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Author Topic: payment option - paypal or moneybookers  (Read 32484 times)

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« on: October 09, 2012, 00:09 »
hi all,

I wonder what is the better option of getting paid? i have both paypal and moneybookers.

paypal is free of charge to withdrawn, moneybookers charge a fee to withdrawn..

but it seems moneybookers offer a better exchange rate than paypal?

anyone care to share the experience?

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 06:03 »
I use paypal and have no complaints, cheap, effective and good customer support when there is a problem.  Obviously can't compare them to a service I haven't used.

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 06:05 »
Be carefull what you write in this thread.

« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 07:47 »
anyway, it seems the exchange rate of moneybookers is better than paypal? am i right?

eventhough moneybookers charge a fee to withdrawn, if the exchange rate is better, maybe it worth to switch to it?

Be carefull what you write in this thread.

« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 10:30 »
Be carefull what you write in this thread.


they are pretty much the same, I believe Paypal is a tiny better, MB has a few fees that PP hasnt but their conversion is better so its about the same like I have said


« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 11:59 »
I use both.  No complaints with either one.  I used to get a very small fee when withdrawing money from Moneybookers, but they seem to have done away with it.  The last couple of months I haven't been charged anything.  I'm in the US.  Don't know what they charge elsewhere. 


« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2012, 15:41 »
Be carefull what you write in this thread.

Ow please


« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2012, 15:47 »
hi all,

I wonder what is the better option of getting paid? i have both paypal and moneybookers.

paypal is free of charge to withdrawn, moneybookers charge a fee to withdrawn..

but it seems moneybookers offer a better exchange rate than paypal?

anyone care to share the experience?

Just go to the respective websites and check out what it costs to receive money, what it costs to withdraw money, what protection they offer and the fees they charge and then make the decision. Its better to get the facts than peoples opinions, because everybody has something the sites offer they personally value over the other. And you can have different types of accounts, personal or business, that come with different fees and features. So you better get facts straight off the sites.


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« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 10:08 »
Using MB so far no problems at all

« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2012, 10:21 »
I've been using PayPal for about 8 years and have never had a problem. It's a very good service and has continually improved throughout that period.

I know there's many 'PayPal Haters' but I think people forget how difficult, expensive and time-consuming it used to be to receive payments in different currencies. It still is if you use the high-street banks to do so.


« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2012, 10:53 »
Well. I am one of those paypal haters. I think it is a fraudulent organization. They literally invent laws which do not exist to be able to freeze money of users, especially in the EU. I think you will have lesser problems if you are from the US, never travel, never use ebay, etc. Furthermore, The new CEO of paypal recently admitted that the attitude of the company in the past was noth "the best" and he tries to change it...lets see if this works.

To the more pragmatic POV since I have used both for many years:
- MB has the better exchange rate.
- Paypal took always 5 days to send me my money to my Bank account while Moneybookers diod so in one or two days max.

I would not recommend PP, see here why:

But off course this will provoke 20 posts like "I always used it and never had a problem" just like some people say :My grandpa smoked for 50 years and he is now 70, so smoking is definitely not bad for your health" lol
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 11:49 by velocicarpo »

« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2012, 11:58 »
Well. I am one of those paypal haters. I think it is a fraudulent organization. They literally invent laws which do not exist to be able to freeze money of users, especially in the EU. I think you will have lesser problems if you are from the US, never travel, never use ebay, etc. Furthermore, The new CEO of paypal recently admitted that the attitude of the company in the past was noth "the best" and he tries to change it...lets see if this works.

To the more pragmatic POV since I have used both for many years:
- MB has the better exchange rate.
- Paypal took always 5 days to send me my money to my Bank account while Moneybookers diod so in one or two days max.

Well I'm not from the US, do a lot of travelling and trade regularly on Ebay.

Furthermore transfers to my bank (UK) have apparently recently changed to 'instantaneous'. I literally logged out of PayPal, having done a transfer, logged on to my bank ... and the money was already there. Brilliant! Like I said, PayPal just keeps on getting better although, who knows, maybe it is in some part down to the 'haters' and their tirade of abuse that have inspired them to do so?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 12:01 by gostwyck »


« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2012, 12:03 »
Well. I am one of those paypal haters. I think it is a fraudulent organization. They literally invent laws which do not exist to be able to freeze money of users, especially in the EU. I think you will have lesser problems if you are from the US, never travel, never use ebay, etc. Furthermore, The new CEO of paypal recently admitted that the attitude of the company in the past was noth "the best" and he tries to change it...lets see if this works.

