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Author Topic: Do any agencies accept physical media posted to them?  (Read 1023 times)

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« on: November 04, 2024, 18:32 »
I'm wondering if there are any stock agencies that accept physical media posted to them in this day and age? Like submitting your content on a CD or Data DVD. I admit that I'm almost at my wit's end when it comes to submitting video. Submitting video has been a big struggle for a vey long time. Photo files are fine - not many problems there.

Firstly, the web uploaders on the agencies websites (where you drag and drop files) are fine for photo files but extremely problematic for video files. I could try many times with different clips and I would get a failed upload with every single attempt. The only exception that would work would be a video with a very small file size (like a short duration clip.) That did work for me once.

Of course another option is FTP. A number of years ago, I used to use Filezilla but found it very hit and miss. Some video files would go through and some wouldn't. More recently, I tried Filezilla again and I had no success with it this time around.

Some time in the past, I discovered StockSubmitter and that was a life saver for submitting video files. Finally, I found something that was reliable and efficient the majority of the time. I could submit multiple video files at once with hardly any issues at all.

Though these days, I'm having mixed success with StockSubmitter. It still works well some of the time. But there are some occasions where I could try submitting a small number of video files (say 3 - 5) with multiple attempts over a few days and they won't go through. And currently, P5 is not an option with StockSubmitter because of some change that was made to the P5 website. StockSubmitter are working on an update to address that issue but Ive no idea how long that will take.

Ive heard of another popular FTP client called Cyber Duck. I will give that one a go and see how it performs.

If all the online options fail, I may have to consider posting a physical disc containing my video files. That may sound drastic but desperate times call for desperate measures.

« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2024, 20:01 »
Is the problem with the agencies or your internet connection?  I would see about increasing the speed of my internet connection first.  Unless you are a superstar I doubt any agencies will process physical media.  Good luck!

« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2024, 20:24 »
Is the problem with the agencies or your internet connection? 

To be honest, I really have no idea. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with the internet speed that I have. I'm sharing the net access with some other people living in the same place.

« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2024, 00:22 »
Why dont you go to an internet cafe, modern office or other place with high speed internet?

Agencies dont take physical media and this seems to be a problem with your internet speed.

The other question is are you being selective enough?

You dont need a gigantic volume of clips, you need well researched content of something buyers really need. Highly desirable content, strongly edited,  will always outsell a port with lots of fluff where the jewels get visually lost in masse.

Talk to your internet provider, maybe you just need to upgrade your contract.

« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2024, 01:15 »
Why dont you go to an internet cafe, modern office or other place with high speed internet?

I'm based on an island and those sort of places aren't the norm here.

Agencies dont take physical media and this seems to be a problem with your internet speed.


And of course agencies did take accept physical media in the old days (when film was the dominant medium.)

The other question is are you being selective enough?

You dont need a gigantic volume of clips, you need well researched content of something buyers really need. Highly desirable content, strongly edited,  will always outsell a port with lots of fluff where the jewels get visually lost in masse.

When I started shooting stock video a number of years ago, I had a port of 35 videos on SS (back when royalties for videos were much higher.) With those 35 videos, I made 3 video sales which is not a bad ratio I reckon. I then increased the number of videos in my port to 60 and that doubled the number of clip sales for me. I also made a number of video sales on P5 with a relatively small port (close to 100 clips.) And one of those videos sold at least five times.

Talk to your internet provider, maybe you just need to upgrade your contract.

The internet here is supposedly a decent speed for a family member for the work that he does (from home.) And it was adequate when I first started using StockSubnmitter. Back then, I could upload multiple clips with no issues at all.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2024, 01:18 by dragonblade »

« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2024, 01:35 »
Ok, so you are not a mass submitter with 30 000 sunset clips :)

What about starlink? Is that available in your location?

Or is there perhaps the possibility to leave the island once a week and do all your video uploads in one day. Or maybe even once a month?

But I am sure you have already explored both options, so I can just wish you all the best.

« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2024, 01:56 »
Ok, so you are not a mass submitter with 30 000 sunset clips :)

Far from it!

What about starlink? Is that available in your location?

I haven't heard of Starlink before. I did a bit of reading and it sounds like it may be available here in Australia in the future.

