Ah!....... a person in need of help! (oh goody)
Well sir, you came to the right place. Everyone aboard this forum has plenty of excessive help just oozing from them.
I have so much help in me,....it's dripping all over the floor at my feet right in front of me as I type this.
So you think you need help because as you state; "I am loosing my reputation here..."
It is not clear to me at this point that you have in fact established a reputation here on this forum.
Perhaps I am mistaken? If so, would you kindly state what it is exactly your reputation here is, when it was established, and for how hong have you had it.
That information is paramount in securing your reputation, and setting down the guidelines in us trying to help you maintain it.
I am awaiting you to provide this information before I can proceed to help you. Rest assured though we will do our best to help you keep and matain the reputaton
you have worked so hard for and rightly deserve.
Cranky MIZ
The voice of reason