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Author Topic: This month's sales  (Read 142352 times)

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« Reply #225 on: February 01, 2022, 04:54 »
Wilm, having read your sales posts since I joined the Sstock forum in 2019, it is sad to read this one :-\

It will be interesting to see how Sstock itself is doing.  I believe they are reporting this month.

I hope that February is a good month for all of us.

« Reply #226 on: February 01, 2022, 05:11 »
Wilm, having read your sales posts since I joined the Sstock forum in 2019, it is sad to read this one :-\

It will be interesting to see how Sstock itself is doing.  I believe they are reporting this month.

I hope that February is a good month for all of us.

Thanks, Deb!

Yes, I'm curious about the numbers as well.

« Reply #227 on: February 01, 2022, 05:55 »
January was also my worst month ever on Shutterstock, a long list of 10 cent sales.
Adobe Stock is the only decent site now.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #228 on: February 01, 2022, 06:13 »

« Reply #229 on: February 01, 2022, 07:13 »
SS DLs about normal, 800+. $ pants... 0.44 RPD.

AS was good. Increase in DLs (+35%) and s (10%+) compared to last Jan. s comfortably in the . Even iS was up 30% compared to last Dec. Just SS going down the pan!

« Reply #230 on: February 01, 2022, 07:25 »
I find it remarkable that Shutterstock runs so differently individually.
I upload regularly myself and Shutter is still in first place despite the reset.
I would be interested to know if those who have a bad Shutterstock experience still upload material at all?
Some have probably deactivated a certain time their portfolio, perhaps that also plays a role.

« Reply #231 on: February 01, 2022, 07:34 »
I still upload t them. Volume of sales is the same for me.... it's just that they took more of what should have been my money due to the reset.


« Reply #232 on: February 01, 2022, 09:25 »
I find it remarkable that Shutterstock runs so differently individually.
I upload regularly myself and Shutter is still in first place despite the reset.
I would be interested to know if those who have a bad Shutterstock experience still upload material at all?
Some have probably deactivated a certain time their portfolio, perhaps that also plays a role.

If you upload a lot of new photos, which are easy to find, a buyer can also see some older photos of you (listed there), which are in the same category. As a result, they may be bought more often and therefore sink less quickly.
Or is this a wrong theory?  :-\


« Reply #233 on: February 01, 2022, 11:15 »
I find it remarkable that Shutterstock runs so differently individually.
I upload regularly myself and Shutter is still in first place despite the reset.
I would be interested to know if those who have a bad Shutterstock experience still upload material at all?
Some have probably deactivated a certain time their portfolio, perhaps that also plays a role.

If you upload a lot of new photos, which are easy to find, a buyer can also see some older photos of you (listed there), which are in the same category. As a result, they may be bought more often and therefore sink less quickly.
Or is this a wrong theory?  :-\

I had one really good-selling shot of old books and I later uploaded more shots of the same (but sufficiently different to pass the 'similars' rejection). The newer shots did tend to piggy-back on the original one but the big problem with SS compared to AS is that when you get a dl at SS, you'll see that a number of alternatives are proposed. These alternatives seem chosen by some similar visual only algorithm without heed to keywords or subject matter and there's often not one of your own 'similars' there. In this case there is one of my similars there but the other 6 are not. AS on the other hand does show your shots from the same series which, I think, gives you more chance.

January 2022. WME at SS by a long chalk. Came $5 short of minimum payout ($35) at SS with 132 dls (usually 160-200) and a totally pathetic $0.24 RPD. AS 52 dls and $0.69 RDP for Jan 2022. Still OK for no effort and no worries cuz January is commissioned work month...ka-ching, ka-ching!  ;D

« Reply #234 on: February 01, 2022, 11:28 »
Double posting  :-X
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 11:33 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #235 on: February 01, 2022, 11:32 »
I find it remarkable that Shutterstock runs so differently individually.
I upload regularly myself and Shutter is still in first place despite the reset.
I would be interested to know if those who have a bad Shutterstock experience still upload material at all?
Some have probably deactivated a certain time their portfolio, perhaps that also plays a role.

