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Author Topic: Agefotostock - has anyone heard of them?  (Read 3931 times)

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« on: December 12, 2023, 01:17 »
Ive just stumbled across a stock agency that I'm not familiar with - Agefotostock. I wonder what kind of reputation they have. It looks like they sell both commercial and editorial photos. And videos as well. They say they are based in Spain and have offices in New York and Paris.

« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2023, 03:51 »
I'm surprised they still exist, I worked with them in the late 1990s, when I was on the buyer side and there was real money to be made (for photogs and agencies).

« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2023, 07:50 »
1200 of my photos are already there.  Who are they partners with?  Getty perhaps?

« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2023, 07:59 »
Getty being a partner could be a possibility. I do see a connection with iStock which is clearly visible.

Looks like there's a mix of RF and RM images available for sale directly from the site.

By the way, I wonder what the commissions are like for video sales. Might be some contributors here who submit videos to them.

« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2023, 08:01 »
I just checked my old notes.  Seems Agefotostock is or was a Canstock partner.  If so those photos should of been taken down.  Actually I see two collections with my photos - one has CanStockPhoto in the file names.. the other must be from a second partner.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 08:19 by trek »

« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2023, 08:06 »
I take it you removed those photos from Canstock and Agefotostock should have done the same?

« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2023, 08:20 »
Yes I deleted all Canstock material the day they announced their closure.  I didn't trust waiting on them to do it.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 11:35 by trek »

« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2023, 08:57 »
I would advise you to stay away.  They were doing OK a decade ago, but I have not been able to paid for several years now.  Alfonso owes me several hundred dollars.  I'm not optimistic.

« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2023, 14:38 »
I would advise you to stay away.  They were doing OK a decade ago, but I have not been able to paid for several years now.  Alfonso owes me several hundred dollars.  I'm not optimistic.

Uh oh, that is not good at all. A big red flag there. I assume that you have your tax information up to date?

« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2023, 15:32 »
I did send them a Canadian citizen certification letter a few years ago, and they usually last 5 years.  In any case that would mean they just withhold some tax.
I have sent them an invoice for each year of income according to their specs.  I hear other people have similar problems.

« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2023, 13:53 »
I would advise you to stay away.  They were doing OK a decade ago, but I have not been able to paid for several years now.  Alfonso owes me several hundred dollars.  I'm not optimistic.

Uh oh, that is not good at all. A big red flag there. I assume that you have your tax information up to date?

Yes, I would advise staying well away from this place. I had dealings with them and wasn't good. I wouldn't trust Alfonso. Beware.

« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2023, 05:44 »
Horrible agency.

I signed a contract in 2019 with them and uploaded photos.
Only a few weeks later I discovered my photos in a portfolio with a different seller name.
I complained and they answered - oh sorry, we mixed something up.

I then wanted to end my contract with them but was told I could not end it before 3 years had passed, neither was I able to remove the photos I already had in my portfolio there.

Never sold just one photo with them and now my contract luckily has ended.

« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2023, 15:59 »
I had occasional sales with them through Canstock but this conversation prompted me to check if my images are still on sale at agestockfoto.
I was annoyed to see that they are all still there through fotosearch and even more annoying to find that they have some of my images through links to Yaymicro.
I have emailed them to request that they remove all my images from their site but I'm not holding my breath!

« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2023, 09:04 »
I received an email today saying that my images will be removed soon, watch this space!


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