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Author Topic: Project that could benefit all stock photographers / videographers  (Read 11616 times)

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« on: August 28, 2018, 13:56 »
Hi guys,

Would you please spend 2 minutes on answering this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CRZQQHS

I'm working on a project that could potentially be a great help for the many stock photographers and videographers here. Unfortunately I can't really say anymore at this very early stage, but I appreciate you taking your time to answer this.

Very best,
Jacob Lund


« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2018, 16:44 »
So its a self hosting stock platform then  ;D

« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2018, 20:05 »
you should have asked:
"Do you think a self-hosted platform will be successful?"


We have seen a few of these roll through and die over the years. Hire Jo Anne as a consultant before you do anymore work on this project ;)

« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2018, 02:27 »
you should have asked:
We have seen a few of these roll through and die over the years. Hire Jo Anne as a consultant before you do anymore work on this project ;)

Maybe they have been done wrong over the years?  ;)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 02:36 by jacoblund »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2018, 04:06 »
Maybe it would have been illuminating for you to have asked those who said 'No' to whether they wanted to self-host for their reasons, to see if you have a solution for these stumbling blocks.
The fact that you did not is concerning.

« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2018, 04:55 »
Maybe it would have been illuminating for you to have asked those who said 'No' to whether they wanted to self-host for their reasons, to see if you have a solution for these stumbling blocks.
The fact that you did not is concerning.
Thanks for concerning!  :)

Feel free let me know what stumbling blocks you have.

« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2018, 09:16 »
What would your plattform do better than the other ines that exist?

Will you handle correct VAT etc...and always keep the legal and tax requirements up to date? Germany requires a lot of detail for accountants.

Who will inspect files to make sure there are no copyright or legal issues?

Which legal team are you working with to stay up to date?

Will the customers receive a legal guarantuee/insurance?

Good luck!


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2018, 10:57 »
An anonymous person with an anonymous self-hosting project that asks personal questions about uploading habits, income and portfolio size, portfolio links and personal contact information but assures everyone their information will remain anonymous. Lol.

Sorry...just realized Jacob is not anonymous. Still, an awful lot of digging for personal info without disclosing anything about the project.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 11:03 by Shelma1 »

« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2018, 11:44 »
An anonymous person with an anonymous self-hosting project that asks personal questions about uploading habits, income and portfolio size, portfolio links and personal contact information but assures everyone their information will remain anonymous. Lol.

Sorry...just realized Jacob is not anonymous. Still, an awful lot of digging for personal info without disclosing anything about the project.
Shelma! I'm not that anonymous. 

Feel free not to leave your contact information or - feel free not to answer any of the questions at all.  ;)

« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2018, 23:22 »
Took a look at your survey.

I think I know what type of project you want to put together (if it's what I think it is, I was thinking of doing the same thing a while back).

Creating a site where you charge a fee to host files (photos/videos) is kind of a good idea - but I think you have a limited market.

The issue I think most photographers/videographers have is they don't know how to market themselves to generate sales - so unless you solve that problem, I don't think charging a subscription fee for photographers/videographers to host their own files will be that appealing. Simply because they don't know how to market it (even though you'll probably promote it that way). So what's the point of *paying* someone to host files for something they already get to do for *free* (portfolios on other sites). Yes, yes - you can say "no agency commission!" - but then the challenge is marketing and making SALES. And most don't really know how to do that on their own. They are photographers/videographers, not marketers.

So the thought process would be 'why should I PAY you money to host, with no sales if I have to do ALL the work in marketing TOO'? And they probably wouldn't buy.

BTW - re: income - do you generate $40,000 USD per month through photography? You had that in your survey question.

My educated guess is there is maybe 1% that do above $5k/month - but - they'd probably be happy with how they are doing things already (letting the agencies promote), so wouldn't really be interested in such a service. Then, maybe 10% that do $1-$2k/month - but again, too much work to promote themselves. And then probably 75% doing from $100-$500/month - but then your service would probably be too expensive (assuming you'd be charging between $30-$50/month) - AND - reaching those people and converting them I think would be a challenge. Unless you have some 'in' (relationship with an agency) - or - some way of reaching that vast majority of photographers/videographers - OR - figuring out how to make them SALES - I think you have a bit of a challenge before you.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 23:26 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2018, 03:06 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

There's definitely pros on cons about being self-hosted. And in terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want
- Get to know you customers

If you don't mind SuperPhoto it could be interesting chatting a bit more. Can I get your email?

Took a look at your survey.

I think I know what type of project you want to put together (if it's what I think it is, I was thinking of doing the same thing a while back).

Creating a site where you charge a fee to host files (photos/videos) is kind of a good idea - but I think you have a limited market.

