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Author Topic: Shutterstock not taking any action on reported thieves accounts  (Read 1243 times)

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« on: January 21, 2025, 22:43 »
I posted this on other thread, to make it reach more people I am staring new thread...



These people stealing default effects in apps like kinemaster and uploading them on shutterstock..

And it seems most of these accounts created by only one person( I am saying this based on portfolio names, and time frame when these accounts created, and same content uploaded to all the accounts).

all these videos combines 60000-70000.

If you search "Green Screen" for videos on shutterstock.... you get 7,00,000 results... it means 10% of green screen videos uploaded by these thieves selling on shutterstock... And all the content is stolen from apps like kinemaster, and exactly same content in all accounts...

I create my own graphic content to sell on shutterstock...but from last one year I am seeing 30-50% reduction in sales and earnings on shutterstock...

And if you search keyword "Green screen"... top results from first pages showing the content is from those thieves accounts...

Then there is no surprise original content creators like me see reduction in sales and earnings...

If you guys have free time once check the content in all accounts so that you find the truth in my words.

Note: I mailed shutterstock customer service with those links and screenshots as proof... But there is no proper action from them...

« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2025, 01:39 »
This is terrible. If the merger goes through I hope Getty cleans this up.

« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2025, 10:56 »
It's good to see Shutterstock removed many of those accounts, But still many accounts active... And I managed to find few more accounts(and many of these accounts seems to be running by that same person).

After removing those thieves accounts, "Green Screen" videos reduced from 7lakh+  to 6,17,000...more than 80000 videos removed by closing those thieves accounts...

Links of new portfolios that I found
1) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/AngelFairy/video   ----108 videos
2) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/BashirAhmad45/video ---342 videos
3) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Muhammad-Abid/video ----1703 videos
4) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Moh+Naylul+marom/video ----2266 videos
5) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Sari079/video ----535 videos
6) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Muhammadismail3333/video  ----950 videos
7) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/wania+zoya/video   ----266 videos
8) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Pinky2522/video   ---153 videos
9) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/WANIA07/video   ---453 videos
10) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/yousafsab/video   ---360 videos

Once scroll down on this webpage to see how serious this issue is...

Links of old accounts that mentioned in first post and that are still active...
1) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/shabaz45/video   ---1261 videos
2) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/amnayounas/video  ----1017 videos
3) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/waniaabid/video  ----1249 videos
4) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/AkfaAbid/video  ----1185 videos
5) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Yousaf_Bashir/video?page=4  ----1441 videos
6) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Muhammad+yousaf145/video ----3651 videos
7) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Ladybug+07/video  ---241 videos
8) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/waniaprincess/video ----601 videos
9) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/zoya+shahbaz+25/video  ----1045 videos
10) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/muhammadbashirahmad/video  ---987 videos
11) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/wendiapriadi/video   ----3252

More than 23000 videos are still online from above thieves accounts....And there are many more accounts that I am still trying to find...

« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2025, 22:50 »
I reported above accounts to shutterstock, and made them closed. And I noticed that they are again creating new accounts and uploading same content that stolen from apps.
1) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/anaya45/video
2) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Zoya+Abid45/video

« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2025, 03:42 »
With ai you would expect them to automatically detect stolen content if it gets uploaded again.

Also wouldn't they have a fraud department looking for this?

Why do they rely on contributors reporting?

« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2025, 17:09 »
I reported above accounts to shutterstock, and made them closed. And I noticed that they are again creating new accounts and uploading same content that stolen from apps.
1) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/anaya45/video
2) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Zoya+Abid45/video

Is this premade footage that's already being sold by a private company?

If so, then why not just notify the company and save yourself the time and hassle of playing whack-a-mole?

« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2025, 04:13 »
I reported above accounts to shutterstock, and made them closed. And I noticed that they are again creating new accounts and uploading same content that stolen from apps.
1) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/anaya45/video
2) https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Zoya+Abid45/video

Is this premade footage that's already being sold by a private company?

If so, then why not just notify the company and save yourself the time and hassle of playing whack-a-mole?
They are stealing default effects from apps.

I am not looking for someone to help to close those accounts... I am mailing to shutterstock, and mailing to customer support of apps from where they stealing effects.

I am just posting here to let other contributors know how things going on...

« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2025, 07:53 »
To create an account, you need to upload a valid passport. Do these people have so many passports?
After all, Shutterstock not only deletes the portfolio, it also blacklists the author by passport.

« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2025, 10:30 »
if you have a large extended family you have enough passports...or they just pay some money to use someones identity...or fake passports

« Reply #9 on: Yesterday at 04:26 »
To create an account, you need to upload a valid passport. Do these people have so many passports?
After all, Shutterstock not only deletes the portfolio, it also blacklists the author by passport.

Not these days, a photo ID isn't required.

« Reply #10 on: Yesterday at 04:56 »
To create an account, you need to upload a valid passport. Do these people have so many passports?
After all, Shutterstock not only deletes the portfolio, it also blacklists the author by passport.

Not these days, a photo ID isn't required.
If I get banned from Shutterstock, can I create another account and not show Shutterstock any of my documents?
I think you are wrong.

« Reply #11 on: Yesterday at 06:48 »
here is one more portfolio that created again with same stolen effects.

and once compare the videos in another portfolio belongs to them

and check account creation dates for both portfolios

« Reply #12 on: Yesterday at 07:36 »
I also want to create many accounts and not be blocked. I will not sell stolen goods!

« Reply #13 on: Yesterday at 07:51 »
To create an account, you need to upload a valid passport. Do these people have so many passports?
After all, Shutterstock not only deletes the portfolio, it also blacklists the author by passport.

It does not have to be a passport and i believe now, not even photo.

Nothing stopping someone from using their driving licence, national ID it ID from their wife/sister/47 cousins neighbour and so on.  Which most of Pakistan seem to be doing.

« Reply #14 on: Yesterday at 12:12 »
To create an account, you need to upload a valid passport. Do these people have so many passports?
After all, Shutterstock not only deletes the portfolio, it also blacklists the author by passport.

Not these days, a photo ID isn't required.
If I get banned from Shutterstock, can I create another account and not show Shutterstock any of my documents?
I think you are wrong.

I'm not wrong. Account verification is done on email alone, but Shutterstock will ask for sight of further documents in some circumstances if they are suspicious about anything.

However, you can't use the same payment account as another account holder, and presumably this would also apply to past accounts? Adding an account that's been previously used is likely to be a red flag that will result in further investigation.

You also have to provide a Tax ID number, and his is where many of the fraudsters come unstuck, as they suddenly realise that using a false name means they can't submit the tax form and therefore can't get paid.

« Reply #15 on: Yesterday at 13:18 »
kuriouskat, I don't know what the rules are now for registering a new account, but when my document was about to expire, Shutterstock required me to upload a new document. Maybe Shutterstock doesn't require this anymore.
Yes, a person has only one Tax ID number. But it can be faked, because it's a photo, you can change any number. And the Tax ID number is only needed if the fraudster fills out a tax form, but he may not fill it out.
As for the payment account, it probably has to be strictly individual on Shutterstock (not necessary on other stocks). And yes, it's unclear how the fraudster will withdraw money. Shutterstock sends money only to 3 payment systems. Maybe you can have multiple accounts on Skrill, but I'm not sure.
So, if the fraudster can't withdraw money, how does he withdraw it?

It seems that you can also create an account on PayPal without documents. But PayPal does not work in all countries. Just as Skrill and Payoneer do not work in all countries.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 13:34 by stoker2014 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #16 on: Yesterday at 14:10 »
Unless they have changed, PayPal doesn't require any ID. But you'll need a bank account to get your money? So email address and bank account, you can have all the PayPal accounts you want.

Last I looked SSTK asks for an email address, that's it. Yeah, tax ID, which anyone can make up. Address, which apparently everyone in (Asian country here) uses their neighbors, relatives or access to unlimited mailing addresses? Does SSTK care where you live, after you sign up?

I think it's funny that some people here are asking about fake credentials, or IDs, and why the agencies don't check better. But when Alamy asked for your Birthday, people went into conspiracy mode, "why do they need that?" "Hell no that's private" Yeah, something as simple as a birthday? But those same people want SSTK to get IDs, numbers, locations, and have better security.  :o

ps if Alamy doesn't know your birthday, and that's top secret, highly secure information, then they won't know if you made one up. Pick some date you like and make a note, in case you need that date again some day. Wasn't that easy?

« Reply #17 on: Yesterday at 14:17 »
kuriouskat, I don't know what the rules are now for registering a new account, but when my document was about to expire, Shutterstock required me to upload a new document. Maybe Shutterstock doesn't require this anymore.
Yes, a person has only one Tax ID number. But it can be faked, because it's a photo, you can change any number. And the Tax ID number is only needed if the fraudster fills out a tax form, but he may not fill it out.
As for the payment account, it probably has to be strictly individual on Shutterstock (not necessary on other stocks). And yes, it's unclear how the fraudster will withdraw money. Shutterstock sends money only to 3 payment systems. Maybe you can have multiple accounts on Skrill, but I'm not sure.
So, if the fraudster can't withdraw money, how does he withdraw it?

