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Author Topic: keeping track of images  (Read 5198 times)

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« on: September 07, 2006, 10:04 »
I am interested to know how you keep track of images. In other words what method do you use to keep track of which sites you have submitted what images to,which ones were rejected,pending,etc. Thanks

« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 10:34 »
i don't keep track of which ones were rejected/accepted.. that would be too much bother for me.

For submitting images though, I create a directory for each microsite and put a copy of all the pictures to submit in each directory.  When I have uploaded the file, I delete it from the directory.

« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 10:39 »
Leaf, t doesn't bother me to keep track, it frees my mind...

Mike, MS Excel is what I use, one column per site, the first three ones being for the file name, the title, and the thumbnail which I copy from one of the site and reduce to fit.

In each box I put the site file number (if any), the date submitted, the result date with any useful comments given from the site regarding the picture. Plus a color code for the practical visual aspect: blank for waiting, yellow for approved, grey for refused, and green for deleted by myself.  I also use bars to differentiate the dates submitted.

I find this system very practical.  This way, I don't have to think too much about what I did with what and with who, just entering the new info and go on shooting   :)

Have fun with whatever you choose!

« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 10:49 »
well i do agree it would be nice to have a little overview like that, but if you were to submit 50-100 images a week, to 10 different sites that is 500-1000 entries in the database each week.  Quite a bit of work

« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 11:11 »
Yes, it would be...
I submit to more sites, but I am not that prolific... you have more that 10x more pictures than me on DT, and quite an amazing portfolio!  Are you doing stock full time?

« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 11:16 »
Plus a color code for the practical visual aspect: blank for waiting, yellow for approved, grey for refused, and green for deleted by myself. I also use bars to differentiate the dates submitted.
I do a similar thing though only record whether accepted or rejected (no dates or anything).  However, I use green for accepted and red for rejected and orange for can be resubmited.  Traffic lights are instantly recongnisable.

« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 13:45 »
i'm a mac guy and am using aperture to manage all my images

i create folders for each site i submit to...
1) to export
2) in queue
3) accepted
4) rejected

so i can move the images as i edit them to each 'to export' folder, then for all sites that accept FTP, i do an export at the end of the day to their individual finder folder where during the night, an Automator process kicks off and logs into FTP and uploads the files from that folder and then throws them to the trash. The next morning, i log in to each site and (waste my time) add the categories. Then I move the images to the 'in queue' folder. Finally, when i hear back from the site about the images, i move them either to the accepted or rejected folder.

it is all very easy to do in Aperture and i have a record of which files have been submitted to whom etc. That makes it a very visual way to deal with it - i tried the spreadsheet thing and it was impossible for me to remember what images were what and numbers sure don't do it for me.


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