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Author Topic: Where does it make sense to advertise a stock portfolio in Internet?  (Read 4197 times)

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« on: September 20, 2022, 14:05 »
I have a lot of videos on stock sites. To increase sales, is it worth it to advertise a video somewhere on the Internet with a link to a stock portfolio?

« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2022, 14:14 »
I have a lot of videos on stock sites. To increase sales, is it worth it to advertise a video somewhere on the Internet with a link to a stock portfolio?
I think NO to much for You, but will work for stock sites for sure.

« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2022, 04:35 »
I have a lot of videos on stock sites. To increase sales, is it worth it to advertise a video somewhere on the Internet with a link to a stock portfolio?
I think NO to much for You, but will work for stock sites for sure.
And where? Pinterest?

« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2022, 08:01 »
I have a lot of videos on stock sites. To increase sales, is it worth it to advertise a video somewhere on the Internet with a link to a stock portfolio?

I don't think so, your efforts would be like a grain of sand on a beach compared to marketing that stock sites do on their own anyway. Also if you manage to get someone onto your portfolio, nothing warrants they'll stay there and not just click on similars and you just successfully marketed (wasted time and money) someone else's portfolio.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2022, 08:02 »
Only makes sense to advertise Print on Demand ports, imo

« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2022, 09:53 »
Only makes sense to advertise Print on Demand ports, imo
Why do you say that?

« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2022, 11:07 »
You will be wasting every penny of advertising if you did.

Your target audience would be a person or business which doesn't know about microstock, but that entity almost certainly has no requirement for it in their life if they haven't already used stock.

Plus anyone who doesn't know about microstock, probably doesn't know much about copyright and if they want a photo for their business or project they'll just use whatever comes from Google Images.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2022, 18:13 »
Only makes sense to advertise Print on Demand ports, imo
Why do you say that?

Steve Heap writes about this lots. I don't promote too much of my POD port as he does.


« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2022, 06:32 »
Only makes sense to advertise Print on Demand ports, imo
Why do you say that?

Steve Heap writes about this lots. I don't promote too much of my POD port as he does.

For a twitter, the #SpringForArt hash tag is recommended there. And now what is the actual hash tag and where is it written in them?

« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2022, 11:24 »
Steve Heap writes about this lots. I don't promote too much of my POD port as he does.

Hey Brasilnut thanks for that link, the guy has a load of informative stuff, especially on using social media, something I have wanted to do to promote my art but have no idea how, my attempt at blogging makes me feel like I'm talking to myself

« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2022, 03:46 »
Steve Heap writes about this lots. I don't promote too much of my POD port as he does.

Hey Brasilnut thanks for that link, the guy has a load of informative stuff, especially on using social media, something I have wanted to do to promote my art but have no idea how, my attempt at blogging makes me feel like I'm talking to myself
All ideas and steps write here.
I want to promote my video on stocks.

« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2022, 12:23 »
another useful twitter group is #BuyIntoArt . i've gone from 300 to 1700 followers in 2 month - aiming for 5000

if you follow @cascoly I'll follow back

« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2022, 04:30 »
another useful twitter group is #BuyIntoArt . i've gone from 300 to 1700 followers in 2 month - aiming for 5000

if you follow @cascoly I'll follow back
Has it increased your sales?
You write that #BuyIntoArt is a group. But I see on twitter that this is a hashtag that everyone adds. If this is also a group, give a link to it.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2022, 09:47 »
Only makes sense to advertise Print on Demand ports, imo
Why do you say that?

Steve Heap writes about this lots. I don't promote too much of my POD port as he does.


In the comments on his site, I just noticed this one:  https://geogalleries.com/

Just in case someone reading here is looking for another print service gallery. They look limited, in that they don't do all the assorted items, or maybe that's good, because the artist can select what you want to offer and the markup. There are some other of the usual POD items, but mostly prints and framing.

"Geo Galleries uses FinerWorks for order fulfillment."


another useful twitter group is #BuyIntoArt . i've gone from 300 to 1700 followers in 2 month - aiming for 5000

if you follow @cascoly I'll follow back
Has it increased your sales?
You write that #BuyIntoArt is a group. But I see on twitter that this is a hashtag that everyone adds.

