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Author Topic: The single most annoying thing?  (Read 14790 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2013, 02:14 »
Honestly you may all have valid points, but for me it's trying to edit a spot on a photo and after erasing and cloning and doing everything I can, I discover it's a spot on the monitor.

That's my most annoying thing about Microstock. Worrying about every dot at 100%, I don't care what agency. And then finding out it's even worse, because it's not even on the actual image!  :D

« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2013, 03:40 »
Honestly you may all have valid points, but for me it's trying to edit a spot on a photo and after erasing and cloning and doing everything I can, I discover it's a spot on the monitor.

That's my most annoying thing about Microstock. Worrying about every dot at 100%, I don't care what agency. And then finding out it's even worse, because it's not even on the actual image!  :D

Lol! Gave you a heart for that one having been in the same situation way too many times. Regards, David.


« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2013, 03:48 »
Is it too simplistic to suggest this?

If you scroll the image and the smudge or spot moves with the image - it's on the image.  If it stays still and the image moves past it, it's on the monitor.

I always do a quick scroll test like that before I start fixing any flaw.


« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2013, 06:44 »
Is it too simplistic to suggest this?

If you scroll the image and the smudge or spot moves with the image - it's on the image.  If it stays still and the image moves past it, it's on the monitor.

I always do a quick scroll test like that before I start fixing any flaw.

and hold your head still when you scroll as it might be a spot on your glasses as well  ;D


« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2013, 07:45 »


« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2013, 08:24 »
Refunds with a range of possible reasons including; credit card fraud, our client just didn't like it, duplicate downloads, etc. Be more specific with your feedback, please.

« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2013, 12:45 »
any commission less than a 50/50 partnership is extremely annoying.


« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2013, 14:29 »
If you may only name 1, what is the single most annoying thing that happens to you dealing with micro stock agencies?

For me it is when all the big agencies have accepted an image, it is already selling and one of this teeny weeny sites rejects the image for "not commercially viable", "not what we are looking for" (sure, they must be looking for images that DOES NOT sell) or technical reasons.

Opposite    for  me  (the   big   site  turned  down  what  is  selling   at  smaller  one.   DT  turned  down  a  pic  that  is  out  selling  my  best  pic  at  DT.  Go  figure.

« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2013, 16:51 »
E-mail messages from agencies that begin, "An Important Update from ...".


« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2013, 17:02 »
The single most frustrating thing there is for me is FT rejections and their accompanying email full of BS


« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2013, 17:14 »
I would call it more than simply an annoyance, but the most annoying thing about micro to me is the way the sites treat our content as their own, and pay us less for the privilege each year. 

« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2013, 17:17 »
The single most frustrating thing there is for me is FT rejections and their accompanying email full of BS
No point in being bothered by rejections where you find one site out of step with the others - figure out what they are likely to accept and be selective what you feed them.


« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 17:34 »
I would call it more than simply an annoyance, but the most annoying thing about micro to me is the way the sites treat our content as their own, and pay us less for the privilege each year.

Oh yes, that's the one.


« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2013, 17:39 »
The single most frustrating thing there is for me is FT rejections and their accompanying email full of BS
No point in being bothered by rejections where you find one site out of step with the others - figure out what they are likely to accept and be selective what you feed them.
there is no way to figure that out as they dont even know it.


« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2013, 01:07 »
Is it too simplistic to suggest this?

If you scroll the image and the smudge or spot moves with the image - it's on the image.  If it stays still and the image moves past it, it's on the monitor.

I always do a quick scroll test like that before I start fixing any flaw.

I bet he was joking. My vote is catagories.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2013, 01:46 »
I'll add something new as I agree with much of what's been posted.

Stats pages. Would it be too hard to make it easy to see all my stats in one graph? and not have to jump through a bunch of pages to get to it?  the worst: FT.


« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2013, 20:31 »
Not only that, I'm still using a big Sony Trinitron CRT and there are some horizontal lines that I sometimes try to edit.

Spots on the glasses? Oh I thought that was a bird flying past a cloud. Thanks, that fixed it.

Category a waste of time sometimes none match.

Is it too simplistic to suggest this?

If you scroll the image and the smudge or spot moves with the image - it's on the image.  If it stays still and the image moves past it, it's on the monitor.

I always do a quick scroll test like that before I start fixing any flaw.

and hold your head still when you scroll as it might be a spot on your glasses as well  ;D

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2013, 22:26 »
Not only that, I'm still using a big Sony Trinitron CRT and there are some horizontal lines that I sometimes try to edit.

Spots on the glasses? Oh I thought that was a bird flying past a cloud. Thanks, that fixed it.

Category a waste of time sometimes none match.

Is it too simplistic to suggest this?

If you scroll the image and the smudge or spot moves with the image - it's on the image.  If it stays still and the image moves past it, it's on the monitor.

I always do a quick scroll test like that before I start fixing any flaw.

and hold your head still when you scroll as it might be a spot on your glasses as well  ;D

we learnt about this at college (formal education: has some uses:) )
using the hand tool and jiggering the page around helps you see dust spots you missed. and then the brutal inspectors at iS find one more. * them. :)

« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2013, 23:06 »
"PENDING EXECUTIVE."  You'll have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting that one in your portfolio!

« Reply #44 on: February 09, 2013, 08:32 »
I've just looked through this thread and my suggestion of catagories being the single most annoying thing has got the most +1 votes.
We are sending out the wrong messages to the agencies - they can treat us as badly as they like as long as we don't have to choose catagories. LOL


« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2013, 08:41 »
I've just looked through this thread and my suggestion of catagories being the single most annoying thing has got the most +1 votes.
We are sending out the wrong messages to the agencies - they can treat us as badly as they like as long as we don't have to choose catagories. LOL

Big difference between little annoying things and reasons to leave sites, like distrust, diminishing income, giving your work away for free, etc. This thread is purely about annoyance (little irritants).

« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2013, 09:00 »
I've just looked through this thread and my suggestion of catagories being the single most annoying thing has got the most +1 votes.
We are sending out the wrong messages to the agencies - they can treat us as badly as they like as long as we don't have to choose catagories. LOL

Big difference between little annoying things and reasons to leave sites, like distrust, diminishing income, giving your work away for free, etc. This thread is purely about annoyance (little irritants).
Yes I know that was why I put  'LOL' at the end.   But it did seem a bit ironic that with all that is going we still find time to whinge about the catagories. :D :D


« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2013, 15:51 »
I've just looked through this thread and my suggestion of catagories being the single most annoying thing has got the most +1 votes.
We are sending out the wrong messages to the agencies - they can treat us as badly as they like as long as we don't have to choose catagories. LOL

Big difference between little annoying things and reasons to leave sites, like distrust, diminishing income, giving your work away for free, etc. This thread is purely about annoyance (little irritants).
Yes I know that was why I put  'LOL' at the end.   But it did seem a bit ironic that with all that is going we still find time to whinge about the catagories. :D :D

Don't take life so serious that you do not allow the small things to annoy you any longer  ;) ;D

« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2013, 12:22 »
Categories, for sure
Always very incomplete and confused.

I am dreaming the day when it will be possible to define the categories in Lightroom, Aperture or what ever you can use

« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2013, 01:17 »
Another vote for categories.  If categories are so important to buyers, can't they determine what goes in them based on keywords?  Would likely be more accurate than some of my guesstimates when an image doesn't really fit into any of them.

Second would be keyword ordering, although that wouldn't be so bad if Lightroom didn't put them in alphabetical order. 


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