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Author Topic: Protect the market  (Read 19096 times)

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« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2014, 09:56 »
Regarding stockfresh, while they do pay more by percentage, their prices are too low. So we net only a meager amount more when compared to other sites...

I think their prices are decent. JPGs up to 15 credits and all vectors are 10 credits. With emphasis on credit sales as the subscription offering is very limited.

I certainly wouldn't call it a "meager" improvement over other places. Especially on vectors. I'm seeing $5 per sale. Can't get that too many other places.

GL is one of them, though. I'd be happy to support them if they were the community favorite.

My only concern about them is the user-defined pricing. I get the feeling that buyers like to go to a site and always know what they're going to pay for an image. Its part of why SS is successful. You don't need to look at the site or a specific image to know the price. I've wondered if varying pricing is a buyer turn-off.

But besides that, there is a lot to like about GL.

« Reply #51 on: June 05, 2014, 10:57 »
I think GL was severely impacted by the changes Google made. I'd love to see more sales there (and at SF - although SF doesn't seem to sell my type of images very much). Another black eye for SF from my point of view is it took over a year for them to respond to my application. I really liked stockxpert though and wish SF could gain that kind of traction. If I wanted to market images I'd open my own site.

« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2014, 12:46 »
I was impressed by Pond5 and how their raised Royalites on pixmac when they purchased them.   I am also impressed by Envato and PhotoDune and their other sites.  Their exclusives royalty is super great.  Their non-exclusive rate isn't the best but I really like their mindset and have a lot more trust in their direction and 'mission' than most any other agency.

« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2014, 13:33 »
I was impressed by Pond5 and how their raised Royalites on pixmac when they purchased them.   I am also impressed by Envato and PhotoDune and their other sites.  Their exclusives royalty is super great.  Their non-exclusive rate isn't the best but I really like their mindset and have a lot more trust in their direction and 'mission' than most any other agency.

I was impressed and excited when P5 bought Pmac and raised royalties too.  Flash forward and all the sales I had on Pmac dried up and I am earning next to nothing.  I used to get a payout or close to it each month.  Now I am lucky to get to double digits in a month on P5.  Disappointing. 

Is it that P5 doesn't get much traffic to buy photos, or what?  Those that are happy with P5, are any of you selling just stills and not footage?

« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2014, 13:56 »
Regarding stockfresh, while they do pay more by percentage, their prices are too low. So we net only a meager amount more when compared to other sites...

I think their prices are decent. JPGs up to 15 credits and all vectors are 10 credits. With emphasis on credit sales as the subscription offering is very limited.

I certainly wouldn't call it a "meager" improvement over other places. Especially on vectors. I'm seeing $5 per sale. Can't get that too many other places.

GL is one of them, though. I'd be happy to support them if they were the community favorite.

My only concern about them is the user-defined pricing. I get the feeling that buyers like to go to a site and always know what they're going to pay for an image. Its part of why SS is successful. You don't need to look at the site or a specific image to know the price. I've wondered if varying pricing is a buyer turn-off.

But besides that, there is a lot to like about GL.

Mike you make some good points. I haven't really seen much in the $5 range as that is usually my monthly total, honest engine. 2800 images. But that said gl is the same in terms of money. Less that $10 a month. Either way I think we're pretty much on the same page. You do bring up a point as to why pond5 probably will never do good on non video content and that is pricing. It's all over the place.

« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2014, 00:43 »
Is it that P5 doesn't get much traffic to buy photos, or what?  Those that are happy with P5, are any of you selling just stills and not footage?

Video sales at P5 are very good. Very rare to sell a photo though. I was hoping after they bought pixmac it would help P5 photo sales, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.


« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2014, 04:00 »
You can support more than one good site. I organize into batches and upload to the better sites before the others, hopefully that will give them some advantage. If everyone did this the the better paying sites would have much stronger collections and get a big advantage in Google placement too, by having the work first. Also means more money for me because it directs more of the search engine traffic to the better paying sites.

