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Author Topic: The Beginners Guide to microstock Photography will be released on Wed.  (Read 23826 times)

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« on: May 26, 2008, 22:47 »
That's right. The definitive book for beginners and those struggling with the in's and out's will be released on Shutter stock first on wed 5/28/08. This book Is a virtual Book and will be viewed online. it's a labor of love that took a year and a half to produce. DVD versions and hard cover to follow in the months ahead. This is the first book in a series of 4. David Smith and I sincerly Hope you enjoy it.


« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 23:17 »
That's great Laurin.  Will we be able to download it so we can read it offline,  Or will that only be an option with the DVD/hard cover?

The two of you deserve all of the support you can get with this effort, as you have given as much advice on the Shutterstock boards as anyone in microstock ever has.


« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 12:29 »
Hey, Laurin - that's great news!  I was wondering how "entry level" this is - do you think someone like myself would benefit from this, or is it geared more towards those just trying to break in?

How much?

Thanks - Perry


« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 13:44 »
Hey, Laurin - that's great news!  I was wondering how "entry level" this is - do you think someone like myself would benefit from this, or is it geared more towards those just trying to break in?

How much?

Thanks - Perry

thanks for asking perry. well it covers just about every issue that I've been asked in nearly 11,000 posts. it's aimed at the beginners and a bit more advanced. We go into Wht Bal and all that stuff as well.It's pretty well rounded. I think you will enjoy it.It's 157 pages long and covers everything about Micro and macro stock.


« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 13:49 »
That's great Laurin.  Will we be able to download it so we can read it offline,  Or will that only be an option with the DVD/hard cover?

The two of you deserve all of the support you can get with this effort, as you have given as much advice on the Shutterstock boards as anyone in microstock ever has.


No Dan. Then i would be to easy to steal. A year and a halfs work is a bit much just to let that happen. it's in Powerpoint and Flash. The first version Is only available with a link. You can read it as many times as you wish from anywhere and your viewing will be tracked by some very cool software. The deliverly system is what took so long. Soon there will be an option to purchace a DVD and then a Hardcover. This is the first in a 4 book project.


« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 00:38 »
Sounds fair to me, my friend.  And congratulations to you and Dave for making this happen!

I recommend everyone make this purchase.  Anyone familiar with the Shutterstock boards knows how freely Laurin and Dave give of themselves day in, day out. 
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 00:41 by DanP68 »

« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2008, 16:51 »
I'd love to post a link to your book from my stock page on my website. Please let us know when we can link up.
-- Lou


« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 18:55 »
I'd love to post a link to your book from my stock page on my website. Please let us know when we can link up.
-- Lou

The link to Purchase the book and our site is

Link away.Thanks


« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2008, 10:56 »
heres the Table of contents, Im getting requests for.

Here you go Guys. Overall, the book is geared toward the beginner because it covers alot of basic information about cameras, lenses, filters, lights and other equipment. It also has information about the principles of photography such as composition, exposure, etc. Additionally it covers areas such as how to submit to stock sites, what sells etc.

As some who have been around awhile have said that they found information in the book helpful and did learn something new.

We just wanted to make sure that people knew it was not an advanced study and lesson in stock photography but there to help the beginner and those who have some experience in stock work. Here is the Table of Contents. This is not an index so there are things within the chapters that are not listed such as taxes, insurance, copyright & trademark info, editorial work, keywording etc.

Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………..Pgs 4-5
About the Authors ……………………………………………….…………Pgs 6-9
Prelude…………………………………………………………………………………...Pgs 10-11
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………Pgs 12-13
Chapter 1–What Is Microstock Photography?Pgs 14-30
Chapter 2–Getting Started–The Proper Equipment Pgs 31-65
Chapter 3–Technical But Essential Things to know Pgs 66-78
Chapter 4 – What to Shoot…………………………………….Pgs 79-107
Chapter 5 – How to Shoot – Lighting/Composition/Exposure…………………..……Pgs 108-124
Chapter 6 – Post-processing and Workflow.Pgs 125-142
Chapter 7 – Making It Work ..…………………..Pgs 143-146
Appendix I – Model and Property Releases.Pgs 147-149
Thank You……………………………………………………………………………………………….Pg 150

« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2008, 14:24 »

I am confused here.  I have read your posts on various boards where you have communicated many times that you think microstock is not a profitable business for 99.7 percent of submitters and that MS is a business model doomed to failure.

