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Author Topic: What site does Rinder review at??  (Read 15735 times)

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« on: February 16, 2007, 08:17 »
Just reading a post at SS.  Does anyone know what site Rinder reviews at.


  • tough men are pussys
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 09:08 »
Sometimes I think he tends towards hyperbole.  I don't know how he can review along with all the other things he's in to.  Let's see, professional glamour photographer, landscape designer and maintenance, photo school, stock photographer, and about 3 other hats I've missed. 

I've heard he consults with reviewers, but probably part time. Where can he find the time?  Wait a minute, where's superman.  Have you ever noticed you've never seen superman and rinder at the same time?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 09:11 by ianhlnd »

« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 09:13 »

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 09:48 »
Sometimes I think he tends towards hyperbole.  I don't know how he can review along with all the other things he's in to.  Let's see, professional glamour photographer, landscape designer and maintenance, photo school, stock photographer, and about 3 other hats I've missed. 
I think professional musician is in there as well.

[edit - should have read the post before this first.  he is a very accomplished musician]
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 09:51 by CJPhoto »

« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 09:59 »
He is a man of many hats :)

That is a great article.  It is interesting to see that there is no mention of him as a photographer as of 2001.  So it looks like he has come a long way with photography since then.

He is definitely a man of many hats.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 10:23 by GeoPappas »

« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2007, 10:08 »
Geopappas - once a photographer, always a photographer.

« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2007, 10:29 »
...once a photographer, always a photographer.

That makes more sense.  I figured that he was involved in photography at some level for quite a while, but there was no mention of it in the first article.

« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2007, 10:35 »
...once a photographer, always a photographer.

That makes more sense.  I figured that he was involved in photography at some level for quite a while, but there was no mention of it in the first article.
The interview was for a music website so I assume they only focused on that part of his life.

« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2007, 18:17 »
Great guy, learned a lot from his posts at ss. Shame he doesn't post here anymore.
Anyway, my guess would be stockxpert. Just seems to fit.

« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2007, 20:40 »
Wowowo....He is very accomplished then. I am impressed.

« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2007, 04:50 »
Hi Opla,

Great guy, learned a lot from his posts at ss. Shame he doesn't post here anymore.

Just curious, was there a special reason why rinder doesn't post here anymore?



« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2007, 06:26 »
Hi Opla,

Great guy, learned a lot from his posts at ss. Shame he doesn't post here anymore.

Just curious, was there a special reason why rinder doesn't post here anymore?


Don't know but i can't take this guy serious. He always claims to be the master of photography but he is not even successful at microstock (just check his stats at DT and IS). His website doesn't impress me either he is probably an old photographer out of business which is trying to survive by selling his photographic courses through microstock-forums.
He may have some outdated experience but in general he is just a bigmouth IMHO.

« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2007, 10:54 »
... but in general he is just a bigmouth IMHO.

Ummm... have you looked in the mirror lately?

Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2007, 11:05 »
Aha!  The bait has been taken--let the fun begin!

... but in general he is just a bigmouth IMHO.

Ummm... have you looked in the mirror lately?

« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2007, 12:23 »
He may have some outdated experience but in general he is just a bigmouth IMHO.

Urrr, since when did experience become outdated?  Particularly in photography...

« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2007, 12:46 »
Well... this one's got the afterburners kicking in..... ;)