To the more pragmatic POV since I have used both for many years:
- MB has the better exchange rate.
- Paypal took always 5 days to send me my money to my Bank account while Moneybookers diod so in one or two days max.

I would not recommend PP, see here why:

But off course this will provoke 20 posts like "I always used it and never had a problem" just like some people say :My grandpa smoked for 50 years and he is now 70, so smoking is definitely not bad for your health" lol

LOL. Paypal in Europe is regulated by the banking organisation located in Luxembourg, if Paypal would break any banking rule or regulation they lose their banking licence.

And for your information, paypal doesnt delay any payments, delays are due to the fact any money transfer has to go through an ACH, or Automated Clearing House. They take fees and cause delays. Look it up.


« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2012, 12:35 »
Well. I am one of those paypal haters. I think it is a fraudulent organization. They literally invent laws which do not exist to be able to freeze money of users, especially in the EU. I think you will have lesser problems if you are from the US, never travel, never use ebay, etc. Furthermore, The new CEO of paypal recently admitted that the attitude of the company in the past was noth "the best" and he tries to change it...lets see if this works.

To the more pragmatic POV since I have used both for many years:
- MB has the better exchange rate.
- Paypal took always 5 days to send me my money to my Bank account while Moneybookers diod so in one or two days max.

I would not recommend PP, see here why:

But off course this will provoke 20 posts like "I always used it and never had a problem" just like some people say :My grandpa smoked for 50 years and he is now 70, so smoking is definitely not bad for your health" lol

LOL. Paypal in Europe is regulated by the banking organisation located in Luxembourg, if Paypal would break any banking rule or regulation they lose their banking licence.

And for your information, paypal doesnt delay any payments, delays are due to the fact any money transfer has to go through an ACH, or Automated Clearing House. They take fees and cause delays. Look it up.

Wrong. They are not regulated in Luxemburg. They own a Banking license there but run their operations independently and not regulated by the institution. The last lawsuit showed that and if you go critical they will deny it (as well as the Luxmeburgisch institutions if you ask them directly.) Delaying payments is my only explanations why their payout takes so long compared to MB or ANY other banking transaction I do via IBAN or SWIFT. But in any case they are too slow.

Seriously. If you wanna believe that paypal is good, do so. If you are happy using paypal, continue. I am not interested in convincing anybody who does not want to see whats going on. But I think I ahve to tell the truth if I am asked so. Have fun ;-)


« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2012, 12:53 »
Well. I am one of those paypal haters. I think it is a fraudulent organization. They literally invent laws which do not exist to be able to freeze money of users, especially in the EU. I think you will have lesser problems if you are from the US, never travel, never use ebay, etc. Furthermore, The new CEO of paypal recently admitted that the attitude of the company in the past was noth "the best" and he tries to change it...lets see if this works.

To the more pragmatic POV since I have used both for many years:
- MB has the better exchange rate.
- Paypal took always 5 days to send me my money to my Bank account while Moneybookers diod so in one or two days max.

I would not recommend PP, see here why:

But off course this will provoke 20 posts like "I always used it and never had a problem" just like some people say :My grandpa smoked for 50 years and he is now 70, so smoking is definitely not bad for your health" lol

LOL. Paypal in Europe is regulated by the banking organisation located in Luxembourg, if Paypal would break any banking rule or regulation they lose their banking licence.

And for your information, paypal doesnt delay any payments, delays are due to the fact any money transfer has to go through an ACH, or Automated Clearing House. They take fees and cause delays. Look it up.

Wrong. They are not regulated in Luxemburg. They own a Banking license there but run their operations independently and not regulated by the institution. The last lawsuit showed that and if you go critical they will deny it (as well as the Luxmeburgisch institutions if you ask them directly.) Delaying payments is my only explanations why their payout takes so long compared to MB or ANY other banking transaction I do via IBAN or SWIFT. But in any case they are too slow.