If you upload a lot of new photos, which are easy to find, a buyer can also see some older photos of you (listed there), which are in the same category. As a result, they may be bought more often and therefore sink less quickly.
Or is this a wrong theory?  :-\

Thijs, I have no idea.

But reading the posts here, Shutterstock seems to be only a matter of sink or swim and little in between.


« Reply #236 on: February 01, 2022, 11:39 »
I looked up a photo of a spider of mine. The pictures of my other spiders are next to it and below it. (one is not a spider but a Red Harvestman  :) )
I am satisfied with this. I don't know if that's also because I have a spider catagory.
But maybe it will look different in a month.

At Adobe, the same image shows three spiders and two beetles on a much smaller scale.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 13:31 by thijsdegraaf »

« Reply #237 on: February 01, 2022, 11:40 »
I find it remarkable that Shutterstock runs so differently individually.
I upload regularly myself and Shutter is still in first place despite the reset.
I would be interested to know if those who have a bad Shutterstock experience still upload material at all?
Some have probably deactivated a certain time their portfolio, perhaps that also plays a role.

If you upload a lot of new photos, which are easy to find, a buyer can also see some older photos of you (listed there), which are in the same category. As a result, they may be bought more often and therefore sink less quickly.
Or is this a wrong theory?  :-\

I had one really good-selling shot of old books and I later uploaded more shots of the same (but sufficiently different to pass the 'similars' rejection). The newer shots did tend to piggy-back on the original one but the big problem with SS compared to AS is that when you get a dl at SS, you'll see that a number of alternatives are proposed. These alternatives seem chosen by some similar visual only algorithm without heed to keywords or subject matter and there's often not one of your own 'similars' there. In this case there is one of my similars there but the other 6 are not. AS on the other hand does show your shots from the same series which, I think, gives you more chance.

Thanks for the explanation, I hadn't noticed that before.
Despite this fact, I have on average about 4- 5 times as many downloads on Shutterstock compared to Adobe for the same portfolio. That makes up for the worse RPD in terms of final revenue.

By the way, I like your book shots  :D
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 11:44 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #238 on: February 01, 2022, 13:35 »
AS is consistently about 1/2 of SS income, (except for last month where AS & SS were about the same, due to an SS drop)

« Reply #239 on: February 01, 2022, 15:32 »
In spite of AS not taking any editorial shots of mine, giving a portfolio 3500 image short of other sites, my earnings there were the best this month: $162.  Alamy was $136 and SS was rubbish ($70).


« Reply #240 on: February 01, 2022, 15:51 »
AS is consistently about 1/2 of SS income, (except for last month where AS & SS were about the same, due to an SS drop)

Same for me usually except this month when AS actually brought in more money than SS. Hardly surprising though at SS...reverting to Level 1 on Jan 1st not only means that almost every sub sale is 10 cents but ODDs and SODs are also around half what I'd normally get in Level 3 (usually achieved in Feb-March). For contributors it truly is a diabolical system intended to enrich the senior management and their stock options by boosting the SS Q1 profits. No doubt there's a huge amount of back-slapping and high-fiving at that first quarter's earnings announcement meeting!

Thanks Ralf. I must have felt inspired with my new and first full-frame DSLR and 85mm lens! I think the original shot got a big boost from eBay using it in a guide to pricing antique and vintage books.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 15:56 by OM »

« Reply #241 on: February 02, 2022, 03:31 »
AS is consistently about 1/2 of SS income, (except for last month where AS & SS were about the same, due to an SS drop)

For me SS was still better than Adobe, as always, despite the level reset.

« Reply #242 on: February 02, 2022, 05:11 »
Jan 2022 is the worst month since 2013 also for me. Average downloads, but low RPD (0,65 all agencies / 0,94 - 2021 | 0,51 SS / 0,76 - 2021).

There is a reason why there is a lack of big sales on SS.

SS pushes for subscription packs because their earning is higher due to unsold photos in packages.

« Reply #243 on: February 02, 2022, 05:21 »

SS pushes for subscription packs because their earning is higher due to unsold photos in packages.

This could be a reasonable explanation indeed.

« Reply #244 on: February 02, 2022, 08:53 »

This could be a reasonable explanation indeed.

Yes ... Pavlovsky himself said so in the latest financial reports.