Now that I look, some people post an image and then a dozen hashtags? Someone please explain how that adds value.

I found this, Pinterest, just looks like someone has piggybacked on the hashtag. I don't know...  https://www.pinterest.com/shellifitz1962/buy-into-art/

"A group board for the #BuyintoArt team of indie artists at Fine Art America and Pixels.com to share promotional pins of the amazing art they create and that can be yours when you make an investment and buy into art."

« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2022, 12:33 »
another useful twitter group is #BuyIntoArt . i've gone from 300 to 1700 followers in 2 month - aiming for 5000

if you follow @cascoly I'll follow back
Has it increased your sales?
You write that #BuyIntoArt is a group. But I see on twitter that this is a hashtag that everyone adds. If this is also a group, give a link to it.

it's also a group

« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2022, 13:29 »
another useful twitter group is #BuyIntoArt . i've gone from 300 to 1700 followers in 2 month - aiming for 5000

if you follow @cascoly I'll follow back
Has it increased your sales?
You write that #BuyIntoArt is a group. But I see on twitter that this is a hashtag that everyone adds. If this is also a group, give a link to it.

it's also a group
How can I find this group on Twitter?

« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2022, 13:51 »
#BuyIntoArt is now the main hashtag of that artists group. Before it was #GiftThemArt, actual also in use #FallForArt and the very first #BuyArtNotCandy.
The idea behind that came from Sharon, an artist on fineartamerica. There is a discussion thread, where the members discuss and exchange experiences about their social media use - most focused on Twitter, some on IG and Pinterest and even some on FB too.
I am also a member from the beginning: kall3bu @Kh527q
 We have now around 80 members, nearly 50 each day active.

If you want to promote your photography or artwork on your POD sites (not only FAA, Redbubble, etsy also ok), these member like following you and retweet your work, BUT ONLY IF YOU DO THE SAME FOR THEM!!!
Until now only a few just post their profile link and did not do anything. So, if you do not start following all 80 and retweet each of them as often as possible (most of them one or more per day), then nothing will happen for you. I UNfollow that kind of lazy people very fast, when they absolutely retweet nothing, but want only get from others. I also regularly check the members, if they are still active or not. If not, I remove them until they might come back again.
Stockphotos: SOMEtimes I included stockphotos, but then I rarely use that hashtag. (BTW: You should use the hashtag #BuyIntoArt and if you want actual plus #FallForArt, because many also just go through the posts with that hashtag to retweet. But they do it only for artists they know.)
Best would be to go to the discussion on FAA forum and tell them, you want to give it a try. If you then start retweeting them, they will start retweeting you, too. Same goes for following.

I tried it with tweets of my videos and stockphotos. On Pond5 indeed the visitors increased on that tweeted videos, but no sales yet.
And even my POD-Site photography: No sales yet (Well one on Redbubble a poster 2 days after I tweeted it). Sales are indeed low at this time on POD sites.
I just had to pay for another year for FAA, so i will keep on promoting another year heavyly. If these holidays brings no sales, I will stop everything. POD and stock.

« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2022, 20:11 »
How do you join a twitter group? I was thinking of signing up with twitter to promote my POD art but am totally clueless about social media

« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2022, 00:39 »
Again: It is not a Twitter group!
It is a group built outside of Twitter (most fineartamerica artists), but with the intention to promote and support each other on Twitter.
If you want to get a "group member" the easiest way is telling us in the FAA forum here:

And even if you are not on fineartamerica, you can do this on Twitter:
1. start retweeting all in the list I offer above.
2. follow all in the list
3. Use the hashtag #BuyIntoArt  (If you want also #FallForArt) in your tweets
4. If you are very serious, you CAN put the hashtag #BuyIntoArt also in your bio.

Then automatically they all will follow you back and retweet your tweets.

« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2022, 00:46 »
How do you join a twitter group? I was thinking of signing up with twitter to promote my POD art but am totally clueless about social media

If you are very new on Twitter:
Do NOT directly follow all!
Do NOT directly retweet all of them!

