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Author Topic: Freepik, a review and some help needed.  (Read 4121 times)

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« on: July 13, 2021, 01:28 »
As a contributor, my experience is really really BAD! My income fluctuates, it is going up and down. First, you have 120$ then without being paid suddenly you have 90$, then 1200$ and I really never know how much I have earned, which easily makes me think are they really stealing my work and you can never know. When wanted to be paid out, they always make an excuse and not fulfill the basic principle of trust. I give you my work, you pay me. They don't follow that principle and really make me believe they are a scam of business and really not a trustworthy company. I've read here on this forum that they started by stealing some illustrations from artists and then started giving it for free to gain customers. Website is always having problems and that's it. I know that a lot of people buy images from them, since they sell at such small rates, but believe me, they are not paying contributors for their work. It takes a lot of effort money and time to put in these photos, and to have an excuse, ''We are having some problems and we are not able to pay you'' for the fourth time in a row. Yes, I haven't been able to get my money for 4 months now with the lame excuses all the time. I am not some competition to write this bad review so that people won't use that website I am just a man that knows what trust means, and they are NOT professional or trustworthy!

So can someone tell me what to do with cases like this? Is there some higher authority I can address with this problem. I know I sound ridiculous, but I had a similar experience with some website earlier and PayPal literally made them send me my money back.

Anything will help, thanks.


« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2021, 03:21 »
LOL. Sorry but what did you expect? Did you not read about this company or their origins in the many threads on this site? They set up selling our stolen work from Warez sites and expanded using that cash to employ people copying our work from legitimate sites. They have been shady as f**k since day one.

Now thanks to people supporting them there are even more copy cats imitating the same strategy for expansion with portfolios like this: https://www.vecteezy.com/members/freevector (where people are STILL uploading).

You made your bed now lie in it.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 03:51 by Justanotherphotographer »


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2021, 03:23 »
The clue is in their name.

« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2021, 04:05 »
LOL. Sorry but what did you expect? Did you not read about this company or their origins in the many threads on this site? They set up selling our stolen work from Warez sites and expanded using that cash to employ people copying our work from legitimate sites. They have been shady as f**k since day one.

Now thanks to people supporting them there are even more copy cats imitating the same strategy for expansion with portfolios like this: https://www.vecteezy.com/members/freevector (where people are STILL uploading).

You made your bed now lie in it.

Well people are uploading because they make money, my friend have cca800$ only from Freepik, but man, they ARE a scam!!!!!!


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