The issue I think most photographers/videographers have is they don't know how to market themselves to generate sales - so unless you solve that problem, I don't think charging a subscription fee for photographers/videographers to host their own files will be that appealing. Simply because they don't know how to market it (even though you'll probably promote it that way). So what's the point of *paying* someone to host files for something they already get to do for *free* (portfolios on other sites). Yes, yes - you can say "no agency commission!" - but then the challenge is marketing and making SALES. And most don't really know how to do that on their own. They are photographers/videographers, not marketers.

So the thought process would be 'why should I PAY you money to host, with no sales if I have to do ALL the work in marketing TOO'? And they probably wouldn't buy.

BTW - re: income - do you generate $40,000 USD per month through photography? You had that in your survey question.

My educated guess is there is maybe 1% that do above $5k/month - but - they'd probably be happy with how they are doing things already (letting the agencies promote), so wouldn't really be interested in such a service. Then, maybe 10% that do $1-$2k/month - but again, too much work to promote themselves. And then probably 75% doing from $100-$500/month - but then your service would probably be too expensive (assuming you'd be charging between $30-$50/month) - AND - reaching those people and converting them I think would be a challenge. Unless you have some 'in' (relationship with an agency) - or - some way of reaching that vast majority of photographers/videographers - OR - figuring out how to make them SALES - I think you have a bit of a challenge before you.

« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2018, 13:10 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

... terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want

you forget to include:
-- time & effort involved in setting up and maintaining your own web site
-- cost of marketing aand advertising to get noticed
-- reason for anyone to come to your relativley small site rather than an agency

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2018, 22:21 »
Sent you a PM.

Bottomline though - it really comes down to sales. If you can figure out how to make people *profitable sales* (and lots of them), then you'll have a winner.

Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

There's definitely pros on cons about being self-hosted. And in terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want
- Get to know you customers

If you don't mind SuperPhoto it could be interesting chatting a bit more. Can I get your email?

Took a look at your survey.

I think I know what type of project you want to put together (if it's what I think it is, I was thinking of doing the same thing a while back).

Creating a site where you charge a fee to host files (photos/videos) is kind of a good idea - but I think you have a limited market.

The issue I think most photographers/videographers have is they don't know how to market themselves to generate sales - so unless you solve that problem, I don't think charging a subscription fee for photographers/videographers to host their own files will be that appealing. Simply because they don't know how to market it (even though you'll probably promote it that way). So what's the point of *paying* someone to host files for something they already get to do for *free* (portfolios on other sites). Yes, yes - you can say "no agency commission!" - but then the challenge is marketing and making SALES. And most don't really know how to do that on their own. They are photographers/videographers, not marketers.

So the thought process would be 'why should I PAY you money to host, with no sales if I have to do ALL the work in marketing TOO'? And they probably wouldn't buy.

BTW - re: income - do you generate $40,000 USD per month through photography? You had that in your survey question.

My educated guess is there is maybe 1% that do above $5k/month - but - they'd probably be happy with how they are doing things already (letting the agencies promote), so wouldn't really be interested in such a service. Then, maybe 10% that do $1-$2k/month - but again, too much work to promote themselves. And then probably 75% doing from $100-$500/month - but then your service would probably be too expensive (assuming you'd be charging between $30-$50/month) - AND - reaching those people and converting them I think would be a challenge. Unless you have some 'in' (relationship with an agency) - or - some way of reaching that vast majority of photographers/videographers - OR - figuring out how to make them SALES - I think you have a bit of a challenge before you.

« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2018, 08:05 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

... terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want

you forget to include:
-- time & effort involved in setting up and maintaining your own web site
-- cost of marketing aand advertising to get noticed
-- reason for anyone to come to your relativley small site rather than an agency

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

Cascoly I mentioned some of the interesting aspects - I'm fully aware that there are also certain challenges that needs to be dealt with. I'm not going headless into this. :)

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

I didn't mean to get to befriend my customers. I wanted to know who my customers are in order to better be able to tailor shoots and content to them in the future.

« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2018, 10:50 »
Thanks to all who gave their input in the survey!

We'll be working hard on developing a kickass solution that will hopefully be a great solution to many of the content producers in here.

If you want to receive updates on the project and possibly or maybe help me with a bit more feedback please sign up on this mailing list:

Again thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2018, 15:00 »

I didn't mean to get to befriend my customers. I wanted to know who my customers are in order to better be able to tailor shoots and content to them in the future.

one sale has no predictive value if you're dealing with graphic designers - all you're going to know is who bought an image, not how or where it is used  (unless your system collects so much info that it turns off buyers)

« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2018, 15:58 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

... terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want

you forget to include:
-- time & effort involved in setting up and maintaining your own web site
-- cost of marketing aand advertising to get noticed
-- reason for anyone to come to your relativley small site rather than an agency

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

idk. When I was self hosting I made one sale, paid for the domain that year. and I've only got 100 something little crap graphics.


