Microstock Photography Forum - General > General Stock Discussion

Picture of the year

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That really is a great picture captures where we are brilliantly....a reminder of the power of really great photography....now back to keywording those tomato pics.....

He's an idiot and embarrassment to this country...


--- Quote from: tpack on June 12, 2018, 17:22 ---He's an idiot and embarrassment to this country...

--- End quote ---

Are you quoting ROBERT DeNiro?


--- Quote from: noodle on June 12, 2018, 17:33 ---
--- Quote from: tpack on June 12, 2018, 17:22 ---He's an idiot and embarrassment to this country...

--- End quote ---

Are you quoting ROBERT DeNiro?

--- End quote ---

That was just my personal opinion, but I fully endorse what Robert DeNiro said.


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