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Author Topic: New keyword checker, amount of images per keyword on multiple stock sites  (Read 9183 times)

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  • 3D artist & Full Stack Developer

« on: January 14, 2023, 15:11 »
Try our new stock sites keyword to amount of images checker:


- Check up to 50 keywords at once
- Results from adobe and freepik (more will be added soonᵀᴹ)
- All keywords data is refreshed weekly
- New keywords data added each hour
- Over 100k keywords data already available
- Sort and copy ordered list
- Limited to 5 daily checks (~250 keywords a day)
- 20 checks a day (~1000 keywords a day) for https://upstock.guru free registered users

Try it here:

« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2023, 11:58 »
Doesn't seem very helpful in my genre. "Cincinnati, Ohio" and "Cleveland, Ohio" didn't turn up images for the cities. "Columbus, Ohio" did better. Of course, the results are relative to the material on the stock photo sites you have selected.

It would be very handy to make your count results, for each site, linkable to the actual search on that site. I.E. Your result for "Ohio" has Adobe with 47,909 hits. I would like to click on 47,909 and run the real search on Adobe for "Ohio".


  • 3D artist & Full Stack Developer

« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2023, 12:27 »
Doesn't seem very helpful in my genre. "Cincinnati, Ohio" and "Cleveland, Ohio" didn't turn up images for the cities. "Columbus, Ohio" did better. Of course, the results are relative to the material on the stock photo sites you have selected.

It would be very handy to make your count results, for each site, linkable to the actual search on that site. I.E. Your result for "Ohio" has Adobe with 47,909 hits. I would like to click on 47,909 and run the real search on Adobe for "Ohio".

What's the point of looking up a single keyword? You can just got to the site and search..
This checker will help you sort a list of keywords by the amount of results each one has, so you can rank on keywords with less competition..
Try something like:
Code: [Select]
cleveland, ohio, skyline, oh, city, river, downtown, cuyahoga, fall, landmark, night, waterfront, autumn, bridge, lake, scenery, eerie, park, famous, business, water, landscape, architecture, modern, lights, buildings, financial, urban, cityscape, skyscrapers, evening, dawn, outdoors, district, town, location, historical, historic, scene, usa, american, scenic, america, view
About linkable results, they are available to registered users only.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2023, 14:16 »
Doesn't seem very helpful in my genre. "Cincinnati, Ohio" and "Cleveland, Ohio" didn't turn up images for the cities. "Columbus, Ohio" did better. Of course, the results are relative to the material on the stock photo sites you have selected.

It would be very handy to make your count results, for each site, linkable to the actual search on that site. I.E. Your result for "Ohio" has Adobe with 47,909 hits. I would like to click on 47,909 and run the real search on Adobe for "Ohio".

What's the point of looking up a single keyword? You can just got to the site and search..
This checker will help you sort a list of keywords by the amount of results each one has, so you can rank on keywords with less competition..
Try something like:
Code: [Select]
cleveland, ohio, skyline, oh, city, river, downtown, cuyahoga, fall, landmark, night, waterfront, autumn, bridge, lake, scenery, eerie, park, famous, business, water, landscape, architecture, modern, lights, buildings, financial, urban, cityscape, skyscrapers, evening, dawn, outdoors, district, town, location, historical, historic, scene, usa, american, scenic, america, view
About linkable results, they are available to registered users only.

Interesting but I wonder what's checked and why? I mean why would I want ranks for words, if I'm going to put the best words first? Does having words that more people have or less people have make them better or worse words. I'm missing the point.

Also, I searched for a word that I have 11 images with that word, on Adobe, your tool comes up with the result of 1. Is that one today or one total or why one not 11 or 300 or something else?

« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2023, 15:43 »
the list of keywords only gives results for individual tags checked

elephant 500K
tanzania 200K

what i really need is elephant + tanzania  = ??10k? 50K?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2023, 14:27 »
the list of keywords only gives results for individual tags checked

elephant 500K
tanzania 200K

what i really need is elephant + tanzania  = ??10k? 50K?

OK interesting, but why do I want this? I'm serious.

If there are too many I might want to make something else? If there aren't enough, I want to shoot that? I'm missing the what this does, that a search doesn't, or using my own search.

- All keywords data is refreshed weekly
- New keywords data added each hour
- Over 100k keywords data already available


None found-

2   pdk   -   -   -
3   brachiopod   -   -   -
4   boneshaker   -   -   -

Search on Adobe:

82 results for pdk
298 results for brachiopod
61 results for boneshaker

1   sliced   5,502,423   726,152   15/01/23
AS 5,523,726 results for sliced

vegetables   12,591,107   1,494,851   15/01/23
AS 12,627,339 results for vegetables


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