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Author Topic: Nov 2013 Microstock Income - How was your month?  (Read 16580 times)

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« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2013, 11:31 »
Not a great month, DT & SS still strong enough.

One thing I did notice was that for the first time in months, if not years, I sold more credit downloads than subs at FT.  Usually subs sell triple.

« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2013, 12:13 »
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 00:29 by Audi 5000 »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2013, 12:20 »
Hmmm, my October Getty RPD was <$7 per sale. I probably can't deduce anything from that either as the numbers are so small, but certainly more tiny-value sales from Getty and only a few largish ones over the year.

« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2013, 12:30 »
Don't know what to think.

For IS, September was my WMY, October BMY, November was below average again. October Getty RPD is below average at about 13.

« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2013, 18:52 »
Overall a very good month. Only 3% down compared to October, but 37% compared to last year November.

Best four: Shutterstock, Zazzle, DepositPhotos, FineArtAmercia

Blog Post: http://microstockinfos.blogspot.com/2013/12/stock-photography-sales-statistic.html
List of agencies I work with: http://stock.hlehnerer.com/SA.html

(Referral income included in this statistic)

« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2013, 19:07 »
BME at SS and DT for November, DT was my best agency this month (when I did the poll I used the numbers I had gotten on 11/29 but when I checked final numbers for the month it was up even more beating on SS which hasn't happened often)
One sale at Alamy netted me $39.26 Discouraging
One large direct RM stock license to a publisher earned me nearly 3x what I made last November

So, in order:

Direct stock licensing
iStock (will beat Alamy if PP sales are equal to those from October)

For the first time in a single month I've made payouts from nearly all sites at once : SS, DT, Alamy and iStock

Up 364% overall from last November and up 106% if I just compare how I did on the micros last November to this November, so certainly trending in the right direction.

For the year, with one month to go, Alamy is down 50%, SS is up 10% (about even to the new work I've added), DT is up 70% and has been showing a strong upward trend despite countless sub sales of my Level 4 and 5 images, iStock is up 100% (with nearly 2 months of missing earnings since 90% of my earning there are usually PP these days); overall stock photo sales are up over 100% with growth in direct stock photo licensing accounting for a nice chunk of that growth.

After I got my PP sales on iStock for October, iStock actually beat out sales on DT for October (by $3 and came within $5 of my earnings on SS for October - all three were the closest they've ever been in October).

« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2013, 00:37 »
Strange month. In the things I thought I'd never say category, CanStockPhoto out earned SS...
Lackluster month for me, except for CanStockPhoto. It was my 3rd best site for Nov, outselling both 123RF and Fotolia by over $100 each - that never happened before. CanStockPhoto was way above its sales for Oct 2013 and Nov 2012. A BME by over $50.

« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2013, 02:12 »
After an disastrous October....November was even worse :(

SS decreased dramatically; and none of the other big 5 were above average.....

what's happening???? two months that supposed to be be the best months of the year went terrible wrong for me. :(((  :-\

« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2013, 03:01 »
Strange month. In the things I thought I'd never say category, CanStockPhoto out earned SS...
Lackluster month for me, except for CanStockPhoto. It was my 3rd best site for Nov, outselling both 123RF and Fotolia by over $100 each - that never happened before. CanStockPhoto was way above its sales for Oct 2013 and Nov 2012. A BME by over $50.
Canstock treats us fair, every time i saw those 5, 2.5 commssions there, that let me think about how come our works can get such high prices and commssions on Canstock but others can't?why??????


« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2013, 04:42 »
CanStockPhoto was my second earner for November....


  • [<o>] Brasil

« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2013, 05:15 »
IMHO in this survey regarding iStock should be split in 3 due PP sales amount is given later and sometimes EL too. So we would have:

iStock PP
iStock EL

It also would be great to see how are they doing. ;0)

« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2013, 06:34 »
Happy with my November - first month since going photo and video independent that I have seen a revenue increase compared to 2012. IS audio sales pretty solid and the odd video sale from FT, DP and Revo, which is encouraging. SS and FT both up and BME, but didn't sell anything on Alamy or GL.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2013, 06:52 »
IMHO in this survey regarding iStock should be split in 3 due PP sales amount is given later and sometimes EL too. So we would have:

iStock PP
iStock EL

It also would be great to see how are they doing. ;0)

ELs are always, barring bugs, reported in real time AFAIK. In fact, even when stats were down, ELs were showing.
If you showed iS EL sales separately you'd have to divvy SS into all the SOD, ELs etc.
There could be an argument for noting iStock-Getty sales separately, as they were vaunted as giving a boost to regular iStock sales, but in fact for some they are propping up iS sales.

Have you reported your November sales yet?

« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2013, 07:44 »
November 2013 was good.
Shutterstock was not as dominant with other sites making progress.

