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Author Topic: Shutterstock refuse model release from app "easy release"  (Read 5995 times)

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« on: May 10, 2018, 05:28 »
Hello, I always use the app Easy release for making the model and property releases, and normally Shutter and AS and P5 accept the files with these releases, but in the last batch (50 files) was refused telling the cause is that a model release is needed... I dont understand, I checked and the files were with the rights releases... Aneybody knows if the app easy release isnt work any more? Thanks!!


« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2018, 08:34 »
Maybe a system error
Try to reupload

« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2018, 17:23 »
Was this the message?

Model Release: A model release is required for this image or the attached model release does not meet our requirements, is illegible, or additional model releases are needed.

This translates as:

We don't like your release. We may have liked it before, but we don't like it now. We won't tell you what we don't like about it unless you contact Support. You can try resubmitting with a new release, but that's just as likely to get rejected. Sucks to be you.

No, I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?

« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2018, 03:56 »
They do take releases from Easy Release, in fact, they even recommend it.

I had a few issues a little while back and reminded them of this and they looked into the matter as the standard MR not acceptable is not really helpful. It turns out there are a few things you must ensure now.

1. Model must have full name and DoB filled in correctly. No initials full names only (inc middle names)
2. MR must be witnessed. No initials full names only (inc middle names)

For me it was the witness middle name as an initial that was causing the problem. Hopefully this may help you out. If you've done all this, contact support and ask them why they are refusing a MR from software they recommend.

Here's a list of MR they accept, inc Easy Release


« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2018, 05:51 »
You sure you didnt miss anything on the release right, sometimes dates or reference photo may cause a rejection

« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2018, 12:08 »
Theres a big lack of consistency as per usual.
Ive been uploading a few hundred images over the last 4 days.  They contain the same person, same release in a number of images.
Its a standard Easyrelease form, DOB and so on is correct.  The images with the MR got accepted for 4 batches in a row.  Then today the same MR got rejected for the same person multiple times.
I suspect if i resubmit it'll get accepted.


« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2018, 12:44 »
They are very inconsistent. I've had rejections for the same reason and I just reupload and they get accepted.

« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2018, 15:42 »
Hi, they answered to me, they said that what happened is that I uploaded a release that wasnt necesary, a property release of the boat where the models were... I dont understand if the release is not necesary why the refuse... I understan if is missing but if the release is left over... So, I am reuploading all the clips and I will re made all the naming and tagging again... Thanks for the concerning

« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2018, 08:58 »

Thank you for pointing out !  1 & 2  are very helpful.
As I am a newbie to iStock and easyrelease, pls excuse me to post these questions. ( I might miss something)

  • I still wonder if iStock really won't accept MR without DOB ?
    easyrelease can't keep original signature even after i edit ?

As easyrelease doesn't quite require "birthday of model", I didn't ask her BD because I just met her and she is definitely a grown-up, which is what easyrelase says, you know "as long as shooter can choose if model is either adult or minor, DOB is not mandatory" something like this.
However, iStock wouldn't accept MR without DOB.
The biggest problem of easeyrelease is signature will be gone if MR is edited, so I can't add DOB now.
Luckily I had gotten her phone number and asked her DOB when my submittion requested me revision but how can I add the DOB because I have no plan to meet her in person. I somehow added her BOD manually ( in JPEG, drawing) . Does iStock accept that ? I re-re-submitted anyway with personal note.

phew,, this is so tiring.....

« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2018, 09:17 »
I just don't get why the SS inspection "service" is so unhelpful surely it would save them as well us time  us to tell people why the release was rejected instead of playing some guessing game.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2018, 09:32 »
I just don't get why the SS inspection "service" is so unhelpful surely it would save them as well us time  us to tell people why the release was rejected instead of playing some guessing game.

Or you mean any rejection that gave a specific reason not, this or that or maybe something else? "Image is underexposed, overexposed, or was shot in unfavorable lighting conditions" Mostly I suspect unfavorable lighting will get the first two.  :)

Just had an iphone photo full size, rejected for, Noise / Artifacts / Film Grain: Image contains excessive noise, film grain, compression artifacts, and/or posterization. Not saying they are wrong, just that iPhone SE is not terrible, but if the light isn't bright enough, I'm going to get that rejection.

Yes I wish the model release rejections were specific for what part of the release was the problem. Too much mystery.


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« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2018, 11:40 »
I just don't get why the SS inspection "service" is so unhelpful surely it would save them as well us time  us to tell people why the release was rejected instead of playing some guessing game.

Or you mean any rejection that gave a specific reason not, this or that or maybe something else? "Image is underexposed, overexposed, or was shot in unfavorable lighting conditions" Mostly I suspect unfavorable lighting will get the first two.  :)

Just had an iphone photo full size, rejected for, Noise / Artifacts / Film Grain: Image contains excessive noise, film grain, compression artifacts, and/or posterization. Not saying they are wrong, just that iPhone SE is not terrible, but if the light isn't bright enough, I'm going to get that rejection.

Yes I wish the model release rejections were specific for what part of the release was the problem. Too much mystery.

Simply because they dont give a f%&k!  never have done and never will do!


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