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Author Topic: This month's sales  (Read 146222 times)

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« Reply #275 on: April 01, 2022, 07:20 »
In terms of total earnings across the four agencies I contribute to (Sstock, Adobe Stock, iStock, Pond5) I just had my BME - exceeding my previous BME (which incidentally was back in June 2020) by 26 percent. So pretty happy with this result and feel my recent content upload activities are beginning to produce results. I am also seeing much better results on Adobe Stock and Pond5. Already starting well for April with a couple of sales on Pond5.   

« Reply #276 on: April 01, 2022, 08:16 »

downloads minus 21.1%
income minus 2.2%

I'd be happy with these numbers
dowload plus 5.4%
income minus 37%

Adobe has been doing well though, my best earner this month, which hasn't happened in over 1,5 years. Not anywhere as good as Shutterstock or iStock during a good month, but since my Adobe income has been either stagnating or declining for months, I won't complain about a positive development, no matter how small.

I had some big SODs at shutterstock. Without them it would have been a disaster! But there seems to be a big decrease concerning ODs. I had 4 days in a row in march without a single OD! And only one day with 4 ODs.

I had no big sales on Shutterstock in this year so far.  :-\ And, yes, I agree that the amount of ODs has decreased, for me actually drastically. I had 750 sales on Shutterstock in March and only 22 of these were ODs - Multiple as low as 0.15$.  ::)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 08:23 by Firn »

« Reply #277 on: April 01, 2022, 09:16 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 09:21 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #278 on: April 01, 2022, 09:45 »

downloads minus 21.1%
income minus 2.2%

I'd be happy with these numbers
dowload plus 5.4%
income minus 37%

Adobe has been doing well though, my best earner this month, which hasn't happened in over 1,5 years. Not anywhere as good as Shutterstock or iStock during a good month, but since my Adobe income has been either stagnating or declining for months, I won't complain about a positive development, no matter how small.

I had some big SODs at shutterstock. Without them it would have been a disaster! But there seems to be a big decrease concerning ODs. I had 4 days in a row in march without a single OD! And only one day with 4 ODs.

I had no big sales on Shutterstock in this year so far.  :-\ And, yes, I agree that the amount of ODs has decreased, for me actually drastically. I had 750 sales on Shutterstock in March and only 22 of these were ODs - Multiple as low as 0.15$.  ::)

Oh, Firn, I'm sorry for you! That sounds really bad!


« Reply #279 on: April 01, 2022, 09:46 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.
Hi Zero, I thought you always said that your sales were going down the drain but looking at your graph it seems pretty stable and even improving over the years. Or are these just downloads and has revenue dropped year by year?

« Reply #280 on: April 01, 2022, 09:52 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.
Hi Zero, I thought you always said that your sales were going down the drain but looking at your graph it seems pretty stable and even improving over the years. Or are these just downloads and has revenue dropped year by year?

Hmm...  Are you sure? I don't remember having said that!
It doesn't sound like me. I'm an optimist.  ;)
Maybe for some outlets, like 500px?
But feel free to quote me and we can clarify specifics!
(these are dollars, not downloads)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 10:01 by Zero Talent »


« Reply #281 on: April 01, 2022, 10:03 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.
Hi Zero, I thought you always said that your sales were going down the drain but looking at your graph it seems pretty stable and even improving over the years. Or are these just downloads and has revenue dropped year by year?

Hmm...  Are you sure? I don't remember having said that!
It doesn't sound like me. I'm an optimist.  ;)
Maybe for some outlets, like 500px?
But feel free to quote me and we can clarify specifics!
(these are dollars, not downloads)
Well maybe I'm confused then. Great progress though, compliments :)

« Reply #282 on: April 01, 2022, 17:12 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.

That your pictures sell well, I am not surprised and is also known to me. They are very good.

That you can still increase, triggers in me the question: Do you still upload regularly?

« Reply #283 on: April 01, 2022, 17:20 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.

That your pictures sell well, I am not surprised and is also known to me. They are very good.

That you can still increase, triggers in me the question: Do you still upload regularly?
Not really. A few items a week, if any. Mostly old stuff previously discarded for not being good enough.
There is not much increase from where I stand.
For the past few years, I'm oscillating around similar amounts, and that's more than OK.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 17:26 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #284 on: April 01, 2022, 17:46 »
Not bad: second-best March overall, behind March 2017.

That your pictures sell well, I am not surprised and is also known to me. They are very good.

That you can still increase, triggers in me the question: Do you still upload regularly?
Not really. A few items a week, if any. Mostly old stuff previously discarded for not being good enough.
There is not much increase from where I stand.
For the past few years, I'm oscillating around similar amounts, and that's more than OK.