Why would you want to add more microstock photographers into an already completive mix and thereby make it decidedly more difficult for those already struggling in the market place.

And why would you sell workshops and books that teach new photographers to compete in a market you have stated many times you do not believe in?

I think this is an honest question.

Sales Suck


Quote Rinder99

Since this thread is about over, I wanna thank everyone that posted Including Jon. I had written a 6 paragraph Open letter to Jon and was one click away from Sending it and decided not to.Im very happy That Business here is better than it's ever been But.........This thread and the one previous is proof that there is something deeply wrong, This thread proves that the normal whiners and complainers that are here all the time that never get taken seriously NOW have something to say along with some pretty big time players that add credence to the claims. If 95% of us are down, Who Is Up??? and why Is this the biggest month. What makes April/May Your biggest month. What are the types of work that sell best? We surely Dont know anymore. The communication between Admin and us is seriously lacking and always has been, If you work on one thing with the wealth you've recieved because of us, This would be Im sure #1 on most peoples mind.just simple little updates every now and then, Im sure a few words would go far and actually stop some of these threads. Thanks again everyone for your input.


« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2008, 16:24 »
Fair enough question.  Most of what I write AND start new threads about is Questions from Other people that are intimitated by posting themselves or are shy to post. I ask questions and start discussions. I think this business is in flux and actually always has been. If you REALLY read all of what I say, i say you can do very well here IF......And this is a big IF If you do the work, Have talent , an extreme work ethic and take it like a business and not just some place to park your images OR, A place so you tell your friends your a "Stock" Photographer. Or a free website for your stuff. This business is like any other business, Do the work and IF your good, you will be successful. Simple as that. Im a long time reviewer and the quality that comes across my desk everyday has improved tremendously. But I only still approve maybe 25% if that of the stuff I see.And Im positive it's the same elsewhere. The bar is being raised everyday My friends. This book, If you read it portrays an accurate honest account of what it takes and also talks alot about The BS mentality of "Make Money with  Pictures on your hard drive" Farce. That slogan was used to get huge numbers of images. Now. There all tightening up. It's not about how many they have anymore, It's how good.  Im a stauanch supporter of microstock and what can be achieved with Work and Im also the first to speak out when I feel something is wrong and couldn't care less if I offend any one site. I do it for Us. Not me. The sales thread was in responce from hundreds of e-mails I get and answer everyday. Just like The LCV thread. We got all those rejections overturned because we stood up. So In conclusion, I think it's still a wild west and on the flip side we must be vigilant. otherwise we would still be at 20 cents a DL.

                                               I'll always go to bat for anyone that want's more and is serious about this craft. if someone isin't. I could care less. Theres a whole bunch of people that do extremley well on the sites. and you will never know who they are. The problem is theres a 1000 times more that don't have a clue and Wont invest the time to learn.  I didn't title the book Make Money with your camera. The book is for people that have already made the decision that are having problems getting there work seen.

                                              The book is based on thousands Of questions and thousands of hours answering. I put it all in one place. That was the goal, And I think it works quite well.  Laurin


« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2008, 17:00 »
I can vouch for Laurin's willingness to help out anyone who wants to move forward.  I've already had one helpful, enlightening phone conversation with Laurin.  And when I feel like I have moved a full step forward from our last talk, I'll probably consult him again in prepartion for the next step forward.  At no point did Laurin ever suggest to me this business was spriraling downward and destined to fail.

In fact he was quite positive on many agencies, with a notable exception of Lucky Oliver which he said was indeed doomed to fail.  Two months later they went bankrupt.

