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Author Topic: Nov 2013 Microstock Income - How was your month?  (Read 16542 times)

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« on: November 30, 2013, 23:24 »
Here's the link to the poll for those who forget

For me, Fotolia came up quite a bit and Shutterstock was down a little in terms of % of overall income.  iStock came up a few% as well.  Overall earnings were up on last year Nov, and slightly up on last month (oct)... about in relation to uploads - so in that regards, earings are about the same.

« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 01:59 »

« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 02:10 »
Voted too.

Overall, this November was just at the same level as last November. Just this November, I have Stocksy in the Mix - which means all micros performed worse than last year. Nevertheless, Shutterstock came in best overall this month (39%), Stocksy (29%)came in second, Fotolia came in third 17% DT and 123rf were at the bottom with 9 and 6% respectively. In terms of RPD/RPI Stocksy performed best, 123rf worst.

« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 02:15 »
November was good to me.  Up 8% over October despite being one day shorter.  Up 22% over November last year.  Year over year was up 9%.

Shutterstock was up 11% from October at 42% of my total.  #2 123RF was up 4% at 23%.  #3 iStock was up 59% at 11%.  #4 Deposit was close behind, up 90% at 9%.  #5 PhotoDune was down 15% at 5%.  Dreamstime, CanStock, and BigStock were well down, each bringing in around 2%.  The rest barely registered.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 02:28 »
Enough good month
But I can't say how much till iStock communicates the November PP sales

Shutterstock > Very good
Fotolia > incredibly good (for Fotolia) BME
iStock > waiting PP
Photodune > good
Dreamstime > dreams what??
Bigstock > bad
123RF > bad
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 04:32 by Beppe Grillo »

« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2013, 02:51 »
Bad month for me SS down second consecutive month. And other sites down a bit as well. I stopped producing new images in October. And almost straight away my sales was going down. Basically, I was expecting a longer life for my images. Since I've been working for about 2 years till October.     

« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2013, 03:06 »
... Basically, I was expecting a longer life for my images. ...

For various reasons (having to do with the rest of my life, not stock or agencies) I have produced very little new stock this year, but I had a BME at Shutterstock and within a dollar of a BME at Dreamstime. Images can have a very long shelf life but it does depend a bit on the type of image.

This time of year, for me, is heavily skewed towards Christmas with a good sprinkling of Caribbean beaches as the weather gets awful in the northern hemisphere. If you don't have much for the seasonal demand, perhaps that's more the issue than a short life for your images.

« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2013, 03:31 »
I think you are right Jo Ann Snover,

The only thing is that last year October and November was my Best Month on SS.


« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 03:35 »
Wasnt there already a thread open on Nov earnings? Is this the official one?

-35.28%   To previous month
-35.28%   To previous BME
32.61%   To Nov 2012

Istock $85 with 32 files - BME October

123 - BME dls / tied BME $$
CanStockPhoto - 4 ELs - BME in $$ (108$)

Symbiostock 1 sale
FAA - my second earner fell dead in November - 0 sales

PD, DP and FT same as last month, not worth mentioning

Overall. November is a month to forget. Really bad month. Expecting December to be worse if I have to believe last years stats for December.

BUT..... Istock can change all that if it does the same for October

« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2013, 05:11 »
BME (+33.4%)

All the agencies are doing better, except BigStock. I will most likely stop uploading there, as it is just not worth it. Pond5 was a nice surprise this month, as well as a one RM sale at alamy.

Overall, I am quite pleased. I hope December will be nice too, but I don't exepct a BME.

« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2013, 06:11 »
iStock exclusive.

Compared to:

November 2012: $ -7% DL - 20%

Cannot compare to years before 2012 because those records have disappeared.

« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2013, 06:28 »
My income was about the same as in October without really uploading any thing new. SS grew in downloads by 45% (not royalties)  over October with seasonal images selling well and without even uploading any new files in November. On istock my downloads have increased by 55% compared to November 2012, but my income is 80% less of what it used to be.

I still have small portfolios, 202 on pond5 up to 670 on deposit. SS and Fotolia around 530 files. istock has 3500.

And yet even with 530 files SS is already earning nearly one third of my istock income (without PP).

Overall my income is about 20% of what I would consider a minimum living wage. But I am still very pleased with the results, especially on the agencies that already have millions of files and get thousands every day. How do the customers find me with such a small portfolio?

So I am very confident that 2014 will be a good year.

« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2013, 07:22 »
I expected to worst after October, but I am fairly happy with November.  Overall down 8%, and this was mainly due to NO sales at Alamy, 50% down at Rodeo, 20% down at Dreamstime and 60% at GLO  (all compared to November 2012).

SS did well in downloads and very well in SOD's, but due to a total lack of EL's, I ended up at minus 8%.

Totally unexpected :
Istock - was a super surprise because of the increased October's PP
Fotolia went UP 1% compared to November 2013 (while all other months in 2013 were down more than 15%).

« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2013, 07:50 »
SS up due to a 75 dl but the big surprise, I mean worthless surprise, is to see Fotolia  tank to lower than photodune. Month over month ft gets worse and their rejections go higher and higher. I only hang on at this point due to the volume I have there and the hope they get purchased by someone with better performance and reputation.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2013, 07:52 »
iS: 4th BME  ;D
iStock (only) (weeks 1 and 3 'average for nowadays', weeks 2 and 4 very good!):
compared to Oct 2013: dls +10%; $$  +c60% (2 ELs, one substantial)
compared to Nov 2012: dls -25%, $$ +13%
Compared to BME (Nov 2008): dls -70%; $$ -16%
Only the second month this year which has been higher (and in both cases, substantially higher) than last year, so still projecting to be down c13% year on year.
Still almost nothing from 2013 selling, and very little other than editorial from 2012 and 2011. OTOH, several old files from 2007/8 with 0 and <5 previous sales selling. Despite the $$ hike I'm still really demotivated to specially make fresh material to upload there - yet again, one file which was downloaded within a couple of days has been 'rewarded' by sinking below 1000 on its top keyword (as I ordered it and as currently ordered) in both best match and FM - doomed never to recover.

Getty (via iStock)(October): 6 sales, $41.18 total  :(
Alamy: 4 sales, $85.18 net  :)
FAA: 0

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 08:12 by ShadySue »


« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2013, 11:35 »
Dreamstime is now less than 10% of SS for me, I guess their ridiculous weekly subscription which giving their contributors a maximum of about 10% commission is now paying it tolls.
I'm pretty sure I will stop to submit to them in the new year

« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2013, 11:58 »
Strange month. In the things I thought I'd never say category, CanStockPhoto out earned SS. Only by a couple dollars, but I still had to say it.

« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2013, 12:13 »
Bad month, 30% down from October. Historically it had always been my best month of the year with about +20% over October every year before.

« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2013, 12:41 »
Not too bad for this year, but down from last Nov, mostly because Alamy was less. SS had over 1$ RPD (not a whole lot of sales, but a good mix of regular, OD, EL, and SOD sales. (for contrast IS w/o PP rpd was about .55 - but not a valid statistical sample). BS was a BME (but still pretty small - mostly one EL). DT seemed to be even more segregated into periods of subs, regular sales, and no sales. The total was ok though. Veer was pretty weak, but at least it wasn't negative like October.


« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2013, 14:15 »
SS: BME, not even close.

iStock:  I don't bother checking until the PP figures come in as regular sales have basically stopped, or at least the $ has what with Main pricing and a 15% royalty (14 RC's shy of a whopping 16% royalty rate but doubt that I'll make it by the end of the year.).

« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2013, 16:11 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 00:30 by Audi 5000 »

« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2013, 17:26 »
Mixed month leaning to the negative side:

SS and DT (usually 2 of my best) both underperformed to varying degrees.  FT did ok with one very good week.  PD about average. 123 RF steady on sales (average-ish month) but the RPD impacts performance and not in a healthy way. Bigstock no increase and RPD is dismal. DP new account with some sales almost daily but again too sub driven for sales satisfaction. Canstock poor. Veer, GL, Alamy nothing or close to nothing. IS was ok relative to reduced portfolio and almost no new uploads this year.

All in all - I'm still running hard but staying in the same spot - as I upload away without an appreciable return in sales to justify the effort.  ::)  Have therefore started to rationalize my time a bit more as far as new uploads to some of the regularly low performing sites.


« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2013, 17:49 »
Up a modest 3% from October, and November was yet another month of -20% on same month prior year.  This seems to be a consistent trend. 

Once again, downloads were up or about the same on most sites and earnings were what showed a dramatic loss. 

I guess this is the "new normal" for me.  I can't manage to produce images fast enough to compensate for the downward trend on prices and royalties. 

Only site showing real growth for me is 123RF.  Very happy I stayed with them. 

I did the calculations by zeroing out PP earnings for the comparison months.  If PP comes in strong like last month it will improve the picture somewhat. 
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 17:51 by lisafx »

« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2013, 07:36 »
The surprisingly high PP sales in October completely changed my expectations of that month from a 3% drop to what turned out to be an increase of 8% (compared to Oct 2012).

It therefore feels a bit early to be definitive about November. However, unless the PP for Nov are off the scale, then last month is looking very bad for me. SS, IS & FT were all well down whilst DT and BigStock were the same. Even if the PP for Nov is similar to Oct then I will still be about 8% down compared to Nov 2012.

As I mentioned in a previous post I find it difficult to believe that the massive increase in PP sales over the last couple of months is all 'new money' into the industry. I wonder if the recent success of the PP will eventually transpire to be at the cost of sales elsewhere?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2013, 07:46 »
As I mentioned in a previous post I find it difficult to believe that the massive increase in PP sales over the last couple of months is all 'new money' into the industry. I wonder if the recent success of the PP will eventually transpire to be at the cost of sales elsewhere?
The fact that buyers are being marshalled towards TS would seem to indicate that. This last batch may have been previous buyers who hadn't bought at iS for a time, so maybe no loss; but we don't know if active buyers have been channelled again too, as they were at the launch of TS.
OTOH, people were also noting an upturn of better-than-plain-sub sales there.


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