in power either. Dont blame the EU then, blame the people who voted.

Don't worry, I do severely blame the citizens of my country for the choices they've been making for the past decades.

But don't underestimate what happens in the elections of (some) European countries just because we're in Europe. There are many examples worldwide where people are manipulated through the Media into voting in some candidates, and that happens in Europe too. The two main parties spend millions of euros in the campaigns violating all the laws. Money that come from banks, and other European parties promoting a propaganda tsunami barely impossible to fight by smaller parties, making them almost invisible.

In the case of Portugal you also have the two private TV channels owned by people linked to the two parties that alternate in power. The parties in the opposition are either ignored, ridiculed or a target for defamatory campaigns. The other "main" party not in power at the moment always get some great exposure. The public channel is always a propaganda channel for the party in power.

Even at this moment, there's a new party with a very well known person in front of it that could potentially make a serious dent in the parliament configuration, and the campaigns of character assassination have already started. And we're months away from the elections.

By then I believe all sorts of unfunded accusations have been risen, his reputation stained and it will take years for the courts to rule he's innocent of those accusations. In the end, if the court gives him reason that will be ignored by the media, or the case will prescribe as it happens with all the processes involving politicians from the two main parties or people associated with it.

Plus, Portuguese voters came out of a dictatorship with medieval values (literally) in 1974, with the few people that had any education with only 4 years of studies and extremely limited capability to understand even simple issues. They are unable to interpret an article in a newspaper. Many of them started to vote in a certain party by counseling of the priest and they kept doing it with a football club support perspective, we vs. them. If you ask people they cannot articulate arguments to justify their vote.

Their children, more educated, are now completely alienated from politics and most of the young people in Portugal doesn't vote because they don't believe in the main parties and repeat the propaganda the media feed them about other parties and candidates. Yet they know the name of all the characters of the tele-novelas or the name of players of the main football teams.

Many high-profile and honest people, I believe, don't get into politics because those two parties dominate the economy, and their family members can suffer consequences. And when someone tries to fight the corrupt power, he gets menaced, their pets killed and children stalked as a warning just as it happened to the judge of the case involved the former prime-minister and other examples like the menaces around reporters.

The current prime-minister in the recent past evaded taxes (forgot that he earned 5000 monthly for two years and so forgot to declare it!!!), evaded the contributions to the Social Security (didn't know that independent workers had to pay Social Security!!!) and NOTHING happened to him. And no state organization made anything despite the massive protests of those who still care.

So, simply saying that people vote in some parties is only part of the reality. Things are much more complicated than that. With enough power and control people turn into mere puppets, happy to have bread and circus.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 14:21 by StockPhotosArt »

« Reply #48 on: June 19, 2015, 14:46 »
Maybe not everybody realizes that mr Putin loves to divide and conquer.

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... true - I don t realize it ....


« Reply #49 on: June 19, 2015, 16:02 »
Maybe not everybody realizes that mr Putin loves to divide and conquer.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

... true - I don t realize it ....

I'm sure you are not the only one living under a rock.


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