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Author Topic: Shopify?  (Read 8223 times)

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« on: November 10, 2014, 09:11 »
Anyone else heard about selling stock on Shopify?  I received an ad today in Facebook that says:


Sell Stock Photography and Images on Facebook

- Promote unlimited photographs on your Facebook page
- Quick and easy customization
- Secure shopping cart provided
- Start selling for $9/month
- 120,000+ stores run on Shopify

Not interested in paying to sell stock but I have been interested in selling prints so maybe a combo Shopify store selling both would be worthwhile.  Anyone doing anything like that? 
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 09:42 by ComfortEagle2095 »

« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 15:54 »
I have one only for illustrations. Very easy to use. Fast, reliable and seo friendly. Payments via paypal and stripe. 14$ per month.

I've tried self-hosted wordpress too, but shopify fits better to my needs even thought it's about 10$ per month more expensive.


« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 05:36 »
I had a look at Shopify.

I like the site, but I am afraid it has the same problems of Symbiostock, Ktools, etc...
i.e. the lack of a centralised search AND/OR store

Buyers don't have the time/will/trust to sign up to many different shops

Uncle Pete

« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2014, 14:15 »
I'd have to agree. No community so every store is an individual. But we also wouldn't want to be partners with someone who sells shoes, tools or books? There would have to be some sorting my categories.

Online: 2.9% + 30 per CC transaction basic $29 a month - 1GB data
Online: 2.5% + 30 per CC transaction professional $79 a month - 5GB data
Online: 2.25% + 30 per CC transaction Unlimited $179 a month - unlimited data
Has PayPal checkout

Not sure what the "data" limit means? Photos online unless nothing larger than a thumbnail or small view, would take some space.

Lets imagine there are 50 people with photo stores and they all want to have more views. Someone starts a site, and all the stores are listed on that location for some minimal fee $10 a year, which gives increased SEO and one location where someone can find and identify styles and subjects. Then the link takes the viewer to the  actual store? One way it could bring in more from a central location.

But still, not very good.

Anyway, the Basic store is $29 a month, so breaking even would mean making that before there is profit? The positive side is, people here already have their photos taken and with keywords.

If someone has a link to a Shopify PHOTO or image store, I'd like to see what it looks like. Anything that offers direct downloads?

This looks more like something suited for selling and shipping physical products from a storefront.

I had a look at Shopify.

I like the site, but I am afraid it has the same problems of Symbiostock, Ktools, etc...
i.e. the lack of a centralised search AND/OR store

Buyers don't have the time/will/trust to sign up to many different shops

« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 11:36 »
I had a look at Shopify.

I like the site, but I am afraid it has the same problems of Symbiostock, Ktools, etc...
i.e. the lack of a centralised search AND/OR store

Buyers don't have the time/will/trust to sign up to many different shops

this is exactly why we should have better image search over the Net. Perhaps something will *finally* come up -- I mean, how ridiculous is it that image buyers have to sift through millions of largely irrelevant "hits" all the time?!


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