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Author Topic: Models careers helped from stock shots?  (Read 4275 times)

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« on: January 21, 2008, 13:49 »
Does anyone know of any models that have had their careers launched or enhanced by appearing in stock photographs?

I know that I have seen one pretty blond Austrailian model all over the web and in print ads in the back of throw-away magazines, yet I have never seen her face in any high profile professional ads.

So, my guess is no...but I am hoping I am wrong.


« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 14:17 »
No it don't help at all actually it is the opposite. No big Modelagency would accept a model then their pictures already flooded via RF. The reason is simple Highend - costumers want some kind exclusivity. As an example i know a male-model who got 11.000 Euros for a shoot (one day!) but the deal included one year exclusivity for all similiar products (in this case it was a whiskey so he was not allowed to produce other whiskey - ads for one year with his face).
How could a model or the Modelagency guarantee that if the model already signed a model-release with no control how the pictures will get used?

« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 19:12 »
Excellent point. I had not given that any thought.
I was thinking that getting your face out there, would mean a potential for tearsheets that could be used to further a career.

But your mention of exclusivity does indeed have merit.

Still, with all the exposure via the internet...there must be someone that has been able to launch a career via having his/her face displayed everywhere. I mean youtube has given countless people their 15 minutes of fame. This is supposed to be a new era...

Do all the old rules still apply?

« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 06:28 »
All the old rules may not still apply but, the two "hand" models I work with will not sign an RF release if it involves showing their faces. One models frequently for mask and costume makers (with her face showing) and they are both involved in theatre. Now that I am submitting to Alamy and PSC they are considering letting me shoot RM images with "recognizable" body parts.
Just my .79 cents (taking into account the dropping USD)


« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2008, 17:43 »
It's not a good thing for anyone that wants to go pro.

« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2024, 07:44 »
It's a good question. But an amazing thing happened to me. I answered an add on the net looking for mature models with my photo & the studio putting out the add invited me down for a photoshoot so I went down to central London (over 2 hours travel by train) & it went very well and passed the shoot easily. The studios website said the photographers there even shoot for fashion week. They referred me to some agencies along with a portfolio. I talked to the owner of one on the phone after applying & they'd heard about me from the studio & it was positive etc. But it all came crashing down when same agency texted saying I need to pay a 180 fee to complete the application which I cannot afford because the photoshoot wasn't free either & I'm having to pay for. I'm in touch with another agency though which should be better.
PS. I've done body parts stock photos of myself (mentioned on another post) I don't think I'll gain national recognition for those though. 
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 07:47 by TonyD »

« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2024, 19:43 »
Does anyone know of any models that have had their careers launched or enhanced by appearing in stock photographs?

I know that I have seen one pretty blond Austrailian model all over the web and in print ads in the back of throw-away magazines, yet I have never seen her face in any high profile professional ads.

So, my guess is no...but I am hoping I am wrong.

One woman that became extremely successful goes by the name of 'maridav'. There are even facebook groups devoted to her to see which 'products' she's been licensed on. I've personally seen her on local hair care products, "medical" products, etc, etc... I wouldn't say she's a model in the "traditional" sense (i.e., runway model) - but I'd (educated guess) say she has had the same kind of financial success most of them do.

So I would consider her a 'model' - she just licensed her images/likeness a different way... very successful person.

« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2024, 20:04 »
Does anyone know of any models that have had their careers launched or enhanced by appearing in stock photographs?

I know that I have seen one pretty blond Austrailian model all over the web and in print ads in the back of throw-away magazines, yet I have never seen her face in any high profile professional ads.

So, my guess is no...but I am hoping I am wrong.

One woman that became extremely successful goes by the name of 'maridav'. There are even facebook groups devoted to her to see which 'products' she's been licensed on. I've personally seen her on local hair care products, "medical" products, etc, etc... I wouldn't say she's a model in the "traditional" sense (i.e., runway model) - but I'd (educated guess) say she has had the same kind of financial success most of them do.

So I would consider her a 'model' - she just licensed her images/likeness a different way... very successful person.

You are right. She and her husband ran the microstock business--- she is world famous now. I believe they have slowed down due to a new born in their lives. Very, very successful!

« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2024, 22:55 »
Unbelievably old thread alert!

« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2024, 02:19 »
Stock agencies usually recommend shooting ordinary people in ordinary clothes. The stock market does not imply selling super ads and super models.


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