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Author Topic: Why the difference?  (Read 8610 times)

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« on: September 14, 2006, 02:35 »
Is it just me, or is there a difference between the tone of the iStock and Shutterstock forums (the two I read most)?

The IS forum tends to have a harsher, meaner tone to it. The people who post on SS tend to be gentler with newbies and those who don't always make the coolest of posts.

Am I right about that? Anyone notice this too? Any ideas why?

« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 03:04 »
I think istock, with all its exclusive submitters and other pro's, look down on the common folk while shutterstock seems more inclusive as a lot of the people who post there are the common folk just trying to make a dime or two.

« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 04:01 »
You are right on the money with your evaluation.

The iStock forums are the worst of the lot. The threads constantly turn into territory matches. They have more threads locked than any other site. And admin are some of the worst contributors, always giving their opinions about how wonderful IS is and why you should be grateful that you make 20 cents a photos since they used to be a free sight, blah, blah, blah.

Shutterstock forums are the best of the lot. I don't ever remember seeing a locked thread. Posts are edited, but very rarely. And admin don't give "opinions" just the facts.

The reason that IS is rude is probably because of the participation by admin.  Admin is especially rude on IS, and this attitude spills over to the general poster.  Remember, monkey see, monkey do.

In summary, IS forums get a failing grade (F), while Shutterstock forums get an A.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 04:04 by StockManiac »

« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2006, 04:08 »
well i would have to say that the shutterstock forums are the most liberal in what they allow before locking a thread.. however the conversation seems to be mostly focused on games and such.

I can't say much about istock forums.. i haven't spent much time there.

« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2006, 06:44 »
I think we are all contributing to one of the best forums,

virtually no locked threads

fairly polite banter

no censorship - you can compare sites

kept fairly on topic

I find this forum keeps me busy enough I only only look at others if someone points something worth reading out.

« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2006, 10:06 »
Interestingly ...

IS have suspended all uploads for this weekend.   :(

Okay. I have no problem with that decision. It is their prerogative and I guess they've done it for a good reason. (Though I am a bit frustrated, what with having a load of images ready to go.)

However, read the IS forum posts on this issue and I guess about 2/3 of the members are saying something like, "Wooo! Yay! Cool decision. We're so happy."

« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 10:33 by Bateleur »

« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2006, 10:17 »
Interestingly ...

IS have suspended all downloads for this weekend. :(

Okay. I have no problem with that decision. It is their prerogative and I guess they've done it for a good reason. (Though I am a bit frustrated, what with having a load of images ready to go.)

However, read the IS forum posts on this issue and I guess about 2/3 of the members are saying something like, "Wooo! Yay! Cool decision. We're so happy."


Did they also suspended the downloads???? I thought it was just the uploading part that was suspended.  ???

« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2006, 10:32 »
Ooops ... sorry ... my mistake.  :o  I meant Uploads.

I've corrected it.   ;D

Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 10:50 »
I'll be the first to complain about Istock's pay scale.  But, their forums are no worse or better than any other.  I've seen some very obnoxious stuff from the SS forum, along the lines of "you suck."  The fact is, when people try to argue and they're not face to face, but online, they lose their manners.  So, I think that Istock bashing about their forums may be a bit overblown--except for locked threads.  That is something SS rarely does.  However, keep in mind the fact that Istock owns their forum, so they have a legitimate right to controls its contents.  We may not like locked threads, but they're a legal fact.

As for their closing down uploads for a few days, I don't care.  If it clears out the queue and speeds up reviews, and especially if it removes the ridiculous upload restrictions--well, I'm all for it.  If the twenty-a-week limit persists after this weekend, I will seriously reconsider staying with the site.  I'm in it to sell photos and make money, and getting 5 to 10 images a week accepted by them won't cut it.

« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 21:29 »
After a four-day retention, people will upload tons of images again.  I really don't see the gain.


« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 03:57 »
After a four-day retention, people will upload tons of images again.  I really don't see the gain.


People won't be able to upload tons of images again ... at least, not people like me who are staying resolutely non-exclusive on iStock (I value my independence  ;D ). At 25 images a week it will take me to the next Ice Age to upload a ton of images.

« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 13:14 »

But what does the 4 day delay changes for your?  What you would upload these 4 days will be uploaded anyway.  That's my point.


« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2006, 16:02 »

But what does the 4 day delay changes for your?  What you would upload these 4 days will be uploaded anyway.  That's my point.

Yes, I get your point Adelaide. Sooner or later I'll get them uploaded.

