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Author Topic: Vectors..jpg and EPS or just jpg upload  (Read 11429 times)

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  • Think before you speak
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:16 »
Does it really make any difference rather you upload the EPS files to the sites or just upload the jpg. I've only  uploaded the jpg's so far, but wondered if it really made any difference with sales to upload both?

« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 12:22 »
Yes it does increase your sales as it give the customer an editable option.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2010, 12:29 »
Yes it does increase your sales as it give the customer an editable option.
I know with Dreamstime you can upload the additional EPS file, but is there any way you can go back and upload the additional format in the others?


  • My Bologna has a first name...
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2010, 12:47 »
Specify which sites your wanting to do that to.

SS - The EPS is separate from the Large Jpeg. It only needs the preview sized Jpeg.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2010, 13:08 »
The ones I uploaded these to were, Big Stock, Deposit Photos, Shutterstock and Dreamstime. I know with Dreamstime I can go back and upload the file, but wasn't sure how to do it with the others since the jpgs were already uploaded. Another question, how do you embed the jpg in the file...the only option it gives you is .tiff format

« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2010, 14:17 »
At SS you can submit it along the raster version, you can have both. At the others I guess you should delete the rasters and upload the vectors.
You don't need to embed the jpeg in the eps, just export another .jpg file and you'll upload both. You should check the tiff option to none cause it will generate a huge file.
At FT and Deposit you'll need to archive both the eps and the matching jpeg in a zip.
At StockXpert you need to archive just the eps.. oh wait... sigh :-<
At the others you can upload both the .eps and .jpg and they'll be treated as one file.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2010, 14:44 »
At SS you can submit it along the raster version, you can have both. At the others I guess you should delete the rasters and upload the vectors.
You don't need to embed the jpeg in the eps, just export another .jpg file and you'll upload both. You should check the tiff option to none cause it will generate a huge file.
At FT and Deposit you'll need to archive both the eps and the matching jpeg in a zip.
At StockXpert you need to archive just the eps.. oh wait... sigh :-<
At the others you can upload both the .eps and .jpg and they'll be treated as one file.

Thanks that pretty well answered my question.....are you living in limbo over the death of StockXpert???? lol.  ;) As for FT I'm not planning on uploading any more to them. At least not right now. I deleted most of my files off there except for the ones that have sold.

One more question...I promise...I won't have to keyword the EPS also like I do the supporting jpg files do I???? Please tell me NO.. ;D

« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2010, 15:20 »
No, no keywording on the eps. Just the accompanying jpg(make sure you keyword both jpegs(if they are different) if uploading both vector and raster to SS).


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 15:32 »
you know I got to thinking about it and as far as shutterstock is concerned you don't get any more money for a vector than you do a jpg because it's a subscription site. I think I won't bother uploading EPS files to them. I am going to do it with Dreamstime. I use to always upload my raw files with submissions but kinda got behind on that.

« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2010, 17:49 »
you know I got to thinking about it and as far as shutterstock is concerned you don't get any more money for a vector than you do a jpg because it's a subscription site. I think I won't bother uploading EPS files to them. I am going to do it with Dreamstime. I use to always upload my raw files with submissions but kinda got behind on that.

With Shutterstock don't forget that you get more on OD sales for vectors. While the sub sales aren't any higher, you are likely to get more sales on the .eps version.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 13:05 »
Ok here's another question concerning SS. I'd uploaded all those vectors in jpg but not EPS...they all got rejected because
"Please choose "Illustrations/Clip Art" category AND check the Illustration box when submitting illustrations"
My category was Illustrations/Clip Art,but I didn't notice a box to check for Illustration. Any way it's probably for the best. Now my question is when you upload the high res jpg.....along with the low res + EPS file does the large jpg have to have a different file name than the low res jpg + EPS? If so wouldn't they kick it for being to many of same subject or duplicate files?

« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 14:00 »
No it doesn't. I upload the same jpeg for both preview and hi res. so it looks something like this:

on the waiting to be submitted page there'll be a big VECTOR sign under the vector one(this one will have the illustration check box already ticked, for the jpeg you'll need to tick it yourself). TIP: don't use the keyword "vector" for the jpeg version.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2010, 14:06 »
Ok  I'm beginning to understand, but does that Illustration box have to be checked on the high res jpg or just on the low res?

I just tried to name both jpg files the same...it won't let me do it even though they are different files sizes...so how do you do it?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 14:12 by donding »


  • My Bologna has a first name...
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2010, 17:17 »
If it is not a photograph... then you need to check the box. Fractals, 3d Renders, Raster drawings, EPS.. or Jpeg from it... check the box and put one of the categories as Ilustration / Clipart for SS.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2010, 17:30 »
If it is not a photograph... then you need to check the box. Fractals, 3d Renders, Raster drawings, EPS.. or Jpeg from it... check the box and put one of the categories as Ilustration / Clipart for SS.
I just reuploaded the EPS and two jpgs and made sure the box was checked. I didn't realize I had to do it because the first one that got accepted went through without me checking that box. We'll see how that works now....what's the saying???....trial by error????


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2010, 10:58 »
You can tell I'm not the smartest person when it comes to vectors but I want to know why my vectors turned to bitmats. Is it from the gruadiants in the illistration or is it the brushes used which have open ends?

« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2010, 11:25 »
Did you use Illustrator? I know Inkscape has some problems with gradients but I can't tell you much about it, I don't use it. Gradients shouldn't be a problem. Transparencies will rasterize(turn to bitmap) in eps8 format. Also effects like drop shadow and some other might rasterize too. Filled open paths can cause problems in Corel but they shouldn't create rasters.

« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2010, 23:30 »
Hi Donding,
it's complicated, you're right, such a hassle, but do not give up! I guarantee it will become easier in time, just keep at it.

Bitmaps in your vectors
Remember when I told you about Inkscape and gradients? You're not the first one complaining about it. It seems Inkscape can't save gradients as vectors (especially radial gradients are a problem, but just to be safe, you should stay away from linear gradients as well).
Either don't use gradients at all (use simple shapes instead, - copy your object, paste it in front, resize it a bit smaller, change colour, copy the copy and paste in front again, resize smaller, change colour, repeat these steps. 5-7 such shapes should do the trick) or upgrade from Inkscape to something else.
Be advised - I think Corel Draw (although very nice to work with) can't save (radial) gradients either. Download the free trial version first!

Brushes / Strokes
All your brushes must be outlined. I'm not sure how Inkscape does it, but Illustrator creates groups. Look at your layers palette and find the group. Ungroup it and delete the last path inside the group. It's redundant, you don't need it anymore. Your brush stroke is now a normal, closed shape.
Do the same for all your strokes, even if you didn't use any brushes.
Clean up your file. Delete all unused swatches. Delete all brushes/ symbols/ styles. Make sure all your shapes are closed and the file is clean.
Label all your layers and keep the background on a separate layer.
If the background is white, draw a rectangle the exact size of your artboard and fill it with white (no stroke). Don't leave the background empty.

Uploading to Shutterstock
If you intend to offer the larger JPEG version as well, you need 3 files.
This is how I do it :
MyVector.eps     - original vector file
MyVector.jpg     - Shutterstock small thumbnail
MyVectorR.jpg   - large JPEG version
(I add an 'R' for Raster).

Uploading vectors is truly a pain in the ***, but things do get easier with time.
What's new? Have you finished your VW bug?
Looking forward for more of your illustrations, best of luck!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 23:39 by Eireann »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2010, 23:50 »
I'm TRYING to use Illustrator now....that inkthingyboby thing didn't work to well. :D
I think the reason those appeared to be bitmat was because there were drop shadows. Any way I'm slowly getting them approved...heh if they don't make it through as vectors as least the high res jpg is making it through ;D

The man on a bike already made it through
The sunflower one has a huge EPS file and I can't figure out why...

« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2010, 22:28 »
Hi Donding, :)
sorry, I was out for a time, only saw your reply now.
Wow, wow!
Welcome to Illustrator! This is really great news!
Now the bad news is this - due to the nature of my work I had to learn the following applications : Corel Paint, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Add to that list a bit of QuarkXpress and 3DMax.
Out of all of them, the harder to master, by miles, was (and still is) Illustrator.
Illustrator is wicked! It is as if that piece of software absolutely hates me and is my personal enemy. Wicked!
I had a really hard time learning it. Of course, that's only my personal experience. Let's hope yours will be different (in a good way)!
Regardless, when it comes to technicalities, Illustrator is king. The best there is and you've made the right decision. Congratulations!

The man on the bike is amazing. I absolutely love it, it shows your drawing skills. It's truly difficult to get a vector of a human being riding a bike. Perspective, hands, legs, face, position, everything is difficult, and you've done a great job.
You need more details though, (shadows/highlights, to give him depth) but as long as you have the main shapes in place, details are much easier to add.
You'll get to it, no problem.
Remember I told you not to leave the background empty ?
This is what happens when you leave an empty (transparent) background. When saved as a JPEG the illustration bumps right into the edges, like The Man on The Bike. There is no buffer around him.
If you want your illustration on a white background create a new layer at the bottom of your stack and get your rectangle tool. Click with the tool anywhere on your artboard. Window opens. Specify the exact size of the artboard and click OK.
Fill this rectangle with white, no stroke, name it 'White Background'.
This is your buffer room. It also makes it easier for buyers to edit/change the background colour.
The Sunflower
Looks great, but the EPS is huge?
You're probably using effects.
As a general rule (especially if you need to save as EPS AI8) stay away from all effects. No drop shadows, no transparencies, no glows, no styles.
Try to make do using only gradients and blends.
Also when you save as EPS AI8 don't tick the preview thumbnail. You don't need it and it adds to the file size.
Clean your paths (use as fewer anchor points as possible), outline your strokes and brushes, close all shapes.
I think you should also visit Shutterstock's Illustrator Forum. There are many experienced illustrators there and they give great advice. They know a lot more than I do.
You're having a hard time now, I know, but it will become easier. Guaranteed!
After all you drew a man on a bike! That's really difficult, and it proves you've got what it takes. From now on things can only get better, easier, faster.
Can't wait to see what you come up with in a few weeks time! Keep us posted!
Best of luck,


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2010, 00:35 »
Well thanks for the advice. Believe it or not but I went to college to be an art teacher....just never finished. I did oil painting for years and shrived to paint like the old masters with the realism. I did alot of portrait and lifestyle painting. I quit when my daughter turned two...she's now 23...lol...Of course the man on the bike looks nothing like one of my oil paintings :-\

I'll be surprised if the sunflower makes it through because it has drop shadows and other effects.  I had already done it before I realized it was a problem. If the EPS fails I'll just upload the jpg. The man on the bike I have in other vectors...one with trees and hills behind it. I have started putting the buffer around them. I have trouble remembering that...practice makes perfect.. ;D


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