I don't know the man personally.  I posed a couple questions about  studio lighting on an LO blog (He does upload to LO)   The guy took the time to send me some advice personally via emal. The advice was sound, it was useful to me and...  I appreciated it.  He offered to answer any questions I mailed him.
     Advice/opinions....  like noses, everybody has one.  You take advice, or you can leave it.    In Rinder's case,  it was of value to me.  And based on that and his offer,  I'd respectfully listen to what he had to say to me....  and... I'd take it or ......leave it.
     A lot of folks  "wear many hats'.   I'm a musician too, I played professionally as a kid in the late 60's...  If I wasn't drafted to go play in Vietnam, I might have become 'accomplished', the next Jim Morrison or whoever.  so what?   I write science fiction novels and short stories too...  so what?   I'm sure there are plenty of folks right here on this site that can say the same....  they're wearing far more than one hat.
     As for his gallery, pick any gallery you want on the web..  odds are, you won't like everything on the site.  Some you'll think is great, some you'll think is garbage...   again, so what?  I've seen his work, some I thought was really good, other of his work,  ...didn't move me at all.  That's natural.
       For that matter, when I look at my own stuff on any of the microsites. Some I'm really proud of....  and some of it  I have no emotional feel for at all,  it's just crap that I shot speciifically for micro sales. I wouldn't blow it up, frame it and hang it in my den.
 On the other hand, art  is  so very subjective. I'm sure there's someone out there that would do just that, blow up and frame a picture of an electrical adapter and say  "WHOA, dude, far our, is this great or what!!"    When my brain says it's trash.

.....Unless there's something devious about this guy I don't know?????  :'(Maybe I should be brought up to speed.  Why's the general opinion of him so negative?    8) - tom[/colo]


« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2007, 12:48 »
Hi Opla,

Great guy, learned a lot from his posts at ss. Shame he doesn't post here anymore.

Just curious, was there a special reason why rinder doesn't post here anymore?


Don't know but i can't take this guy serious. He always claims to be the master of photography but he is not even successful at microstock (just check his stats at DT and IS). His website doesn't impress me either he is probably an old photographer out of business which is trying to survive by selling his photographic courses through microstock-forums.
He may have some outdated experience but in general he is just a bigmouth IMHO.

This post here, Is a prime example of why Im not on another microstock chat room. I NEVER in almost 5000 posts at SS have claimed to be an "Master" at photography, I share experience, thats it. And yes I have been at this for a little over 50 years. Had my first darkroom at 11 years old. probably owned every camera and format made. Made a fortune in music, I wrote the music for 435 TV shows, 36 films, produced 46 Jazz and R&B albums and wrote hundreds of songs ,some becoming top 10. And I own every copyright. I have always considered Photography as an equal to anything else I've done. I've owned huge studios and small studios, shot thousands of women and hundreds of products including a bunch of Album Covers. A lot of my early Corp clients are still with me. Just sold my interest in a landscape design firm. I was doing stock back in the 70'S also when it was nothing but 4 x 5. Then Stock was Landscape,Travel and Flowers. There was no such thing as a girl isolated on white with a phone. Those were done by AD agencies. I teach Because , I need to teach and for no other reason. I do OK with sales and That is by far NOT my motivation for doing this. This started about 2 1/2 years ago over lunch with a publisher asking me to infiltrate this new business and write about it, So I did. I liked the community so, I stayed and a lot of by-products have come out of it, BECAUSE im a opportunist, Always have been and take everything I do VERY seriously. Which to me Is one of the Biggest problems with Microstock, Very few do. Most are jealous whiners that want someone else to do the work for them, Dont put in the time or the work neccesary to succeed in this. Of the nearly 5000 posts I've made, I look at each and every gallery of the person Im talking to. People can type all they want, The work and work ethic is what speaks the loudest. Not DL's. I love it when people say Things like "Bigmouth" "Blowhard" "Old Fart" "purist"  Thats just ignorance and I just consider the source. I could get 1000 DL's a day and it wouldn't cover my life expenses in any way, so im not to concerened about it. RF stock has been a portal for me and a few other Pros That understand Business, self reliance, Promotion , which are just as important as the tech skills of photography. I do whats called "Custom Stock" which Probably none of you have heard of but pays about $5,000 per shot, I do gallery shows with my painting and photography, And do an enormous amount of printing for me and others. RF stock is just a portal and a way to reach out to a whole bunch of good people that want to learn and take this seriously. Am I tough? You Bet.  Do I suffer Fools? NO!!! Do I think I can ever get all of them to listen?? without argueing??  Never.  10% is all I want and all I need. And Im always around for anyone that is serious. What site do I review for?? Lets just say I've seen all your work. I do it to learn.  Your friend, Laurin Rinder 2/18/07

« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2007, 13:39 »
That's bs... I learned from Rinder's posts on SS probably more than I did from all other sources combined. Granted, I may have had a lot to learn to begin with (still do I am sure) but that's the whole point - person I've never met was generous enough to give away enormous information that made me a better photographer. I can't omit one very important aspect of his posts: it's not just a "click here, set this to that number" kind of help. It's much more than that, it's an overall approach, philosophy if you will. Teaching how to fish instead of handing the fish kind of thing.

crap, I registered on this forum specifically to post this, believe it or not...


  • tough men are pussys
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2007, 13:41 »
See guys,  

You'll never see superman and laurin in the same room!

Laurin, I think everyone admires you and they're probably engaging in  tugging of the King's beard.  I've never seen your gallery, but I have seen a lot of your posts, I'm glad there's some like you that tell it like it is.

Your energy is stimulating.


« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2007, 13:43 »
Hi all,

without looking like a fanboy - I've also always appreciated Rinder's posts. He even took the time to e-mail me some information personally.

He tries to teach, however, not everyone can appreciate that (I know that out of my own experience - my daughter :-)).

All the best,

« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2007, 15:18 »
Rinder is very helpful and calls a spade a spade, you either take his advise or you don't. I can't see why anyone would have a go at him, yoiu just end up looking stupid.

« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2007, 06:15 »
Rinder is a grumpy Old man and that is what I like about him.  ;D ;D

You will also note that most of his harsh comment are challenges rather than put downs.


« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2007, 00:48 »
Rinder is a grumpy Old man and that is what I like about him.  ;D ;D

You will also note that most of his harsh comment are challenges rather than put downs.

Actually Im 22, I bought my first 5MP P&S 6 months ago and joined all the stock sites. I upload ducks, sunsets, Kiwi fruit, and maybe in a year when someone teachs me because Im to lazy,  I'll do isolations. I have no idea what im doing. I complain all the time and I whine constantly to reviewers about rejections. I join chat rooms to talk about crap I have no clue about to make myself feel good, and maybe put down people I dont know at all.
Signed.... The general submitter.

« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2007, 03:34 »
Rinder is a grumpy Old man and that is what I like about him.  ;D ;D

You will also note that most of his harsh comment are challenges rather than put downs.

Actually Im 22, I bought my first 5MP P&S 6 months ago and joined all the stock sites. I upload ducks, sunsets, Kiwi fruit, and maybe in a year when someone teachs me because Im to lazy,  I'll do isolations. I have no idea what im doing. I complain all the time and I whine constantly to reviewers about rejections. I join chat rooms to talk about crap I have no clue about to make myself feel good, and maybe put down people I dont know at all.
Signed.... The general submitter.



« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2007, 03:37 »
Rinder is a grumpy Old man and that is what I like about him.  ;D ;D

You will also note that most of his harsh comment are challenges rather than put downs.

Actually Im 22, I bought my first 5MP P&S 6 months ago and joined all the stock sites. I upload ducks, sunsets, Kiwi fruit, and maybe in a year when someone teachs me because Im to lazy,  I'll do isolations.

I always knew it! ;-)

« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2007, 03:59 »
This explains a lot.


« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2007, 05:07 »
I reread some of Rinders posts on different Forums and must say most of them are really wellbalanced and wise - so my apologies!
I must have read only the wrong ones over the several thousand which still  imho exist and have little bigmouth in it ;) - but in general he is a wise and helpful person - i have to agree - and say sorry for my earlier post!


« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2007, 08:51 »
Laurin does have some great advice to give but like any other conversation, forum, discussion, etc. you have to listen and filter through the B.S.

As far as I know (based on running into him at multiple sites) Laurin started microstock in the summer of 2005.  He's been through a lot of iterations of change over the past couple of years and more and more, I'm seeing some contradictions in what has been said.  As with all of us, we change over time, but Laurin is one who tends to be good at self-promotion - not because he's trying to brag, but because he's as opinionated as anyone else and because he isn't afraid to say it.