Or is there perhaps the possibility to leave the island once a week and do all your video uploads in one day. Or maybe even once a month?

It's not often when I'm able to get over to the mainland (less than a few times a year.) The visits are brief and I'm spending the whole time shooting stock when I'm over there (not enough time to sit in an internet cafe and upload videos.)

But I am sure you have already explored both options, so I can just wish you all the best.

I hope Cyber Duck delivers. I'm currently going through tutorial videos to work out how to use it.

« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2024, 03:51 »
Well, good luck. That island must be beautiful though :)

Is there perhaps a friend on the mainland with a great connection? You could send them your hard storage media once a month and they upload for you. Maybe into a cloud account that you can connect to agencies or a submitting platform?

Obviously people you trust and that you either pay or take for dinner when you can.

You have a difficult challenge for somebody with an online job.

All the best.

« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2024, 04:45 »
Of course another option is FTP. A number of years ago, I used to use Filezilla but found it very hit and miss. Some video files would go through and some wouldn't. More recently, I tried Filezilla again and I had no success with it this time around.
Show your settings for this program. Most likely you have problems with the settings.

Do you live among the Papuans in the jungle or something? What is your internet speed? Write 2 digits (upload and download).
Try the internet with different providers. You don't need to share the internet with anyone, the connection should be only for you.

The video business assumes that a person has good internet. If not, this business will not work.

As a last resort, you need to go to a place with fast internet and live there until you upload the video.

I upload a lot of videos with Filezilla, I have no problems, and even when uploading files weighing 4 GB, I also have no problems.

« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2024, 05:26 »
When I left iStock exclusivity I submitted my videos to Shutterstock, Pond5, and a few years later Adobe Stock, on a hard drive that I mailed to them. That little LaCie Rugged drive has travelled a lot of miles back and forth. It was a few years ago though. You should contact the support departments of the agencies you are interested in submitting to and ask if you can send a HD.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2024, 11:37 »
Of course another option is FTP. A number of years ago, I used to use Filezilla but found it very hit and miss. Some video files would go through and some wouldn't. More recently, I tried Filezilla again and I had no success with it this time around.
Show your settings for this program. Most likely you have problems with the settings.

Do you live among the Papuans in the jungle or something? What is your internet speed? Write 2 digits (upload and download).
Try the internet with different providers. You don't need to share the internet with anyone, the connection should be only for you.

The video business assumes that a person has good internet. If not, this business will not work.

As a last resort, you need to go to a place with fast internet and live there until you upload the video.

I upload a lot of videos with Filezilla, I have no problems, and even when uploading files weighing 4 GB, I also have no problems.

Good ideas and answers. McDonald's has free internet, so do many other restaurants and businesses. When I was on the road and this was years back, I'd park in the lot, next to a hotel or business and use free Internet.

I suspect the shared connection and the speed are the problem, or we'd all have the same issues with uploading. As mine is T-Mobile HINT and not even wired, and drag and drop or FTP Filezillia both work, I'd suspect it's the connection at his location and it's switching. Speed is a secondary problem. In other words, we're so rural here, that we only have copper wire or over the air as options. I'm not interested in satellite which is too expensive.

I don't know about an island in Australia but this one works best in the USA.  https://www.speedtest.net/  Try that one dragonblade and see what it says? Check the ping as well as the upload and download speeds.

Good Luck!

« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2024, 20:38 »
Well it looks like I have found a solution. Ive just started using Cyberduck recently and it's awesome. Despite my super slow internet speed, I can upload a bunch of 4k videos within a day with Cyberduck. For me, it performs so much better than Filezilla.

« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2024, 04:09 »
Well it looks like I have found a solution. Ive just started using Cyberduck recently and it's awesome. Despite my super slow internet speed, I can upload a bunch of 4k videos within a day with Cyberduck. For me, it performs so much better than Filezilla.
How is it better than Filezilla?

« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2024, 05:32 »
Well it looks like I have found a solution. Ive just started using Cyberduck recently and it's awesome. Despite my super slow internet speed, I can upload a bunch of 4k videos within a day with Cyberduck. For me, it performs so much better than Filezilla.
How is it better than Filezilla?

Filezilla just gives me failed uploads these days.


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