Do it with 5 each day first and then slowly increase following and retweeting!
Otherwise you might get suspended from twitter or get in Twitter jail.
I opened a new account some month ago and got suspended on the same day only because I followed 50 members and retweet one per member!

If you are on Twitter a longer time or/and have already many followers, then you can do more.
I have now 3800 followers and if splitted well, I can retweet around 600 tweets now. But following or UNfollow have limits - nobody knows exactly where the limit is and it differ.
I think following below 20 per day is okay, and UNfollow not more than 5 per day.

« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2022, 02:50 »
Again: It is not a Twitter group!
It is a group built outside of Twitter (most fineartamerica artists), but with the intention to promote and support each other on Twitter.
If you want to get a "group member" the easiest way is telling us in the FAA forum here:

And even if you are not on fineartamerica, you can do this on Twitter:
1. start retweeting all in the list I offer above.
2. follow all in the list
3. Use the hashtag #BuyIntoArt  (If you want also #FallForArt) in your tweets
4. If you are very serious, you CAN put the hashtag #BuyIntoArt also in your bio.

Then automatically they all will follow you back and retweet your tweets.
How will the use of your methodology lead to attracting buyers, for example, to my portfolio on the shutterstock website?
Retweets from each other's sellers, so what. Where are the buyers?

« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2022, 02:52 »
Where to find buyers on the Internet?
Maybe write letters to those who use a lot of stock video on YouTube for example. Or write to different TV channels and give a link to the portfolio.

« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2022, 06:20 »
Again: It is not a Twitter group!
It is a group built outside of Twitter (most fineartamerica artists), but with the intention to promote and support each other on Twitter.
If you want to get a "group member" the easiest way is telling us in the FAA forum here:

And even if you are not on fineartamerica, you can do this on Twitter:
1. start retweeting all in the list I offer above.
2. follow all in the list
3. Use the hashtag #BuyIntoArt  (If you want also #FallForArt) in your tweets
4. If you are very serious, you CAN put the hashtag #BuyIntoArt also in your bio.

Then automatically they all will follow you back and retweet your tweets.
How will the use of your methodology lead to attracting buyers, for example, to my portfolio on the shutterstock website?
Retweets from each other's sellers, so what. Where are the buyers?
When you read carefully, what I wrote above, then I think, it is more difficult to find buyers that way for stockphotos, even I saw some people trying this and they have a link to their portfolio on SS and others in their bio. Of course you can include a direct link to the image you tweet and hope, buyers see it and click on it. (You should do!)
But it makes more sense for photography you sell on POD sites.
I did not have any luck yet, but all needs pacience. It is a marathon!
I started in January this year to promote via that group and searching for others, who like retweeting my work. Yes, I got many more visitors on my galleries, but unfortunately no sales yet (with the one exception above).
But in that group ARE some selling even in this difficult time!
Exposer is all what counts!
For example:
A Twitter friend, who has 25.000 followers retweets your photography and he is following you, then your photography is seen by many many people! If the right person sees the right thing in the right moment, he might click on your link and buy.
Even I did not sell yet, I believe it works!
But to be honest: I invest so much time/effort last months that I really have to think again, if I did not sell anything until coming January.
Until now I cannot tell you exactly why nobody bought my printed photography yet.
Could be just the difficult time - Holidays are coming, so it will hopefully better.
Could be that my photography are just not what people searching for.
Getting 3800 new followers since January is not bad at all.
But IF I would not retweet others, I would still have maybe 500 followers!
To be honest: I hated and still hate social media for many reasons. But this is the only way for me now.
And for each person it might be totally different experiences.

« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2022, 15:07 »
Once someone on the forum wrote that advertising your video on YouTube, with a link to a portfolio on stocks, sometimes leads buyers to a portfolio. This is possible because there are a lot of people on YouTube who buy stock videos and then use them in their YouTube movies.
But, my attempts to post videos on YouTube do not have much success, because. YouTube doesn't like it much and doesn't promote my footage.


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