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Author Topic: Microstock Earnings Thread Jan. 2013  (Read 11403 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2013, 13:51 »
2nd BME for both SS and overall. Previous BMEs for both in November and before that in 2009, so I'm hoping things are looking up. Also a BME for Canstock

« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2013, 15:49 »
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 22:32 by tickstock »

« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2013, 16:23 »
I was 7% down on last January, the month was just very slow to get going.

SS was 7% up, DT steady, IS were 24% down and FT was ... wait for it ... a staggering 52% down on Jan 2012. Lucky for me that I went Emerald in 2012, eh? FT are probably going to be in 5th place in my earnings table once the PP numbers arrive.

« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2013, 17:01 »
Here's how it went for me...

Clipartof led the way again with 27% of earnings. My own site, MyStockVectors, dethroned Shutterstock, the reigning number 2, with 22%. Shutterstock slipped to third with 15%. It was followed by Dreamstime (8%), Can Stock (7%), GL Images (6%) and Toon Vectors (5%). Big Stock showed a little life this month at 3%. The rest were 1% or under.

This month came in in 7th place, so not too shabby a beginning to the year.

« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2013, 17:16 »
January was pretty decent. I'm estimating the PP totals.

For me, there is always a big dip after December (with a reasonable crop of Christmas images, it's generally the 3rd or 4th best month of the year). This year was no exception - compared to December, $$ down 30% and DLs down 25%

Over January 2012, my $$ are up 54% and downloads up 65%. That isn't as good as it looks :) Last January I was still climbing out of the hole of switching back to independence; virtually nothing was in the PP (busted connector); nothing on Alamy except for the old RM stuff.

I added GL Stock and Fine Art America this month and each of them made one sale. For GL that was $2.60, but a start's a start! For FAA that was $32.60, so even if I can manage only one or two sales a month it'll be like a low performing stock agency. FAA beat PhotoDune which had a very disappointing January (down 68% from December)

SS was up 45% on January 2012 but the ELs and S/OD were lower than for the last few months, so iStock beat it for $$ (2 ELs there helped boost the totals as did the fact that I was getting 18% royalty vs. 17% last January)

DT was flat with Jan 2012 and down 18% on Dec (i.e. less than the overall drop which is good, sort of). 123rf downloads were flat with January 2012 but $$ down because I dropped to 45%

If it weren't for the Getty Gloom hanging over me (think ominous thundercloud), things would be looking pretty good :)


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2013, 17:46 »
A pretty good month for me - not the best ever, but a big step up from my $1735 in December to $2180 in January. It was a slow start, but then each site seems to have given me some solid sales, with 123RF doing particularly well (although I have a great referral person who must be doing fantastically on that site!) . Here is my normal graph showing the growth over the past 2 years:

As a change this month, I decided to work out the percentage of earnings that came from each site during the past 13 months. Of course SS is the clear winner in consistent sales, but it is interesting to see how some of the smaller sites can add up to a reasonable amount of my monthly income:

As usual, more details on my blog at:


« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2013, 18:59 »
51.5 % Dreamstime
30.7 % Shutterstock
  6.4 % 123RF
  4.3 % iStock
  2.0 % Fotolia
  2.7 % DepositPhotos
+ other minor amounts...

Up about 40% over January 2012 (and Jan 2011 which was my last January as an exclusive) as I enter my 5th year of this.  I'm surprised at how well DT continues to do for me as a non-exclusive.  Based on the current percentages, doesn't seem to be much advantage for me in going non-exclusive.   My results, as usual, are way off the rankings on the MSG poll.  Bumped up a notch on the 123RF scale as of today, 2nd best month there...  Wish I could elevate my other sites up to reduce Dreamstime to 10% of my total like so many others :)

« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2013, 19:08 »
Dear all,

Can you please also share the portfolio size on each of those sites. It is certainly encouraging for people like me who have just started in microstock markets.

Your % is good way of presenting, how much you get from each site. The percent figures are misleading but it is good to know the numbers.



« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2013, 19:26 »

Dude - 26 sites? You graph a lot of data. Take a look at how much time a month you spend on the bottom 10. I'm currently trying to branch out from 7. Over the years, I probably topped out at 12.

Good on ya,man


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2013, 20:06 »

Dude - 26 sites? You graph a lot of data. Take a look at how much time a month you spend on the bottom 10.

Yes, but I choose sites at the bottom of the list that are very low maintenance. I use Lightburner to upload to all sites in parallel, which gets the images there. Most of them either require no action, or maybe a visit to the site to move them from import to acceptance. So I probably spend a total of an hour a month on that set of sites. My view is that each one may earn $10 a month, but over time, that adds up and I do get payouts from them.

I also count Zazzle in my earnings, which isn't really a stock site, and PrintBusinessCards where I have stopped uploading, but still get occasional sales.


« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2013, 09:02 »
Horrible month.
down 18% from 12/12
down 41% from 01/12
Port over 5,000 photos
port grew 50% in the last year.

All stats before PP and GI.

« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2013, 09:10 »
iStock exclusive, 9000+ images.

This January compared to:

Jan 12: $ -39% DL -43%

Jan 11: $ -43% DL -67%

Jan 10: $ -37% DL -76%

« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2013, 16:22 »
IS 39%
SS 22%
DT 16%
123 5%
CS 5%
FT 5%
BS 4%
DP 2%
SX 2%

I haven't been uploading microstock for about 5 years, so it's interesting the istock sales have done consistently pretty well.

« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2013, 20:59 »
ss   69%
is   3%
dt   13%
ft   7%
others      8%

« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2013, 03:27 »
SS 65%  (136 photos - BME - up 67% from Jan 12)
DT 20% (131 photos - down 54% from Jan 12 and down 56% from Dec 12 which was my BME)
iS 10%  (had 45 photos now at 30 photos - closing when I get my next payout - I had also stopped uploading there when the controversy started and removed my pending photos)
FT 5% (45 photos)

Alamy (700 photos) best month since September 12 with each sale in the what I'd consider the mid-stock range (by today's standards : $50-100). Prices have been all over the map there lately so nice to see all my licenses there were over $55 each this month. Bummed to be getting 50% instead of 60% but far better than percentages at most others.

Had sales at redbubble (where I have a handful of cards, iPhone and iPad cases for sale) and Fine Art America (70 photos) in December but none at either this month, so overall January sales were even with December thanks to stronger sales at SS and a stronger than usual January at Alamy.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2013, 07:18 »
Alamy (700 photos) best month since September 12 with each sale in the what I'd consider the mid-stock range (by today's standards : $50-100).
Gross or net?
RF or RM?

« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2013, 08:50 »
Compared to my BME December 2012: 10% more downloads, but around the same income. By far more subscriptions than December, especially at SS, with 5% more downloads but 16% less income. On the other hand a nice surprise by Veer, thanks to a few extraordinary good sales ended up in my Top 3.

More detailed:

ss      42,5%      0949 images      BME DLs
dt      15,5%      1884 images      BME DLs   
ft      08,5%      0807 images      BME DLs
is      07,7%      0011 images      BME RPD   
123      06,7%      0900 images      BME DLs but lowest RPD ever
cs      02,9%      1434 images   
dp      02,0%      1155 images
v      13,5%      0284 images      BME RPD
sf      00,3%      0639 images

Overall a good start into 2013.

« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2013, 13:05 »
January was very weak, down 37% to last month, and down 21% to January 2012. Best four: Shutterstock, Depositphotos, Dreamstime, and Zazzle.

Complete statistic at

(This statistic include referral earning at the different agencies)

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2013, 05:07 »
January was very weak, down 37% to last month, and down 21% to January 2012. Best four: Shutterstock, Depositphotos, Dreamstime, and Zazzle.

Complete statistic at

can I just say: phwoarrrr, nice pie chart.

« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2013, 16:55 »
My January was....SURPRISING!  ;)

« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2013, 17:40 »
Since April 2010 I have not really seriously uploaded images. Just end of January I started to upload a lot again.

Interestingly earnings of all agencies went down except Shutterstock. On Shutterstock I had my best January ever.

My earnings compared to the last years:

Total current income went down from 2010 (best January ever) by: 52%
 from 2011 by: 44%
 from 2012 by: 36%

Shutterstock now generates over 50% of my income,  istockphoto (BIG drop) 20%, DT 20%, Ft 10% (this one went over 80% down from 2012- really crazy)

« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2013, 09:11 »
My January:

SS: 66%
123RF: 13%
CanStockPhoto: 7%
FT: 4.5%
DT: 4%
BS: 3.5%
DP: 2.5%

« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2013, 18:35 »
Alamy (700 photos) best month since September 12 with each sale in the what I'd consider the mid-stock range (by today's standards : $50-100).
Gross or net?
RF or RM?

I have both RF and RM photos on Alamy. My sales in January were all RM and the gross was $55-100 per sale netting me $27.50-$50.00 per license. I've seen a real drop this year in average prices there - my RF and RM sales there used to be more in the $75-$250 range, with most (especially RF) over $150 (gross) and a 60% commission. Since my portfolio nearly doubled from about 350 images to 600+ (closer to 650 than 700 - I messed up on my count - I have two separate accounts there - news and creative - and various pseudonyms - counted one twice) I'm earning more these days but only because I get more sales per month than I used to.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2013, 19:55 »
Alamy (700 photos) best month since September 12 with each sale in the what I'd consider the mid-stock range (by today's standards : $50-100).
Gross or net?
RF or RM?

I have both RF and RM photos on Alamy. My sales in January were all RM and the gross was $55-100 per sale netting me $27.50-$50.00 per license. I've seen a real drop this year in average prices there - my RF and RM sales there used to be more in the $75-$250 range, with most (especially RF) over $150 (gross) and a 60% commission. Since my portfolio nearly doubled from about 350 images to 600+ (closer to 650 than 700 - I messed up on my count - I have two separate accounts there - news and creative - and various pseudonyms - counted one twice) I'm earning more these days but only because I get more sales per month than I used to.

Oh, well done! I've got loads more pics and fewer dls, all RM, but only averaged just over $18 net per sale. I'm in the newspaper scheme, so that drags down the average, but I can't get anyone to tell me for sure whether if you opt out of the scheme, whether the newspapers get to see your pics at all. If they don't get fed opted out pics, it's arguably better getting something rather than nothing in the race to the bottom.

I've had a GI sale netting me just over $1, and I don't know how that's even possible, but I'm not the only one.

Thanks for SMing me.

« Reply #49 on: March 05, 2013, 22:13 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 15:34 by Audi 5000 »


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