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Author Topic: Transfering money from paypal to moneybookers.  (Read 4728 times)

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« on: November 20, 2007, 23:22 »
The falling US dollar seems to be costing foreign photographers more and more money. Since I live in the US, and I have both a moneybookers and a paypal account, I could transfer funds for people. Assuming I get a small commission to make it worth my while. This would require some trust, so I can understand if you would only want to do it in small amounts at a time. Would anyone be interested in this?

Also, to give me an idea of what some of you are losing, out of say $100 you make, how much do you actually get?

« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2007, 01:21 »

Well , I could compare the situation now with the situation this time last year.

I live in Croatia and our currency is kuna , and its lats say stable currency for quite some time.

Last year 100$ was about 550 kuna , and now 100$ is something like 500.

So with a simple calculation , someone who was making 1000$ last year and 1000$ now lost about 10% , or the value of 1000$ this time last year is about 900$ now.

Its is a similar situation comparing Euro and US dollar in the same period.

Thats about how falling of US dollar affects people outside US , but havingn in mind that they have stable currencies in ther countries.

There are currencies that lost more value than US dollar  so people in those countries in fact earn more now than they did last year. 

« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2007, 07:16 »
Paypal currencies:

last month 100$ = 68
this month 100$= 66

eos 40D USA    : 1300$
eos 40D France: 1300

« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2007, 11:52 »
KinkKyle, I'm sure you have the best of intentions with your offer, but it sounds a bit like those Nigerian banks... LOL. 

I have to buy some U.S. $.  What sucks the most about Paypal is you can't transfer U.S. $ into a Canadian U.S. $ bank account.  So I have to pay Paypal to exchange to Cdn. and then go to the bank and buy U.S. $ and pay the bank an exchange fee too.  I'll pay mostly by credit card when I'm gone, but I need some cash and it sucks to be taken advantage of - just because they can.


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