There's very little sacrifice in doing this, if you consistently create content after a few weeks gap you will again have a constant stream of work hitting the big sites, just a few weeks offset from the better paying sites.

« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2014, 15:28 »
Is it that P5 doesn't get much traffic to buy photos, or what?  Those that are happy with P5, are any of you selling just stills and not footage?

Video sales at P5 are very good. Very rare to sell a photo though. I was hoping after they bought pixmac it would help P5 photo sales, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.

Thanks for the answer.  Kind of sad they couldn't even keep the sales level of pixmac going.

« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2014, 15:44 »
Is it that P5 doesn't get much traffic to buy photos, or what?  Those that are happy with P5, are any of you selling just stills and not footage?

Video sales at P5 are very good. Very rare to sell a photo though. I was hoping after they bought pixmac it would help P5 photo sales, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.

Thanks for the answer.  Kind of sad they couldn't even keep the sales level of pixmac going.

It is quite possible that the total # of sales has gone up but nowhere near the # of new images brought in from P5.

My early P5 photo sales were quite promising, but not much change with a lot more of my images - I am assuming it is the same factors there too.

« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2014, 22:43 »
I organize into batches and upload to the better sites before the others, hopefully that will give them some advantage. If everyone did this the better paying sites would have much stronger collections and get a big advantage in Google placement too, by having the work first.

The short delay in supplying also the "bad" sites while giving the good sites a week or month of free breathing space is at best a self-delusion (especially considering the ever-changing Google searches) and a poor excuse for supporting the despicable practices of the bad guys. Best thing is to forego those bad sites altogether and deprive them from the better images. Now, if everybody did that, those bad sites would fold up pretty quickly and the fair agencies would have more money for us and advertising.


« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2014, 00:23 »
I organize into batches and upload to the better sites before the others, hopefully that will give them some advantage. If everyone did this the better paying sites would have much stronger collections and get a big advantage in Google placement too, by having the work first.

The short delay in supplying also the "bad" sites while giving the good sites a week or month of free breathing space is at best a self-delusion (especially considering the ever-changing Google searches) and a poor excuse for supporting the despicable practices of the bad guys. Best thing is to forego those bad sites altogether and deprive them from the better images. Now, if everybody did that, those bad sites would fold up pretty quickly and the fair agencies would have more money for us and advertising.

That would be the ideal; preferable for agencies that are untrustworthy. But I am trying to think of something anyone can do with no/ little risk and makes good business sense anyway.

Even if the agency is a good one but just sells more subs or lower priced credit packs it makes sense to stagger your "releases" so you can maximize the number of higher paying downloads. Also I agree that a couple of weeks is not enough. I aim for a couple of months.

« Reply #61 on: June 07, 2014, 05:44 »
My first picture accepted on GL  :). Here a link from my symbio site to it. http://7horses.eu/wp/blog/image/tubes-in-swimming-pool/?r=7horses.eu/wp showing a link back to the GL picture.
Yesterday I also applied to Stockfresh. Seems they are Europe based so maybe my port will better suite  their needs ?

« Reply #62 on: June 07, 2014, 07:36 »
I'm not sure if it's good idea to welcome client on your own Sys site and send him to Alamy and GL then... This way we can put all micros list on the right side of image... SS, FT, DT, SF, 123rf, CanStockPhoto, etc, etc... What for?

« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2014, 08:50 »
Probably you're right.
For the moment I just see it as a customer service. Visitors that are already buying at an agency maybe find it in the "list".
I don't sell direct anyway (but that's another story) and I can build the list as I like and drop agencies when needed.

I'm not sure if it's good idea to welcome client on your own Sys site and send him to Alamy and GL then... This way we can put all micros list on the right side of image... SS, FT, DT, SF, 123rf, CanStockPhoto, etc, etc... What for?


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