But I upload to other sites too (for example SS). Now I've got a pile of images that I've sent to SS but can't sent to IS until Monday. Then when I can send them it's only at a pretty modest 25 per week.

Will my IS uploads ever catch up at this rate? Probably not unless I put the brakes on with SS and I don't want to do that.


« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2006, 19:04 »
I know I'm once again going against the grain, but I spend more hours than I should :) on the iStock forum and I'm also exclusive.  Contrary to looking down on anyone I try my best to answer questions and generally be nice and helpful where I can.  iStock forums have their rule clearly written out in stickies at the top of their forums and it states what they will lock.  They also have alot of traffic so they have to be on top of regulating the forums it would just be a big mess.  I haven't spent alot of time on the Shutterstock forums to compare, but I don't personally feel they are too harsh.  Also as far as teh cheerleading goes, yeah there is a lot of it.  But that means there are at least that many happy people there.

Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2006, 20:44 »
If you want to see obnoxious forums, try going to dpreview.  There are a lot of genuinely nice and helpful folks there.  There are also a lot of jerks who try to start arguments, spout racist comments, and generally make pests of themselves.  People can and do get banned from those forums.  So, it's not just Istock, Shutterstock, beanstalk, or whatever stock.  This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm glad I don't moderate a forum.


« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2006, 21:09 »
If you want to see obnoxious forums, try going to dpreview. There are a lot of genuinely nice and helpful folks there. There are also a lot of jerks who try to start arguments, spout racist comments, and generally make pests of themselves. People can and do get banned from those forums. So, it's not just Istock, Shutterstock, beanstalk, or whatever stock. This kind of thing happens everywhere.

I'm glad I don't moderate a forum.

OMG yes!  dpreview is notorious for roughness!  Especially if anyone mentions microstock! ;)


  • O.I.D. Sufferer (Obsessive Illustration Disorder)
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2006, 21:39 »
There's actually another one (i'm not going to mention it by name since i don't want you go to there!) that is owned by a certain rabble-rouser who shall remain nameless... many of you know him, he got banned from SS's forum, then banned from SS altogether... this board is the one that they were talking about in the Yahoo Microstock Group, where the owner removes "lurkers" and people who haven't posted in a while.  He had me as a moderator of the Illustrator board and then removed me, without a word, because somebody complained that I wasn't putting up enough tutorials, tips & tricks, examples, advice for uploading vectors, etc.  (SOME of us have a boatload of WORK to do because we are actual working artists!)  He even removed all of the posts that were in there prior to his dismissal of me!  I think that was *rude* ... but not nearly as rude as I have seen his posts in the microstock forums.  18 months ago when I started all this, I would read the SS forums and get so angry with this contributor... his insults and egotistical ideation were ridiculous, just meant to get people's hackles up... why would anybody do that?

I find SS's forum is the most supportive and instructive... and IS's is the most mean-spirited.  DT's is okay but you can get flamed if you say the wrong things or have any kind of anger or frustration in your message.  It's a free internet, though... so I try to just be a nice girl and not let it bother me.


  • Rust in Peace
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 01:36 »
Never had any trouble at IS. The only thing which annoys me is the cheerleading. iStock is where I make the most money, so I'm happy with it, but some people are, like was mentioned earlier, happy either it's upload restrictions or full stop. It's all jolly good.

« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 02:33 »
18 months ago when I started all this, I would read the SS forums and get so angry with this contributor... his insults and egotistical ideation were ridiculous, just meant to get people's hackles up... why would anybody do that?

I believe that sort of person is called a Troll.

Trolls are a well-known feature of many forums. They get their kicks out of winding people up with outrageous statements and nasty comments. They like nothing better for you to respond to them with shock and horror ... and then they make a whole load more outrageous, horrible or insulting ststements.

Why do they do it? Who knows. They're poor, pale, bitter souls who don't have a life anywhere else outside the internet forums (hence the name 'Troll').

Let's hope we don't get any trolls here. But if we do, the best thing is to completely ignore them. They hate that.

« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2006, 20:26 »
The IS forum tends to have a harsher, meaner tone to it. The people who post on SS tend to be gentler with newbies and those who don't always make the coolest of posts.
Not at all! IS shuts down any posting that isn't nice, that's why you don't see as much. IS only allows topics like "How I love iStock" or "How to kiss iStock's @$$". SS lets people tell it like it is. Read rider99's posts on SS and then you'll see the difference. IS just locks or more often deletes unfriendly threads.


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