I can also vouch for the online book.  It really is geared toward the absolute beginner, but there is no question that folks like myself who have experienced some success for a year or two can still find plenty of good information and suggestions.  Whether you are someone looking to get those first 10 images approved at Shutterstock, or trying to reach a new level of earnings success, there is something in there for you.

The only "unfortunate" side of the venture is that the support Jon Oringer and Shutterstock has given to this project will probably preclude other agencies from pushing it.  However plenty of struggling, complaining contributors at other agencies who don't understand why their images are rejected could learn plenty from this book.  And that would make for better contributors, and a stronger agency.


« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 23:47 »
Thanks dan.

« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 16:48 »
Post again when you have signed hardcovers available.

« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 18:11 »
I purchased it but it is a bit annoying you can't download it. i thought it would be a pdf file.

« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2008, 23:00 »
I purchased it but it is a bit annoying you can't download it. i thought it would be a pdf file.
The website did say that "This is not a hardcover book or printable pdf file."

I don't buy intellectual property if I can't make a backup copy of it, as is my right by law. That means I also won't buy blue-ray discs until there is a truly usable hack.

« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 23:25 »
can't you take screenshots (crtl + prtscrn) and paste them into word/ ppt to have a back-up copy? well, on +100 pages that might be a bit of work?!


« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2008, 19:29 »
Post again when you have signed hardcovers available.

I will.


« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2008, 05:00 »
can't you take screenshots (crtl + prtscrn) and paste them into word/ ppt to have a back-up copy? well, on +100 pages that might be a bit of work?!

Sounds like hassle, I'll wait for the DVD too I think. Sounds like it's going to be worth the wait!
There's probably some sort of solution to the theft problem that still allows download, I think I've bought other e-books that you can download but only open on the computer you bought them from (?)
A determined thief could now just do the above and use a comic book reader to publish the screen grabbed results, that or use software to convert the Flash file.
Laurin has enough experience to know that you can't really 100% protect your stuff on the internet anyway!   


« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2008, 10:40 »
Quote from: rinderart
Im a long time reviewer and the quality that comes across my desk everyday has improved tremendously. But I only still approve maybe 25% if that of the stuff I see.

Atilla the reviewer has been outed!  ;D

-=-=- My Book -=-=- = FREE

Lesson one contents:

Buy a high resolution digital camera
read the manual
learn what all those buttons and wheels do
learn about natural light
understand optics
learn composition and perception
learn about artificial light
understand photography and the law

learn how shutter speed, ISO and aperture affect photos

Practice taking photos under various conditions, lighting and with different shutter speeds, low and high ISO and various aperture settings, all of the same subject, to learn how these affect the image.

Look at the picture and learn to see how your setting affect the final image.

Sign up for stock photo sites, the top seven only for starters.
Ignore new "garage" start-ups which promise sales they can't ever produce.

Submit photos and don't take the rejections personally.

Ignore anyone who says you get more sales by uploading on a specific day at a special time. You can never know when a photo will be reviewed or go live.

Ignore anyone who claims they know the secret of how to get higher placement on a search engine, unless it's the person who wrote the search algorithm.



OR if you already completed lesson one.

Buy "The Beginners Guide to Microstock Photography"

Learn some more about what agencies really want and accept, and what really sells.

I'm confident that the book will provide the needed information.

Waiting for the hard cover.

« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2018, 10:01 »
Hi. Great news! I was just about to ask where to find a good guide for newbies like me!  :D


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2018, 10:05 »
Really? Reviving a thread that's almost ten years old?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2018, 10:58 »
Really? Reviving a thread that's almost ten years old?
Still, it's not as though anything has changed in ten years  ::) ??? :o ;D

« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2018, 11:56 »
Hi. Great news! I was just about to ask where to find a good guide for newbies like me!  :D
Where are you Brasilnut???!!!!!


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2018, 14:21 »
Newbs, if you're considering starting out today, don't bother!  ;)

(Apparently in 2008 it was much easier)

...now if you really have what it takes...


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