  • I sample life
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2018, 20:07 »
To be honest, running symbiostock is not hard at all, and you can get shared hosting very cheaply, I do it here > https://buyshared.net/, works fine. It would be nice if we all supported symzio, since it is already up and running.

« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2018, 21:46 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

... terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want

you forget to include:
-- time & effort involved in setting up and maintaining your own web site
-- cost of marketing aand advertising to get noticed
-- reason for anyone to come to your relativley small site rather than an agency

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

idk. When I was self hosting I made one sale, paid for the domain that year. and I've only got 100 something little crap graphics.

kinda proves my point -- you broke even on $ spent, but do you value your time making the site at $0?

« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2018, 21:54 »
To be honest, running symbiostock is not hard at all, and you can get shared hosting very cheaply, I do it here > https://buyshared.net/, works fine. It would be nice if we all supported symzio, since it is already up and running.
yes, symbio is easy to setup & maintain, but still takes time, esp'ly to add hundreds/thousands of images; I've stopped adding to my site and instead point to SS - simple to do and generates real $

AND symzio has never taken off - very few artists,  and lacks coverage in entire areas (look what you get for searches on India, Italy, Germany or Paris.  'Grand Canyon' shows 14 images of the Hawaii version!!!!! )  so why would a buyer go there rather than SS et al? 


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2018, 09:10 »
'Grand Canyon' shows 14 images of the Hawaii version!!!!! )

Hey - don't knock it! Those are mine! I've cornered the market on Symzio with those...

« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2018, 15:47 »
Very good considerations SuperPhoto.

... terms of sales it will never be anywhere near as what you can achieve with the help of stock agencies. But I do see it as an interesting alternative to the stock agencies for people who have a certain size of portfolio. Some of the interesting aspects:
- 100% commissions
- Options to sell different licenses (exclusive licenses, TIFF files, RAW files, graded / ungraded video)
- More control to present your portfolio the way you want

you forget to include:
-- time & effort involved in setting up and maintaining your own web site
-- cost of marketing aand advertising to get noticed
-- reason for anyone to come to your relativley small site rather than an agency

- Get to know you customers
how?  i was actively involved in shareware for any years, as a developer and as officer of the ASP & ESC (shareware organizations) - dealing with thousands of customers, i had only a handful of personal contacts w buyers - customers want your product not a friend for life

idk. When I was self hosting I made one sale, paid for the domain that year. and I've only got 100 something little crap graphics.

kinda proves my point -- you broke even on $ spent, but do you value your time making the site at $0?

If you've already got a site and stuff it's certainly worth the 30 minutes to set up woocommerce or something, sure.


  • I sample life
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2018, 16:13 »
yes, symbio is easy to setup & maintain, but still takes time, esp'ly to add hundreds/thousands of images; I've stopped adding to my site and instead point to SS - simple to do and generates real $

How come? I upload photos and it's easiest of all 'agencies', just drop files on favorite FTP program and they will be ready for sale in minutes. No need to apply model releases and all that jazz, no rejections ...

AND symzio has never taken off - very few artists,  and lacks coverage in entire areas (look what you get for searches on India, Italy, Germany or Paris.  'Grand Canyon' shows 14 images of the Hawaii version!!!!! )  so why would a buyer go there rather than SS et al?

Agreed. We just need to look in mirror :)

« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2018, 16:55 »
The biggest stumbling block would be a lack of indemnity, that's why buyers use agencies.

« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2018, 14:47 »
yes, symbio is easy to setup & maintain, but still takes time, esp'ly to add hundreds/thousands of images; I've stopped adding to my site and instead point to SS - simple to do and generates real $

How come? I upload photos and it's easiest of all 'agencies', just drop files on favorite FTP program and they will be ready for sale in minutes. No need to apply model releases and all that jazz, no rejections ...

AND symzio has never taken off - very few artists,  and lacks coverage in entire areas (look what you get for searches on India, Italy, Germany or Paris.  'Grand Canyon' shows 14 images of the Hawaii version!!!!! )  so why would a buyer go there rather than SS et al?

Agreed. We just need to look in mirror :)

Those sites are like ... minutes to set up. Uploading to them is faster than most of the agencies and lately it seems like uploading is getting to be more ridiculously confusing. When Symbio first was released everyone was all excited ... for a few months. Then realized that it does take time to build momentum and sales. Once it started looking like work and patience people started dropping off.


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