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Author Topic: Ai search engine  (Read 3496 times)

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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2018, 10:20 »
There was a bit more info in Getty's press release (from 2 Aug)

That included a link to the company that developed the software - which is all about getting more users to click

There's also a link to "Panels by Getty" but you need to sign in and I'm curious, but not going to create an account to try it out. There is a demo video - paste in a story and it'll give you several groups of images to look through based on what it thinks are the important keywords.  So it's a multi-keyword search result display where it picked the keywords from a story. That could be very useful or very funny, depending on how good the software is :)

Uncle Pete

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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 10:20 »
Interesting how all these places are making something better, that I'm still not convinced does anything to help?

I liked this down at the bottom. AI added to Lightroom

Thanks Jo Ann

« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2018, 12:00 »
Interesting. Thank you for the links.

« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2018, 12:03 »
Really good AI is the missing link that would make the policy of accepting everything and not wasting money on inspection logical. What AI can do has been oversold in the past so I would wait and see if this delivers.


« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2018, 14:16 »
AI so these companies don't want customers/users using their brains?

Lordy what a dumb world  ::)

« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2018, 17:23 »
AI so these companies don't want customers/users using their brains?

Lordy what a dumb world  ::)

I sneer at the Getty announcement largely because I believe it to be buzz-filled hype. Lots of software gets the AI label slapped on it when it's nothing of the sort.

However, if it were real, there's a lot of good in saving human brainpower for things that only it can do. I'd argue it's truly smart to use the best tools you have, not waste your own brain power on something a machine, tool or piece of software can do equally well.

The issue is that robots are still falling into fountains and "AI" software struggles to match the claims made for it.

And nobody has to use this assist if they don't want to.

From a contributor point of view, if this partnership with is costing Getty money, it's a bad idea unless it brings in lots of new business in some way. More mouths feeding from the income trough.

« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2018, 00:52 »
AI so these companies don't want customers/users using their brains?

Lordy what a dumb world  ::)

I sneer at the Getty announcement largely because I believe it to be buzz-filled hype. Lots of software gets the AI label slapped on it when it's nothing of the sort.

However, if it were real, there's a lot of good in saving human brainpower for things that only it can do. I'd argue it's truly smart to use the best tools you have, not waste your own brain power on something a machine, tool or piece of software can do equally well.

The issue is that robots are still falling into fountains and "AI" software struggles to match the claims made for it.

And nobody has to use this assist if they don't want to.

From a contributor point of view, if this partnership with is costing Getty money, it's a bad idea unless it brings in lots of new business in some way. More mouths feeding from the income trough.
Also I'd be a bit concerned it delivers the same dull fake "authenticity" to everyone making the world a dull place. Maybe good if you are lucky enough to have the AI select one of your images.


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