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Author Topic: Sales stopped at Videoblocks?  (Read 16897 times)

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  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« on: February 14, 2017, 05:08 »
I appreciate that two weeks isn't enough time to indicate a worrying trend, I am just one contributor out of thousands, and variance can and does happen.... but I've had about ten sales a month at Videoblocks over the past four to six months or so, and I've not had a single sale yet this month.

Anyone else?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 17:15 by SpaceStockFootage »

« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2017, 05:22 »
I had a sale this month. Coincidentally it was a sale of a space-related animation, so I guess that explains it ;)

« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2017, 07:12 »
6 so far this month, not bad for me, but sales at Videoblocks usually varies a lot from month to month

« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2017, 08:17 »
I always found Videoblock very, very strange.
I had my best ever the first month, when I had about 100 clips: I got about 6 clips sold, sort of welcome aboard.
After that I always got 2 to 3 sales a month, with 1,700 clips now. Increasing portfolio size does not seem to matter.
I have never sold a file more than once, in other words all sales come from different files.
The sales I get are generally from my worst clips, the one that never get a view anywhere else and the ones I am ashamed of


« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 08:51 »
3 sales so far, relatively slow first two weeks of February, but I still like them for being completely anti-istock: highest commision, highest single sale ($191 for 4K), nice minimalistic design, easy uploading for those who upload manually, lowest number of rejections, very good support.

« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2017, 08:55 »
I'm making a 1/10 of what I used to in the first couple of months when they started. So, you're not alone.

« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2017, 09:21 »
Yes, Videoblocks varies more than the other sites for me too. December was nice, January and February very slow...

« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2017, 11:47 »
Sales disappeared here as well.

« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2017, 12:30 »
Millions of new clips flooding in....  dilution of sales should be expected.


« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2017, 14:15 »
Something isn't right.  It is like they turn a tap on and off and leave it off for a few weeks or is it a bypass lever and sales not being reported?.   Nothing is free, repeat after me, nothing is free. So when they say they don't take a commission who pays their costs?. Think about it.

« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2017, 15:38 »
Something isn't right.  It is like they turn a tap on and off and leave it off for a few weeks or is it a bypass lever and sales not being reported?.   Nothing is free, repeat after me, nothing is free. So when they say they don't take a commission who pays their costs?. Think about it.

The subscribers who get unlimited downloads from VB's own collection.


« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2017, 16:44 »
Videoblocks does a lot of third party newsletter promotions.
I think that is why the sales are so erratic.
When they aren't advertising: 'Free Unlimited Downloads' they are not selling so much.

« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2017, 16:47 »
... we`ve discussed about sales on VB few months ago and no sale effect have happened to me then... here:
.. it`s very strange and almost on same level after that with very sporadic sales after I noticed huge drop...

« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2017, 08:49 »
I appreciate that two weeks isn't enough time to indicate a worrying trend, I am just one contributor out of thousands, and variance can and does happen.... but I've had about ten sales a month at Videoblocks over the past four to six months or so, and I've not had a single sale yet this month.

Anyone else?

off the top of my head, I seem to remember that I have seen your content, and that you are not a small contributor. So that that sounds, indeed, worrying...

I still like them.

Sorry to hear it.

« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2017, 08:46 »
I'm seeing my third month of "regular sales", which is VERY unusual.  As I have stated several time in the past, I typically get a flood of sales 8-10 in a month then silence for two more months.  The cycle has been repeated with predictability until November.  It's a mix of what is selling, animations and regular video.  Not complaining but it almost feels like the Dreamtime model where they cycle placement to give everyone a fair shot at sales. 

« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2017, 17:13 »
I made an account with video blocks months ago but never uploaded i was never sure if they were trust worthy or not ironically them bragging about 100% commission is what put me off uploading....are they worth it are they safe?

« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2017, 03:20 »
Yes, they are safe and even have a great contributor support.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2017, 02:38 »
Only one week to go until the end of the month, and still nothing. Sales have been normal on all other sites. Ah well, these things happen! One thing I have found a few times, which is a bit strange, is that if I've not had any sales for the last week, or last few days of the month..... I get like two or three in the first hour of the next month. Could be some cunning ploy to delay payouts for a month, could be pure coincidence. Ah well... tomorrow is another day!

« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2017, 02:48 »
I got a mail the last days from videoblocks, offering to download any video for free the next 7 days (would lead into a Membership if not cancelled)
maybe thats the reason?


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2017, 03:20 »
I got a mail the last days from videoblocks, offering to download any video for free the next 7 days (would lead into a Membership if not cancelled)
maybe thats the reason?

I think they send those emails out every day of the year! They more or less do with their 50% off subscription emails anyway. Even though... most, if not all sales, come from people who are already subscribers, who can download whatever they want for free anyway. Such an email, in theory, should only result in the same amount of sales... possibly a few more. That's 'in total, on average' though... I appreciate that individuals sales can rise and fall with natural variance.

« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2017, 07:28 »
Has been a slower month, but have had a reasonable amount of sales on VB. Then again, I'm not competing against myself, undercutting a $50/100% royalty rate company with an $8/36% company. Of course customers will spend as little as you give them the option to. If I could buy a car for $200 instead of $20,000, I would too. But then the car manufacturing industry would collapse...

« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2017, 08:01 »
Has been a slower month, but have had a reasonable amount of sales on VB. Then again, I'm not competing against myself, undercutting a $50/100% royalty rate company with an $8/36% company. Of course customers will spend as little as you give them the option to. If I could buy a car for $200 instead of $20,000, I would too. But then the car manufacturing industry would collapse...

Isn't it strange that you support a company that offers a subscription service with unlimited downloads?

« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2017, 08:32 »
Has been a slower month, but have had a reasonable amount of sales on VB. Then again, I'm not competing against myself, undercutting a $50/100% royalty rate company with an $8/36% company. Of course customers will spend as little as you give them the option to. If I could buy a car for $200 instead of $20,000, I would too. But then the car manufacturing industry would collapse...

Isn't it strange that you support a company that offers a subscription service with unlimited downloads?

Not exactly sure what the relevance is there, I don't participate in the subscription program at Videoblocks. I make $47.16 a sale, and don't compete against myself by accepting $2.88 elsewhere instead.

« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2017, 08:35 »
Not exactly sure what the relevance is there, I don't participate in the subscription program at Videoblocks. I make $47.16 a sale, and don't compete against myself by accepting $2.88 elsewhere instead.

It's extremely relevant since you were concerned about hurting the business as a whole.

Uploading to VB means you support them and help them in their marketing to get membership customers who download thousands of clips for next to nothing. Much cheaper than VH.

« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2017, 08:47 »
Not exactly sure what the relevance is there, I don't participate in the subscription program at Videoblocks. I make $47.16 a sale, and don't compete against myself by accepting $2.88 elsewhere instead.

It's extremely relevant since you were concerned about hurting the business as a whole.

Uploading to VB means you support them and help them in their marketing to get membership customers who download thousands of clips for next to nothing. Much cheaper than VH.

Those membership customers don't have access to my clips. I do not participate. Of course I'm not a fan of the sub programs. It's called picking battles. Just because I state that getting punched in the face by VH is bad, it doesn't mean I think getting kicked in the stomach by VB's sub program is good. The world isn't that black and white. IF my clips were included, I would not support them. And much like Pond5's sub, often the better clips are not included, so my $50/100% clips are there available for purchase.


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