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Author Topic: I am a happy Contributor  (Read 12054 times)

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  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2017, 16:01 »
Good for you! Unfortunately many of us who are also successful Microstockers are seeing a decrease in income, and that's reality. When you start a thread about being happy about microstock, you can expect others to be not so happy. And vice versa. When I started I was thrilled that people were willing to license my work. Now I've watched billionaire company owners chip away at the incomes of the people who made them their billions. I suppose if I lived in a "poor" country i'd still be happy with my micro income, but I live in the USA, where the guy at the top becomes a billionaire and the little Americans under him slowly lose their shirts.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2017, 16:05 »
I live in the USA, where the guy at the top becomes a billionaire ...
or vice versa.

« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2017, 17:53 »
I'm seeing figures going down, just not complaining about it in a happy person's thread.

« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2017, 19:28 »
I think this thread isn't just about being happy. It's also about creativity, daily challenges, competition and totally depending on microstock income. Contribution isn't my only source of income and I can only imagine how frustrating it can be today, for all those whose are. I really believe it's normal for things to change with time. It doesn't necessarily have to be for the right reasons and it doesn't have to be a good change. Microstock sites growing so fast in the last years could only lead to one thing - too many images - big mess. The quality of images on almost every microstock site today is pretty questionable. Don't get me wrong, I still believe there are many great artists on microstock sites. It's just so sad that they often get lost in that big messy competition.

Josephine, so nice to hear you're happy and creative. Stay happy and good luck with your future work ;)

« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2017, 20:50 »
Josephine, I wish you all the best and if you're happy doing what you're doing, then it is great.

Personally, last year, I reduced significantly the amount of money spent creating new photos and clips.
This year so far, the income drop seems to have accelerated, so I decided not to spend any meaningful money on new images. I will focus on recycling my existing work and finding new ways of monetizing it, outside of microstock and stock in general.

The trend is very clear to me and the writing is on the wall, in fact it's been there all the time. I only hoped that this moment would come a few years later. But it has come now, at the worst possible time for me.

Enjoy it while you can, Josephine, I hope it will continue to work for you for a long time. My only advice is: don't make big future plans relying on (micro)stock.

« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2017, 22:51 »
Josephine, I wish you all the best and if you're happy doing what you're doing, then it is great.

Personally, last year, I reduced significantly the amount of money spent creating new photos and clips.
This year so far, the income drop seems to have accelerated, so I decided not to spend any meaningful money on new images. I will focus on recycling my existing work and finding new ways of monetizing it, outside of microstock and stock in general.

The trend is very clear to me and the writing is on the wall, in fact it's been there all the time. I only hoped that this moment would come a few years later. But it has come now, at the worst possible time for me.

Enjoy it while you can, Josephine, I hope it will continue to work for you for a long time. My only advice is: don't make big future plans relying on (micro)stock.

Agree 100% with everything you posted.  Well put!


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2017, 06:05 »
I'm seeing figures going down, just not complaining about it in a happy person's thread.

So where ARE you complaining about it? The only posts I've seen from you recently are a couple where you pop in to tell other people what they shouldn't be saying and where they shouldn't be saying it.


« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2017, 06:25 »
This isn't really a thread about being happy, it's about having a go at people complaining.

It is put in a nicer way than the OPs previous posts:

"Many contributors talk about their wonderful photos or illustrations and cry because they dont sell. I am sure they are wonderful, but maybe only for the museum or National Geographic. If they are purposely made for the net and they do not sell they are worthless. If so, its better to say bye bye to SS or so"

"What . is this discussion all about? If somebody does not like peanuts any longer, he or she should just stop eating them. Thats all. Why do spend all this time to explain the hundred reasons for???
What is Shutterstock all about? God Father for microstockers?"

"Employees who condemn or insult their bosses in public or on the net get dismissed or even taken to court since they damage to the interests of their company. What will happen to contributors who do the same to their stock agencies here in this forum? What will be the consequence referring to their sales?
I suppose they just lose."

"If you dont increase your income year by year and you still continue to upload you must be a fool and better look for another job and stop crying."

"...produce better images or leave the business and not to waste valuable time with complaints, petitions or weird accusations."

But same thing. It's basically trolling people who are unhappy about the s**t agencies (particular IStock) are pulling. I believe it's referred to as metacomplaining or something.

« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2017, 06:48 »
I'm highly depending on my stock income in a western country. I had a big drop since November on SS but recovering already with new images and the growth from sales in iStock and Fotolia are making up for losses on SS that I had. So I'm still positive and also a happy contributor! :)

I love doing stock and it changed my life. I started in 2011.