It seems that you can also create an account on PayPal without documents. But PayPal does not work in all countries. Just as Skrill and Payoneer do not work in all countries.

I know many people who have signed up without providing ID, although when I signed up many, many years ago, I have to upload my passport. Maybe the requirement has been recently phased out or is location dependent?

As for Payoneer, PayPal or Skrill, I believe it's only possible to have one account on each, and they need to be linked to a bank account for withdrawal. Certainly, where I'm from, you can't open a bank account without verifying your identity.

« Reply #18 on: Yesterday at 14:21 »
Usually Shutterstock is very good at tracking copies of photos or videos, if it finds a copy in another account, it bans that account very quickly. So I am surprised that thieves upload the same works to different accounts and Shutterstock does not ban them automatically.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #19 on: Yesterday at 14:41 »
Usually Shutterstock is very good at tracking copies of photos or videos, if it finds a copy in another account, it bans that account very quickly. So I am surprised that thieves upload the same works to different accounts and Shutterstock does not ban them automatically.

No they don't, that's the problem. When we report image theft, they stonewall and deny and make it difficult. Sometimes they only delete the offending image, and leave all the rest.

As for Payoneer, PayPal or Skrill, I believe it's only possible to have one account on each, and they need to be linked to a bank account for withdrawal. Certainly, where I'm from, you can't open a bank account without verifying your identity.

Not true, I have more than one Paypal account and two of them are linked to the same bank account. Yes, true, you can't open a bank account, without proper ID, but no one checks to see if that data matches your Microstock name and account. The stock agencies just like to know that you have a valid Paypal account, and they trust that.

I use one Paypal just for Microstock, another for eBay, and a third for marketplace sales. Best of all, Paypal keeps sending me notifications that I "have been selected, to apply for  PayPal credit card"  ;D

DraftKings does a better job of making sure people don't have more than one account. They read IP address, and computer ID, if you use a phone, or tablet, they are probably looking at the IMEI. It costs money for SSTK to care and have good security, they don't give a *. All they would need is minimum security for new accounts, and put the earnings on hold for 90 days. During that time, check every upload from new accounts, against the entire database.

Once the cons saw that they couldn't get money from stolen images or multiple accounts or cheating, they would stop playing the system.

SSTK could stop this, and could have 15 years ago. They don't.

« Reply #20 on: Yesterday at 16:19 »
Usually Shutterstock is very good at tracking copies of photos or videos, if it finds a copy in another account, it bans that account very quickly. So I am surprised that thieves upload the same works to different accounts and Shutterstock does not ban them automatically.
No they don't, that's the problem.
I disagree. I was in a situation where I uploaded a photo taken by a friend of mine. He also uploaded this photo to the site. We both quickly received a warning and wrote explanations. I have read many similar stories on the Internet and on this forum as well. And many were not as lucky as us, many were banned by Shutterstock.

« Reply #21 on: Yesterday at 18:35 »

As for Payoneer, PayPal or Skrill, I believe it's only possible to have one account on each, and they need to be linked to a bank account for withdrawal. Certainly, where I'm from, you can't open a bank account without verifying your identity.

Not true, I have more than one Paypal account and two of them are linked to the same bank account. Yes, true, you can't open a bank account, without proper ID, but no one checks to see if that data matches your Microstock name and account. The stock agencies just like to know that you have a valid Paypal account, and they trust that.

I use one Paypal just for Microstock, another for eBay, and a third for marketplace sales. Best of all, Paypal keeps sending me notifications that I "have been selected, to apply for  PayPal credit card"  ;D

That's interesting, because the support pages for PayPal certainly say you can have just one business account and one personal account only.

Shutterstock are the same, and if you have a business contributor account, it has to be a separate legal entity, and with a payment account in the business name.

When a Shutterstock account is set up, the name you use is added to the 'Payment to' field on the account settings page. You can't change this yourself, and if it doesn't match your payment name then you don't get paid.

So if your payment account is in the name of Jonathan Smith, and you innocently sign up to Shutterstock as Jon Smith, then you have to provide an ID document to Shutterstock to get them to change this, otherwise the payment fails.

« Reply #22 on: Today at 01:25 »
Apparantly in India a government-issued ID is required to open a Paypal account.


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