And probably good video sales as well.  ;)


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #285 on: April 02, 2022, 08:05 »
Here's a link to my brutally honest monthly report for March:


« Reply #286 on: April 02, 2022, 12:24 »
Here's a link to my brutally honest monthly report for March:


OUCH - looks like another turd month. Not too far off from mine, although minus anything from SS and I generally do a bit better on Alamy (I got 17 of those 3 cent sales - some for multiple times plus a few real sales too) and DT (still peanuts). Although I think it is still possible to make $ at this it requires a combination of hard work, skill, and luck and almost for sure with a similar effort you could do much better at something else.

Good luck with the drone - I've played around with a dji mini but haven't bothered trying to upload anything from it - maybe I should, but for a few bucks it hardly seems worth the effort.


  • Non Linear Existence
« Reply #287 on: April 02, 2022, 16:25 »
Firstly, since Ive begun reporting I have never seen an average return per downloads at Shutterstock below 40cents, with March at just 36cents

SS is total waste of time. My March RPD there is 0.214.  Coupled with senseless AI rejection policy I can't honestly figure any good reason to keep uploading or expect anything there anymore

On Alamy I had BME with RPD 193.94 net & they are, besides Adobe, IMHO only agency out there worth working with

« Reply #288 on: April 04, 2022, 11:33 »
SS is total waste of time. My March RPD there is 0.214.
~50 cents for me last 3 months on SS.

« Reply #289 on: April 04, 2022, 12:35 »
SS is total waste of time. My March RPD there is 0.214.
~50 cents for me last 3 months on SS.

March RPD on SS:
$1.10/dl overall
$0.70/dl for images
$17.5/dl for videos

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #290 on: April 04, 2022, 14:30 »
SS is total waste of time. My March RPD there is 0.214.
~50 cents for me last 3 months on SS.

Now that you mentioned it, I looked. Lifetime is .70 and 2022 RPD is 25 cents. No denying that things have changed for me.

« Reply #291 on: April 04, 2022, 14:44 »
My lifetime is $1.77 on SS, but it's slowly going down.


  • Non Linear Existence
« Reply #292 on: April 04, 2022, 15:11 »
My RPD on Shutterstock has taken nosedive since I stopped uploading, although number of downloads has remained constant.   It would be interesting to see if there is connection?  I doubt as it would need some fine algorithm adjustments which I don't think they can be bothered with.  It is more likely related to overall large sub packages policy shift

« Reply #293 on: April 04, 2022, 18:04 »
We're now into the 4th day of the new month and it's about this time I like to conduct an early microstock performance review.

For this task, I needed to deploy high-powered performance computing systems to calculate the total gross contributor earnings on my Shutterstock portfolio.

This allows for fast and accurate calculations where large voluminous sets of diverse and complex data are involved.

I'm sure my stock contributor colleagues will agree the results of these calculations are extraordinary:

By the 4th day of April 2022, my Shutterstock port had generated an eye-watering earnings amount of:

0.10 cents !! 

I just can't explain this incredible result.

« Reply #294 on: April 04, 2022, 18:09 »
The future prognosticator suggests that if you really keep putting in the hard work you could double these results in the next month.

« Reply #295 on: April 04, 2022, 18:19 »
The future prognosticator suggests that if you really keep putting in the hard work you could double these results in the next month.

Strewth! If I can achieve that, contributors on Facebook group will scream at me: 'Show us your port!!'

« Reply #296 on: April 06, 2022, 02:03 »
My RPD on Shutterstock has taken nosedive since I stopped uploading, although number of downloads has remained constant.   It would be interesting to see if there is connection?  I doubt as it would need some fine algorithm adjustments which I don't think they can be bothered with.  It is more likely related to overall large sub packages policy shift
I kept on uploading and my RPD took a nosedive too. 0.26$ for March, which is very low. March 2021 my RPD was 0.72.

Whether it's algorithm or policy shift to large subscription packages I don't know. I would guess the latter.
But it still can be algorithm thing, as they might push some portfolio's more towards subscription sales and others more towards OD's.
Technically it's possible.

All I know for sure is that nearly every sale on SS is a sub, OD's are scarce and when they happen commissions are low.
Last year I had bigger sales (let's say 20$ and more) every month. This year: none.

So yes. Something has changed :)

« Reply #297 on: April 06, 2022, 06:05 »
March was better than Feb for me at SS, reached level 5 but poor compared to AS. Sales volume at AS is 100% more than SS and 360% more $ than SS.

« Reply #298 on: April 06, 2022, 12:25 »
since we're declaring SS changes based on personal experience and tiny datasets - nothing's changed in SS search! my RPD has been steady .50 to .60 over last 2 years

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #299 on: April 06, 2022, 13:07 »
since we're declaring SS changes based on personal experience and tiny datasets - nothing's changed in SS search! my RPD has been steady .50 to .60 over last 2 years

Nothing has changed for my searches that I monitor. RPD has dropped since the new dime sub program and I can see how many are the 750 multi-seat plan. But as always, we all don't have the same images or type of content. My ODs average $2.25 now.


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