It seems that everytime someone challenges the decision for Laurin to enter microstock, he tends to hide behind the magazine article project.  The fact is, he learned this business just like anyone else and he's whined and complained about it just like everyone else.

I seem to remember a posting on the Gimmestock forum about them being "useless" and someone else making fun of Laurin's portfolio of flowers.  That forum is no longer there, but he was learning just like the rest of us.  The same posting appears (appeared) at other slow selling sites.

I remember Laurin pointedly remarking in multiple forums where people had found one of their images in use how they felt about making 25 (or 20) cents on that magazine ad (maybe it was research) but he sure raised all heck a week or so ago on a ton of forums when he found someone selling his image on Cafe Press - again, learning like the rest of us to read the TOS of the agencies you submit to.

I don't want to get into flaming other people, and believe me, Laurin is more helpful than most, but interpret advice like you would from anyone else.  There's more to just taking pictures in Microstock and like any other guy, he's going to give his opinion and share it based on his experience.

...and what's wrong with being an "old fart"?  >:(
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 09:42 by eendicott »

« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2007, 09:21 »
when i was in college for photography a few years back one of the most valuable lession i learned was how to take a CRUTIQUE .....i thought they were the meanest rudest instructors there is :)
laurin reminds me of one man the meanest of them all :) ...i learned and im sorry im still not in school to learn more!
when i think back.... im glad that man was so hard on me have to be in this business it opens your eyes in my opinion


« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2007, 11:32 »
yeah i can agree with that.  Having gone to art school as well, I got used to people saying i don't like this and that and that about my photos.  You learn how to take it, and learn from it where you can.

« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2007, 14:33 »
back to the orginal question....
does it really matter where or if he reviews for one of the sites?

for all we know Leaf could be a reviewer....
of maybe even eendicott......

what matters is selling the pictures and the more you shoot the more you learn and the more you upload to stock site the closer you get to figuring out what stock really is.....or at least what the sites will take.

I like to think of it this way:
Not all stock is art and not all art is stock ( With a fine art training i bend more towards fine art photography)

Above all Stock photography IS nameless. Most buyer dont care who took the shot, they dont care if it was Rinder, Leaf, me, or you, they just need the right shot for their current project.
Microstock and I dare say, All stock, is in the end, nothing more than clip art....

doesnt mean its not good photography, just nameless photography

« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2007, 17:18 »
back to the orginal question....
does it really matter where or if he reviews for one of the sites?

I must admit this thread got a bit out of control.  I thought it would be answered in one post and would then get buried.


  • tough men are pussys
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2007, 18:49 »
CJPhoto:  Ya gotta be jokin!

Everybody wants to be like the best, or better than the best.  The best photographer, the best designer, the best sailor ( I already got that one) , the best.....well, you name it.  And how do we do it?  by learning from the best and bringing our own "thing" to the party. 

So you thought this was going to be a short thread about one of the most talked about and copied artists in our group.......HAH!

« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2007, 01:49 »
CJPhoto:  Ya gotta be jokin!

 ... the best sailor ( I already got that one)  ...

Sorry. You ain't. I got THAT one   :)


« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2007, 01:56 »
I started in this with Flowers and landscapes. That was the Majority then. I saw a thrend of something else. I jumped on it. Did I complain about what we got Paid?? OH YA, BIG TIME AND I WILL CONTINUE.   For Me? well a little , For you  YES. Did I bitch at 3 rejections out of 1200? Big Time!! And So Should you If you think your Right. I take the time to know every owner of every site im on. I wanna know all the *crap. Do I post mean things?   Oh you bet, Sometimes I'll post something just for a reaction to get them to think. Works every time. Im a old Hippie guys, I dont trust the establishment and I dont back down. I'll tell ya what I think, always. Thats all I got. Oh, And do I self promote? Well, DUH!  It's my Business.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 02:10 by rinderart »

« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2007, 16:53 »
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 19:50 by tgt »


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