30.8 % Shutterstock
18.5 % Alamy (best month)
15.5 % Fotolia
14.2 % Dreamstime (best month)
12.4 % Canstock (best month)
03.9 % 123RF
02.9 % Bigstock
01.6 % DepositPhotos
00.1 % Veer (worst month)
00.1 % Stockfresh
00.0 % GLStockimages

« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2013, 10:05 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100


« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2013, 10:20 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month

admin edit: attachment removed
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 14:57 by leaf »


« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2013, 10:25 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month

You wouldn't be yelled at Mike, just no-one would believe you


« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2013, 10:26 »
Well if I posted my Stock Income, I would be yelled at by various obnoxious people who hide behind screen names and do not post links to their galleries or anything real.
So lets just say Shutterstock - Best Month Ever, Dreamstime -got a payout over the minimum, 123royalty free - ugh (well I only have a few images there anyway), Istock - Negligible (I quite uploading to them years ago and only have a few images there), Lucky Oliver - STOLE MY COMMISSONS and left the building a few years ago, the others I don't even check most of the time.

All in all it was an Awesome Month
It was already posted on the SS forum you make 10k per month.

« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2013, 10:55 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100

I supposed this is answered somewhere else, but Sean, why not SS?  Or are you only submitting video to the other guys perhaps?

« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2013, 11:07 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100

I supposed this is answered somewhere else, but Sean, why not SS?  Or are you only submitting video to the other guys perhaps?

I'm trying not to submit to sites that would sell my content by subscription.

« Reply #45 on: December 03, 2013, 11:13 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100


It's a tough life out in the cold. Sean, does the thought ever cross your mind that protecting your income by avoiding sites with subs has the effect of utterly undermining how much you might make? You could probably pull in 20% of what you used to make at iS from SS alone, and I have a feeling that would put your $100 from 123 in the shade.

I'm not keeping accurate records site-by-site (it seems like a lot of work for no return) but I do know that last month was about 25% below my BME, whenever that might have been. Probably a couple of years back now.
As I've been pretty inactive for a lot of this year, for one reason or another, I suppose it's not too bad. I'm trying to push a lot more content through now in the hope that it might pay me one day.


« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2013, 11:25 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100

I wonder what the Stocksy share is? Are you not allowed to share?

« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2013, 11:39 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100

I supposed this is answered somewhere else, but Sean, why not SS?  Or are you only submitting video to the other guys perhaps?

I'm trying not to submit to sites that would sell my content by subscription.
I'm not trying to be a smartaleck here, wonder if you have done some evaluating that is more scientific than mine!  But DP and 123 also sell subs, and the RPD was for me at those two sites about 75% lower than SS's.  At least it was when I submitted to 123, I dropped in January and may not be current on what is happening there.  Those two sites were particularly bad, and after DP gave me $2.64 for an EL last week I intend to drop them also.  (Pretty soon I won't have anyone left LOL)  I really understand not wanting to give your library to a subs site, but if you make 100 at DP you should make $1000 at SS (I make about $10 there for every $100 at SS).  Sorry, I know you've already evaluated this already.

« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2013, 11:42 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100

I supposed this is answered somewhere else, but Sean, why not SS?  Or are you only submitting video to the other guys perhaps?

I'm trying not to submit to sites that would sell my content by subscription.
I'm not trying to be a smartaleck here, wonder if you have done some evaluating that is more scientific than mine!  But DP and 123 also sell subs, and the RPD was for me at those two sites about 75% lower than SS's.  At least it was when I submitted to 123, I dropped in January and may not be current on what is happening there.  Those two sites were particularly bad, and after DP gave me $2.64 for an EL last week I intend to drop them also.  (Pretty soon I won't have anyone left LOL)  I really understand not wanting to give your library to a subs site, but if you make 100 at DP you should make $1000 at SS (I make about $10 there for every $100 at SS).  Sorry, I know you've already evaluated this already.

I don't sell subs on DP or 123.

« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2013, 11:44 »
About the same as last month.  Majority of income from Stocksy.  Otherwise:
DP - $100
Pond - $75
Self - $35
GLStock - $25
and the newcomer:
123RF - $100


It's a tough life out in the cold. Sean, does the thought ever cross your mind that protecting your income by avoiding sites with subs has the effect of utterly undermining how much you might make? You could probably pull in 20% of what you used to make at iS from SS alone, and I have a feeling that would put your $100 from 123 in the shade.

I'm not keeping accurate records site-by-site (it seems like a lot of work for no return) but I do know that last month was about 25% below my BME, whenever that might have been. Probably a couple of years back now.
As I've been pretty inactive for a lot of this year, for one reason or another, I suppose it's not too bad. I'm trying to push a lot more content through now in the hope that it might pay me one day.

I'm not trying to protect my income, in the sense that I think not selling my content on subscription sites will make people want to go shop for it elsewhere (they won't).  At this point, I'd just rather my content was licensed by people that assign it some more value than another item on the $5 buffet.


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