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Author Topic: Hi, Im new here  (Read 14446 times)

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« on: February 28, 2006, 17:50 »
I just joined this forum after hearing about it on PDN, so i just wanted to introduce myself and say hi! I am a recent grad of Brooks Institute of Photography and work as a freelance photographer. I am interested in making my first stock submission and my only experience with stock photography is one 7 week course offered at Brooks.

We did not discuss the term "micro" stock? Can anyone please explain the difference of micro vs. macro stock, or definition of this genre.

Thanks, I hope to be able to answer any of your questions if you have any for me.

Best Cheers,
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 18:26 by featurefoto »

« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2006, 01:37 »
There are some stock companies such as getty, corbis, Alamy, Bananastock, Corbis... that sell images for between $50-$5000.  They have the sales plan of selling a few images for big $$.  There are other stock companies which are new to the game (in the last 3-5 years) which sell images for between $.20 - $10.  The sell in the hopes of making MANY sales for a small amount.  That is the basic differance. The quality of image is not neccesarily different.

Generally however, Macro stock companies are hard or impossible to get into.  Since micro stock is fairly new (and they require a less professional camera), they are generally quite easy to get into.  However just because the micro stock companies are often easy to get into, it doesn't mean that they will accept all of your pictures when they review them.

For starters I would check out
Shutterstock if you want to do microstock
If you prefer Macro stock, a good one to start with is

« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 14:08 »
Thank you, for taking the time to respond :)

So with micro stock companies such as shutterstock, is it okay to sell the same image to many different vendors or is it the same as with macro stock where you can only have images and their similars with one vendor?

« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2006, 14:58 »
Yes, you may have the same image on all the micro stock sites. (That is a good thing about royalty free images)

One exception however, is if you decide to list an image as 'exclusive' on a given site.  Certain sites, such as dreamstime, canstock, and fotolia (amoungst others) offer this. That means you promise THAT particular site, that they have the exclusive right to sell the image.  They are the only ones allowed to sell the image.

Another exception is if you list yourself as an exclusive PHOTOGRAPHER  to one site, such as istockphoto. Then you may ONLY sell photos on Istockphoto. (not a good idea in my opinion)



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