
Microstock Photography Forum - General => General Stock Discussion => Topic started by: rachell on October 08, 2006, 21:37

Title: Keeping Track of Uploads per Microstock site per day
Post by: rachell on October 08, 2006, 21:37
With all the different upload methods and limits, I'm starting to get lost on what I've allready submitted when and where.  How do you guys keep track?
Title: Re: Keeping Track of Uploads per Microstock site per day
Post by: suwanneeredhead on October 08, 2006, 21:56
Some people use a spreadsheet (I gave that up after my portfolio grew to over 100 images average), some people have a "main" images folder on their computer and have folders that say "SS" or "BS" or "IS" and they move them from one to the next as they upload them.  I guess that could work, although I would just get confused, probably.  I personally am very A.D.D. (and O.P.D., Obsessive Photography Disorder) and I just have a "new" folder from which I upload, and I just pop around from one to the next uploading everything I have that day.  I know some sites have a low limit but in that case I make an "uploaded" folder (or "IS uploaded" for one that has the lower limit) and just finish it the next day (or week, in iStock's case).

But don't listen to me, I only upload probably 20-30 images a week.  I know i'm a real slow producer... but I have so much other work to do, I can't concentrate on photography *YET*.
Title: Re: Keeping Track of Uploads per Microstock site per day
Post by: scrappinstacy on October 08, 2006, 22:50
I use the different folders method which I keep on my desktop.  However, as an example of what works for me, I've named folder #1 called CanStockPhoto, FP, StockXpert, LO.  The second folder is named CanStockPhoto, FP, StockXpert.  The third one CanStockPhoto, FP.  The fourth one CanStockPhoto.  I put all the new images in folder number one and upload to LuckyOliver (the last initials in the name of the folder).  Then I move everything to folder #2.  Repeat the process by uploading everything to StockXpert (the last initials in the name of folder #2).  Move contents to folder #3 and so on.  I put CanStock at the end because of the four listed, they are the only one with upload limits.  Therefore, the pictures can continue to sit in the last folder for as long as it takes but it isn't holding up these photos being uploaded elsewhere.

I do upload to several others and have different sets of folders for them following the same guidelines as above.  Since IStock has such a small upload limit, this is obviously my last folder in the other grouping.

I also keep the folders currently being uploaded open with the pictures highlighted until the upload is done.  Then I immediately move the highlighted pictures to the next folder and close the folder they were removed from.

Sounds confusing but it works for me.  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Keeping Track of Uploads per Microstock site per day
Post by: Quevaal on October 09, 2006, 00:08
I rename files by adding ss, is and so on. I also sometimes add nois etc. if it's rejected, but I'm not consequent.