Subscribers are increasing both in number and in average revenue per customers.

2020 255000 subscribers
2021 336000 subscribers

2020 $328 average revenue per customer
2021 $361 average revenue per customer

But downloads are the same ... (44.3 2021 vs 43.4 2020)

So revenue per download (Three Months Ended September) is:

2020 $3.79
2021 $4.30

Revenue per download was:

2013 $2.35
2015 $2.85
2017 $3.24


2013 $0.59
2015 $0.75
2017 $0.88
2020 $0.83
2021 $0.76
2022 (Jan $0.51)

So, real royalty earnings % is:

2013 0.59/2.35= 25.10%
2015 0.75/2.85= 26.31%
2017 0.88/3.24= 27.16%
2020 0.83/3.79= 21.89%
2021 0.76/4.30= 17.67%

17.67% (not 30 or 35% of level 4 o 5) is very close to Istock's actual 15% ... a real theft against contributors.

I do stock full time and unfortunately I have to pay my expenses and SS is still 40% of my income. I hate them with all my heart. I'm thinking of quitting, but it's not an easy choice.

« Reply #245 on: February 02, 2022, 13:47 »

SS pushes for subscription packs because their earning is higher due to unsold photos in packages.

This could be a reasonable explanation indeed.

Canva has improved to my 2nd best earner due to their subscription sharing - netting double AS each month and approaching SS


« Reply #246 on: February 02, 2022, 15:08 »
Jan 2022 income up 8% compared to January 2021. 

(USD comparison, not including exchange rate)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 15:26 by Annie »

« Reply #247 on: February 02, 2022, 15:58 »
Nice to see you here Sheila.

There is also a Hummer Thread here which is, sadly, Sari & Wendy-less, but good for talking about wildlife.

Thanks. I'll have to look that up. Love wildlife photography when I can get a chance to do it. I have contact with Sari and Wendy off forums so I still keep up with them :)

« Reply #248 on: February 02, 2022, 16:09 »

This could be a reasonable explanation indeed.

Yes ... Pavlovsky himself said so in the latest financial reports.

Subscribers are increasing both in number and in average revenue per customers.

2020 255000 subscribers
2021 336000 subscribers

2020 $328 average revenue per customer
2021 $361 average revenue per customer

But downloads are the same ... (44.3 2021 vs 43.4 2020)

So revenue per download (Three Months Ended September) is:

2020 $3.79
2021 $4.30

Revenue per download was:

2013 $2.35
2015 $2.85
2017 $3.24


2013 $0.59
2015 $0.75
2017 $0.88
2020 $0.83
2021 $0.76
2022 (Jan $0.51)

So, real royalty earnings % is:

2013 0.59/2.35= 25.10%
2015 0.75/2.85= 26.31%
2017 0.88/3.24= 27.16%
2020 0.83/3.79= 21.89%
2021 0.76/4.30= 17.67%

17.67% (not 30 or 35% of level 4 o 5) is very close to Istock's actual 15% ... a real theft against contributors.

I do stock full time and unfortunately I have to pay my expenses and SS is still 40% of my income. I hate them with all my heart. I'm thinking of quitting, but it's not an easy choice.

Of course, this is not an easy choice, Baumann. We already had this topic in the shutterstock forum. Shutterstock knew exactly that countless contributors had no choice because this was their main source of income. As I wrote there, the ugly face of capitalism was revealed because the new revenue structure was introduced at the very time when many contributors had lost other sources of income through Corona. And because this was the case, many contributors could not simply delete their portfolios from shutterstock, which they would certainly have liked to do out of conviction.

The largest contributor - Africa Studio - did it. I have a lot of respect for that, because some employees have to be paid. I am sure that the decision was very difficult for them.

I myself did not do it. I am only a tiny light. But I couldn't bring myself to give up a four-figure income per year. Nevertheless, my shutterstock motivation is at absolute zero.

« Reply #249 on: February 02, 2022, 17:39 »
Jan 2022 income up 8% compared to January 2021. 

(USD comparison, not including exchange rate)

Similar here: SS earnings for Jan were 10.7% better than last year, and the total MS income for Jan was 12.3% better (and second-best January ever).
« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 17:42 by Zero Talent »


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