Keep doing what you love Josephine!


« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2017, 07:26 »
I really can't believe what I am reading in this thread from one positive post Josephine made.
First of all I think it is great that you are so happy creating illustrations whether for yourself or for sale. It's great to see the sale counter click. You can't compare yourself to others, just keep doing what makes you happy.

I started stock in 2007 when I was in a very bad car accident. I was in the Mayo Clinic brain trauma center for 6 months. My camera was the only thing that kept me going. I had to learn to walk, talk and use the camera all over again. If it wasn't for that camera, I would have quit life. I used wheelchairs and mobility scooters to get around for 7 years. I still use the scooter when needed. My body overheats and doesn't regulate blood pressure so it can fall to 52/40 in a minute.
Like Josephine taking pictures is still one of the only things that makes me really happy. I am disabled but looking at me you wouldn't know it. I am only able to shoot for 10 to 15 min at a time.  Whoever said being in a wheelchair defines you as disabled is wrong. There are a lot of disabled people that aren't in wheelchairs.
10 years later, I still love taking pictures and by a lot of hard work happen to be one of Istocks high performers. I am a happy contributor.
All that really should have been said to Josephine was Great, glad you are happy...but no, this forum has to turn everything negative.

Jodi, I am not saying this to be cruel because you seem like a really nice person disagreements aside.

You are misplacing your gratitude. IStock now bears not even a passing resemblance to the supportive community friendly site it was back when we started this game. As much support and opportunities IStock gave to you (and the rest of us) back in the early to mid 2000s that isn't the IStock of today. Getty saw all that good will as a branding opportunity, bought it up and scattered it to the wind.

I feel really bad for the community of exclusives still on the site supporting each other, because you are getting no love from the new IStock corporate and the longer you cling to the idea that things can change the more invested you will be and the harder the plaster will be to tear off.

One solution could be to form links with other old time exclusives away from the site and work together to explore other opportunities? I don't know, but it is really unpleasant to see you so tied to an abusive relationship.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 08:30 by Justanotherphotographer »

« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2017, 09:55 »
There are people making fun here. Apart from some well-known members here, we don't know if they are real and their intentions. Remember someone named gyllens  ::) ?

« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2017, 13:07 »
I'm seeing figures going down, just not complaining about it in a happy person's thread.

So where ARE you complaining about it? The only posts I've seen from you recently are a couple where you pop in to tell other people what they shouldn't be saying and where they shouldn't be saying it.
Actually, yesterday she was complaining at the iStock/Getty forum.  And she didn't sound like the happy contributor she said she is.

« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2017, 20:35 »
I'm seeing figures going down, just not complaining about it in a happy person's thread.

So where ARE you complaining about it? The only posts I've seen from you recently are a couple where you pop in to tell other people what they shouldn't be saying and where they shouldn't be saying it.

Haha... busted!
Actually, yesterday she was complaining at the iStock/Getty forum.  And she didn't sound like the happy contributor she said she is.


  • Medical, science, nature, and macro photography

« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2017, 23:04 »
I really can't believe what I am reading in this thread from one positive post Josephine made.
First of all I think it is great that you are so happy creating illustrations whether for yourself or for sale. It's great to see the sale counter click. You can't compare yourself to others, just keep doing what makes you happy.

I started stock in 2007 when I was in a very bad car accident. I was in the Mayo Clinic brain trauma center for 6 months. My camera was the only thing that kept me going. I had to learn to walk, talk and use the camera all over again. If it wasn't for that camera, I would have quit life. I used wheelchairs and mobility scooters to get around for 7 years. I still use the scooter when needed. My body overheats and doesn't regulate blood pressure so it can fall to 52/40 in a minute.
Like Josephine taking pictures is still one of the only things that makes me really happy. I am disabled but looking at me you wouldn't know it. I am only able to shoot for 10 to 15 min at a time.  Whoever said being in a wheelchair defines you as disabled is wrong. There are a lot of disabled people that aren't in wheelchairs.
10 years later, I still love taking pictures and by a lot of hard work happen to be one of Istocks high performers. I am a happy contributor.
All that really should have been said to Josephine was Great, glad you are happy...but no, this forum has to turn everything negative.

A very inspiring story indeed. Glad to see that you are happy with what you are doing!

« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2017, 04:10 »
Decided not to post. Sun out. Going for walk with dog.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 04:14 by sarah2 »

« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2017, 07:49 »
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 11:07 by Spinfield »


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