Seriously. If you wanna believe that paypal is good, do so. If you are happy using paypal, continue. I am not interested in convincing anybody who does not want to see whats going on. But I think I ahve to tell the truth if I am asked so. Have fun ;-)

In 2007, PayPal Europe was granted a Luxembourg banking license, which, under European Union law, allows it to conduct banking business throughout the EU.[57] It is therefore regulated as a bank by Luxembourg's banking supervisory authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

If you hadnt guessed, ACH processing isnt free. You have to pay setup costs, and youll pay a fee per transaction. Given the benefits, its probably worth the cost, but ACH processing might not be an option for cash-strapped businesses.

Money is not necessarily available for withdrawal immediately. Using ACH processing is different from receiving a bank wire transfer. If you need cleared funds quickly, demand a wire transfer.

« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2012, 13:01 »
^^^ Nice one Poncke! I'd say that was game, set and match to you.

Velocicarpo needs to open his eyes to reality.


« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2012, 13:11 »
^^^ Nice one Poncke! I'd say that was game, set and match to you.

Velocicarpo needs to open his eyes to reality.

I wonder why People take it always so personal when it comes to criticize their favourite companies. Same happens always with some Apple users (I am one for myself).

I made the experiences I made as well as some People I know. I cannot deny that and I would ahve to close my eyes to my own experience.
Sure you can close your eyes to the experience of others, even better if you have only good experiences, but who are you that you can talk for everybody? Too I think it is always more constructive if you take the experience by others into considerations. And please do not take it personally :-)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 13:15 by velocicarpo »


« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2012, 16:26 »
Fact of the matter is with any large organization or business with lots of customers you will get good and bad feedback. Nobody is perfect and companies are manned by these bodies. Accusations and personal claims therefore has little merit, unless there is a proper pole (or court case(es)) or complaints regulating source which can indicate that the number of complaints are unusually high for the type of industry. Else, there is no right or wrong opinion, as it is totally subjective.

Been keeping an eye on this thread, as I have been using PP for 2 years now, but also opened a MB account, as a site I want to do business with only accepts MP. So wondered which I would use as main account for my stock income. I am not in US, so exchange rate will play a big role for me, but I also only had good service from PP and their support staff.

As said above (by another poster), I also think just look at the business pros and cons (facts) and select the best one for your purpose.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 16:31 by CD123 »


« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2012, 17:40 »
Fact of the matter is with any large organization or business with lots of customers you will get good and bad feedback. Nobody is perfect and companies are manned by these bodies. Accusations and personal claims therefore has little merit, unless there is a proper pole (or court case(es)) or complaints regulating source which can indicate that the number of complaints are unusually high for the type of industry. Else, there is no right or wrong opinion, as it is totally subjective.

Been keeping an eye on this thread, as I have been using PP for 2 years now, but also opened a MB account, as a site I want to do business with only accepts MP. So wondered which I would use as main account for my stock income. I am not in US, so exchange rate will play a big role for me, but I also only had good service from PP and their support staff.

As said above (by another poster), I also think just look at the business pros and cons (facts) and select the best one for your purpose.

Well said. The Accounts on PP, MB does cost nothing and it is always good to have an alternative, check them out, get own experiences. If you happen to make a negative exp one can always switch.


« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2012, 17:52 »
LOL, that is my post CD is referring to.


« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2012, 18:14 »
Now look there! Just took one South African who learnt from Mandela to get everyone to work nicely together....  ;D


« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2012, 18:24 »
Dat is de kracht van die afrikaner  ;)


« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2012, 18:27 »
Dat is de kracht van die afrikaner  ;)
Dutch, but close enough though.  ;D

« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2012, 00:41 »
I found this information in moneybookers.. i clicked on the whole sale exchange rates link of them, but the exchange rate seems is not updating.

so do u guys know does moneybookers had a better exchange rate than paypal?

For transactions involving currency conversion Skrill (Moneybookers) adds 2.49%* to our wholesale exchange rates for foreign currency. This charge serves as a protection against the volatility and risk associated with FX markets. The Skrill (Moneybookers) exchange rates are updated on a regular basis throughout the day.


« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2012, 01:32 »
If I still used both MB  was always better, however, this is from sometime ago n might not be valid anymore...

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